Hia, guys. Thanks for all the reviews, favrouites and all the poeple that are now following the story, I love you. I am so, so, so sorry for such the long wait for theis chapter, I hope you all enjoy xxxx

Rose's POV

Edward? Why would she want to know about Edward.

"What?!" I heard Emmett say from upstairs.

"We're actually not that close." I told her truly.

"Um, ok then." She took a deep breath and her next word were a blur. "In school today Edward dragged me outside and he threatened me to tell everyone we were dating. He threatened my family and I've got bruise's on my arms." It all came out so fast she had barely paused for breath.

Before I could answer I heard Jasper growl from upstairs, "I'm going to rip his head off!" the same time Emmett said, "He's sooo dead!"

"What?" I asked bearly understanding what she had said. "He threatened you?"

She nodded slowely as if she wasn't sure telling me the truth was a good idea but I was so glad that she had told me the truth because now even Carlisle had to help me kill him.

"Come on." I said and grabbed her hand. I lead her away from the house and to my car.

"Where are we going?" She asked in a small voice.

"I'm taking you home. " I told her with a sad smile. "I doubt you want to be anywhere near Edward now. Plus I'll have to talk to him."

"You mean kill him." She said with a small smile.

I smiled at her and said, "Of course."

The rest of the drive to her house was pleasently quiet. I dropped her off quickly and we said our good byes. I then sped off back to my home. I just hope they haven't killed hime yet . . .

Bella's POV

The next morning Rose wasn't waiting for me when I got outside so I decided to drive my poor battered truck. We finally made it to school and by that time it had started to rain so I was extremely glad that I had remembered to bring my coat. I stepped outside my truck and then looked around for Rose or her family. And I spotted them all the way on the otherside of the parking lot. Rose turned as if she had sensed my gaze and then she smiled at me when her eyes met mine. A warm sensation spread through my chest and, again, it was like I had been missing a piece of myself without realising it and I had now found that piece.

I smiled back at her and then walked over to her. It was then that I realised that Edward wasn't here.

Once I reached them all I raised my eyebrows and asked, "Did one of you put him in hospital or something?"

They all burst out laughing and I felt as if they were laughing at some inside joke.

After a few more seconds and Jasper was the first one to calm down, "No, nothing like that. It's just - the memory of Edwards face afer he had a talking to from Rose and Carlisle is hirlerious."

"Oh, ok then."

I guess it didn't really sound like I believed them because Emmett burst out laughing again just as he was about to calm down.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he grabbed onto the side of his truck for support as he started losing his breath. It looked like he was about to cry. I turned to look at Rose now and I saw her looking at Emmett with a fond smile. It must have been nice to have so many siblings. I had always wanted a big sister, someone who could protect me.

I snapped out of my thoughts with a quick shake of my head. Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the school. "So . . ?"

She gave me a look, "'So . . ?' what?"

"What did you say to Edward?" I asked.

Rose gave me a love filled smile which made me grin at her like an idiot.

Rose's POV

I grabbed Bella's hand and steered her towards the school. We had only walked a few paces before Bella asked the question I was waiting, "So . . ?"

Well, the question had a few less words than I thought it would have had. I decided to play dumb.

"'So . . ?' what?"

She got an impatient look and huffed. "What did you say to Edward?"

I gave her a bright smile and she smiled back. I thought back to what had happened last night . . .

I was pacing outside the house after dropping Bella at her house. I was waiting for Edward and everyone else was waiting outside as well. Jasper and Emmett had already made bets on if there was going to be a fight and who would win. Esme looked like she wanted to cry, Carlisle was frowning and deep in thought and Alice was looking into the futur.

I heard a branch snap and my head shot in that direction. As soon as I saw Edward step out of the woods I growled and crouched down, getting ready to pounce.

Edward sighed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and leaned against one of the trees. "Please stop being so dramatic, Rose. I didn't touch Bella let alone hurt her she was probably making it all up."

I hissed at that and heard that I wasn't the only one. He had a dangerous glint in his eyes and I could see his lips twitch.

"Why that hell would Bella lie about something like that?" I snarled.

He shrugged casually and said, "I don't know. Maybe she was looking for attention?"

I growled again. "You make her seem like just another petty human."

Edward rolled his eyes again. "She is."

I growled and pounced at him.

I smiled as I remembered his screams as he tried to fix his arm back on with help from Carlisle. Oh, that had been fun.

"We just had a nice discussion and setteled it like ladies and gentlemen." I told her with a smirk. She laughed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm totally going to believe that."

Ok my dear readers, I need your opinion on which story you would most likely read:

This is the story of Elena's twin sister, Melody. Melody is best friends with all the rejects including Vicki, Damon, Stefan, Lexi, Katherine and Klaus. That's because Melody is extremely different to everyone else - she's a mute. But not everyone needs to use their voice to make friends and eventually fall in love. Warning: not for Elena lovers. Eventual Elijah/OC


Ryan Swan is Bella Swan's twin sister, non-identical in more than looks. Ryan is sarky, out-going and hates the red truck with a passion. She's the badder twin but doesn't mind. And she's certainly happy that Bella convinced her to go to Forks when she realizes that there is a cute boy a with southern accent waiting there. Alice is paired with someone else. Edward/Bella, Jasper/OC