A/N: Finally! :) This chapter was interesting for me because I am tackling the same issue in 'Wet' as I have in this short story as to how much Regina truly 'knows' about the outside world and her innocence on certain matters. I've written about this subject in respect to my personal take on the matter in 'Wet', but this chapter follows the brief I was given for this particular prompt. On that note; I believe everyone has ideas/ kinks/ subjects they find a little tricky (blush-worthy) to write, and this is one of mine, so please be gentle with me! Hope you enjoy, and please review :)

"... What's this?"

The Queen inquires, arching an eyebrow in question as she turns to the blonde.


Cheeks already flushed from the heat and their recent activities bloom positively scarlet, and the Sheriff opens and closes her mouth a few times- floundering for a snide retort- before adopting an irritable scowl and clearing her throat.

"... Don't play cute... Y-you know what that is..."

Frowning, the brunette looks down at the curious item she holds in her hand and shakes her head. If she were to be entirely lenient with her comparison, she supposes the object she holds bears a faint likeness to some sort of wand; only thicker and carrying a most perplexing texture.

"I do not, dear... Should I?"

It's Emma's turn to frown; unsure exactly how to answer that question.

"Well... No, but..."

She trails off into an awkward silence, and Regina looks back down at her find with greater curiosity; the clear embarrassment the Sheriff is having little luck in disguising brings her to the conclusion that what she holds is either something of a debauched nature, or illegal.

The way in which the younger woman bites her lip leads her to dismiss the latter option.

"Tell me."

But when Emma seems to break out of her awkward silence she proceeds to simply growl back irritably.

"Just put it back, Regina."

The darker woman doesn't miss the way green eyes flicker repeatedly down to the generous amount of flesh she has on display.

She does no such thing.

Instead, she turns the item over in her hand and examines it with greater interest, coming across a couple of buttons at its base that she runs her finger over pensively. Glancing up at the blonde, she depresses one slowly, emitting a small sound of shock when her find begins to vibrate gently in her palm.

Emma lowers her face down onto her knees and groans.

"Please stop..."

But the open curiosity that alights perfect features speaks of little malice, and when the Sheriff finally forces herself to look back up, she regards the brunette with growing intrigue as Regina continues to study the vibrator in her hands.

She is mortified at the Queen's discovery, but then nothing about the time the two of them have spent up here in the attic has been entirely in what she would call her 'comfort zone'. Ordinarily, she would push herself to her feet and march right on up to the darker woman and give her a piece of her mind for her current behaviour... Sure, this has yet to happen in the way that had been a frequent occurrence back in the old days before witnessing the brunette's magic, but it is a learned habit, and she is not a woman to appreciate being made to feel the fool.

The fact that she sits with her sex so crudely exposed keeps her from doing so.

That, and the tantalising curve of slim hips and full breasts, and she frowns warily when she comes to the slow realisation that the darker part of her psyche longs to know just what treasures lie beneath the Mayor's remaining attire.

Don't play with fire, Swan...

Excellent advice, but since when has she been one to take it?

Unlike so many of her previous sexual partners who had seemed happy to roll over and call it a night once their pleasure had been sated, the blonde herself has always been somewhat of a fiend once the fire has been lit. As such, the fact that her legs still ache slightly and her current apprehension towards having the Queen seeing her in such a state and stumbling upon her secrets, doesn't deter the dangerous shroud of new arousal that endeavours to cloak her better judgement.

Just like the brunette, the Sheriff would be lying if she claimed she has harboured no attraction to the older woman during her time in their strange, little town. However, being slightly more awkward in herself, she has never succeeded in arranging her thoughts of desire quite so eloquently so as to allow her to understand just what some of the pent up frustration she feels when in the Mayor's presence might be blamed upon, but she will not deny the darker woman her- almost unholy- sex appeal.

For she is truly beautiful.

In general, looks are not something over which the blonde tends to get jealous, as aesthetics are simply a birth right, and she is very much someone to believe that what is worth having must be earned...

But she will admit that the Mayor's beauty can be a little intimidating at times.

Not out loud though, of course...

Intimidating, yes, but right now such navel-gazing is obsolete, as right now there is nothing but the simple lust that toys with her as she looks up at the darker woman, and she will suppose later that it is for this reason she ends up acting in a way much bolder than she is want to do in a situation in which she lacks the upper hand.

We'll just see about that.

Pushing herself up, she catches glittering dark coals as they flicker towards her at the movement.

She tosses her hair back; hands on hips.

Regina narrows her eyes curiously as she understands that there has just been a profound shift in their current little game.

"What is this, Sheriff?"

Words sweet like syrup, dripping off of her tongue as she runs a hand through her own glossy locks and silently challenges the younger woman on whether she is up to the task of playing.

"...Let me show you..."

And with that the blonde stalks towards the Queen with a determined smirk; causing the brunette to swallow as she watches Emma proceed to pull an old throw from the box in which she'd been rummaging when the Mayor had crested the ladder, before allowing cream fabric to billow out onto the floor.

"Lie down."

Regina frowns; not one to take orders.

No... Not ordinarily, but with the incessant hum of the strange object in her hand and the debauched wetness between her legs coupled with the way Emma's dress remains crumpled up awkwardly to show an obscenely delectable amount of thigh, she merely proceeds to raise an eyebrow; making her way gracefully to the throw- inwardly ever so slightly surprised at the Sheriff's consideration in using the soft fabric at all- and lowering herself down so that she sits primly with her legs together.

"All the way down."

A harder edge to the blonde's husky tone, and the Mayor recognises Emma's words for an order, rather than a request.

"Try 'please', perhaps?"

