They crouched at the window of the house, watching as Arabella entered through the kitchen door. She quietly exchanged a few words with the women in the kitchen after fanatically shushing them so she wouldn't be given away. They told her Allan had come through a little while ago, but they let him go through-anything her husband got he deserved they said.

"Come on then." She whispered through the window, allowing the gang to enter through the back door. She picked up a tankard of ale, walking through the house. Will walked close beside her, followed by Robin, Much, Tuck and finally John. She lead them into the heart of the house where they had rescued her from not that many days ago. Allan was stood in a corner of the room, unseen by Gavin on Loxely who sat in front of the fire. Allan began to creep up behind the unsuspecting Gavin, dagger in hand. Arabella stopped just inside of the doorway. She pointed to Allan, allowing John to get to him and silently restrain him. Will put his hand on Arabella's shoulder. She turned to look at him for a second, smiling for a moment.

Calmly she walked across the room. Gavin of Loxely sat in a wooden chair in front of a roaring fire. He had his elbow on his knee, his head in his hand. She put a hand on the back of the chair, holding the tankard of ale in front of his face. He jumped up out of his seat, causing her to jump back taking another two steps on top of that. For a minute they stared at each other, before she walked over to place the tankard on the table. As the tankard hit the table he grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him.

"Where did you go?" He asked, looking at her as if for the first time. He took her hand. "I thought you'd run of and left me." She shook her arm free.

"I did run off and leave you. My brother and his gang had to rescue me from you. I was forced to stay perfectly still for days in order to heal." She pulled her hand from his, looking over to the gang. Gavin leaned against the table.

"You ran off and left me? So what are you doing here then? Why come back ?" He picked up the ale, taking a swig.

"My brother here came to kill you." She nodded to Allan "We came here to stop him." Gavin looked over at the gang, Allan was still being restrained by John.

"Why not just let him kill me?" He shouted at her out of no-where, even though he was stood right next to her. She cowered back, Allan fighting John to get across the room. Gavin looked over.

"No. That would be to easy, wouldn't it?" Robin said, stepping forward. "No. The way we see it, you've made her suffer. There's some suffering your going to have to endure." Gavin smiled.

'The grate Robin Hood resorting to torture is he?" He looked back to his wife for a second.

"Oh, there's more than one way to make someone suffer." Robin smiled back.

Gavin stepped up to his wife, taking her chin in his hand ignoring the gang there. He lifted it up slightly, forcing her to look upwards at him.

"You should have let him kill me." He grinned, he had a dagger at Arabella's waist. Without hesitation she had a dagger of her own out.

The gang rushed forward. Gavin was staggering back, clutching his abdomen. Arabella stood with the dagger in her hands. Her hands were covered in blood, she stood in shock not moving. There was a look of terror in her eyes. Will gently eased the dagger from her hands, throwing it on the floor. The gang all looked down on Gavin as he lay on the floor bleeding. Tuck quickly produced a piece of fabric from a pocket on his belt, cleaning her hands of some of the blood.

"Leave." She said quietly. The gang all exchanged looks, none of them moving. "Leave!" She said, louder this time still not shouting. Robin looked at the rest of the gang.

"Lets go." He said quietly. Allan looked up at him like he had just punched him flat in the face. Tuck placed a hand on to Allans back. They silently left the room, one by one, exiting to the kitchen. Will hung behind, staying at the door for a moment looking back at her. She smiled at him encouragingly, with kindness in her eyes despite what she had done.

Arabella knelt down next to Gavin. He looked up at her.

"I get to take the easy way out." He grinned at her. She smiled sweetly back. She placed a hand on his abdomen where the deep wound was, the one that was currently killing him.

"You might get to take the easy way out, but you will feel my pain." She placed pressure on the wound causing pain to shoot through his body. He cried out, not expecting her to treat him as such. As the pain left him he looked back up at her, grinning lifting his head from the floor.

"My pain is brief compared to your long suffering." He dropped his head back down with a thump. "You stayed. You ran away for short amounts of time. You came running back." He raised his voice to a shout. "You wanted to suffer for your brother! The man you now trust that left you alone! I saved you!" He cried out in pain as she pressed into his wound. Allan burst into the room, Robin following close behind him. Allan ran across the room, always one step ahead of Robin.

"HOW DARE YOU" Allan shouted, punching Gavin in the face. Robin pulled Allan of Gavin, having to throw him across the room.

Arabella knelt over Gavin. Blood began to trickle from his mouth as it formed a smug grin.

"Easy way out." He managed to say. Arabella knelt for a moment, before standing up.

"Tuck?" She called as Allan picked himself up off the floor. Robin looked around the room, looking for hints of gold. Tuck walked in softly, kneeling next to Gavin's body. "Pray for him, if you please Tuck. Pray his soul does not enter the deepest depths of hell." She stood up. "This way."

When they left the house, Arabella had collected some clothes and gold leaving much for the servants of the house. She separated from the group close to the camp, heading to the large pond that she washed in. She sat by the shimmering water for a few seconds, watching the rippling waters. Eventually she washed the blood from her hands. She didn't think about the amount of time she spent there. Her mind was surprisingly empty, as she watched the blood run through the clear water.

Emotions flooded through her suddenly, forceful tears pushed into her eyes flowing down her face suddenly. She pulled her knees up to her chest resting her face on her knee as she cried. A gentle shuffling sound began next to her, arms wrapped around her shoulders pulling her in to a hug. She expected to see the face of her brother or Allan. Instead when she looked she saw the thin face and black hair of Will Scarlett. With him she felt safe, like she couldn't be harmed any more. "Im sorry. So sorry" He whispered repeatedly to her. "I should have saved you in Allan's place."