Regina sniffs irritably, but she does as she's told; dark tresses fanning out around her face in a most attractive manner.

In all honesty, she believes she would do almost anything the Sheriff requested just now; the sexual tension still so thick in the air between them- instilling within her the urge to move her hips to allow a little friction and relief as her need thrums desperately- but she keeps her composure with practised ease.

An amused flicker of pink velvet before the younger woman drops down to straddle her does little to help the situation.

Pale lips find hers, and she is surprised and unbelievably aroused by the heated passion the blonde bestows on her. Dropping the quivering object she has kept clasped in her palm to the side, she runs her fingers through deliciously thick tresses as she responds readily to the younger woman's sordid affections.

Emma eventually moves so that she kneels between slender legs, and wandering fingers deftly find the zip that lines the side of the Mayor's skirt; Regina lifting her hips slightly to allow the heavy material to be pulled from beneath her.

Ruined underwear is disposed of in the same swift move.

"Is this what you'd imagined?..."

That low sultry drawl, and the brunette growls at the Sheriff's teasing. Smirking in response, Emma lowers herself back down onto the darker woman's svelte frame and regards her wickedly; thoroughly enjoying the fact that she seems to be somewhat in control of the situation... For once.

Well, it's about time! I-

"-Take off the dress..."

She sighs, realising that there will never exist a scenario in which Regina desists from trying to order her around, but she complies anyway; sitting up and pulling gray cotton swiftly over her head to leave her in just green lace.

Well.. We're even... I guess that's something at least...

A consoling thought, until the brunette pushes herself up onto her elbows and reaches around to unhook the younger woman's bra with alarming ease.

Dark eyes drink in pale muscle with little pretence, and Emma moves back between parted legs swiftly; adamant in regaining her control.

Ducking her head with sinful purpose, she glances up at the Mayor just once, before putting her tongue to good use; her evident skill in the act solving several of Regina's previous questions.

Soft thighs tremble and part a little more as dark eyes dart down to the curious object that lies beside them.

The Sheriff catches the direction of the Queen's attention and follows suit with a slow smile.

Resting on her stomach and propping herself up on her elbows, Emma reaches for the vibrator silently; her eyes catching the brunette's and imprisoning her as she does so.

Locked within the blonde's lustful gaze, Regina jerks as something foreign and hard brushes purposefully down the length of her sex.

Sharp white teeth flash maliciously, before the Sheriff lowers her attention once more to forbidden flesh; tasting the Queen and applying pressure where she is most sensitive as she gently slides slick silicon into place and delights in the small moan this garners her.

"... I... I see the appeal..."

The Queen mutters softly as the blonde's tongue continues to tease her and the delectable item she had so fortuitously stumbled upon slowly fucks her at the command of an expert hand.

Smirking against glistening flesh, Emma depresses one of the buttons at the end of the toy to elicit a cry of surprised pleasure as the vibrator springs once more to life.

"Oh... Oh my..."

Able to move the generous toy with luxurious ease, the Sheriff can't help but feel ever so slightly pleased with herself as she is provided unequivocal evidence as to Regina's true opinion of her... Sure, they may never be friends, but it is hard not to find a small amount of delight in knowing that she has worked the Mayor up into the state she's currently in.

Slim hips begin to rock to meet slow thrusts.

Pressing the same button again, the younger woman watches the Queen with intrigue; the darker woman pulling down the delicate cups of her satin bra to access perfect flesh as she begins to emit small noises of pleasure from between wantonly parted lips.

Offering one last gentle nip at sensitive flesh, the blonde promptly changes tactic; removing the toy in favour of her fingers and pressing the vibrator to the Mayor's clit as she moves up to trail her tongue between the valley of her breasts.

A low cry and an uncontrollable shudder as the brunette comes swiftly undone; writhing as Emma deftly swallows her audible pleasure and the Sheriff keeps the humming silicon cruelly in place between them.

"I... Emma... No... I"

Chocolate locks whip tantalisingly as she breaks their kiss; eyes closed and breathing ragged.

"Are you enjoying the lesson?"

Contrarily innocent, and the brunette snarls; unable to keep herself from moving as Emma continues to hold her at her mercy, but not liking the younger woman's smugness one bit.

I preferred you shaking and begging...

"I guess you could say this my own little form of magic..."

Pretty, white teeth bare in a self-assured smile before grazing her collarbone, and the Mayor gathers enough strength to push Emma to the side and cease the intolerable pleasure threatening to drive her insane.

"... Learnt your lesson?"

The Sheriff raises an eyebrow playfully, and the Queen decides enough is enough. Offering up her own small smirk as she struggles to regain some form of a regular heartbeat, she gives herself a moment's recovery before fixing the Sheriff with a penetrating stare and accessing her power.

Green eyes shoot from sated half-mast to wide-open shock as the younger woman emits an unguarded yelp of surprise.

Regina's smirk widens as slim thighs clench tellingly together and the blonde's breathing becomes suddenly laboured.

"Magic, dear?"

Showing no mercy, she unleashes the full extent of her power; watching with sordid interest as the Sheriff falls back onto the floor and moves her hand down between clamped legs as though to protect herself from the ecstasy being brutally enforced upon her.

Sharp teeth clamp over a soft bottom lip, and the blonde begins to shudder, much as the brunette had done before her.

The Queen waits... Watching as she counts the third, then the forth time the Sheriff is forced over the edge; the younger woman thrashing as she tries to form a coherent sentence.

"Reg-... Stop... P-please!"

Smiling, the Mayor complies; eyes glittering victoriously as she studies the blonde sprawled out and useless as she basks in the afterglow of her pleasure.

"... Learnt your lesson, Miss Swan?"