The Battlefield

"Alright men, the enemy will be on us in less than an hour, so we better be ready when they do. I want you to pair up and get into positions. Remember you're fighting for the man next to you. Now go make your country proud."

After the commanding officer Hakoda was finished speaking the men filed out of the bunker grabbing their weapons.

Aang's heart was pounding. He hated this war. He hated having to fight. Two years of fighting and each time it never got any easier. Being on the battlefield was nerve wracking.

He started out the doors when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around: Sokka.

"Don't worry," Sokka said trying to reassure him but with obvious tremor in his voice, "We'll be fine."

All Aang could do was nod.

"I should hope you two will be more than fine." They turned around to see Hakoda walking towards them. He checked to make sure they were the only ones there before pulling them both into a hug.

"Son, I am so proud of the man you have become," he said to Sokka who gave him a grateful smile. It wasn't often they got to drop the formalities and act as father and son." Thanks dad."

Hakoda turned to Aang. "Aang, you've been like a son to me since boot camp. I know you two have what it takes to make it out there."

Aang smile and nodded.

"Now," Hakoda said as the sound of gunfire rang out, "get out there and watch each others backs." And with that they all left the safety of the bunker.

The battlefield was worse than Aang could have ever imagined. He hadn't wanted to go to war but he had had no choice. The sight of his wounded and dead comrades around him brought back memories of his parent's murder and made him feel sick, and the gun shots ringing in his ears wasn't helping.

He wasn't cut out for this he hated the idea of killing someone, even when he ran over a squirrel with his car he had to stop and bury it, so killing another human being was eating away at his conscience. He tried not to focus on it, and each time he fired his weapon he fought no to look away.

He looked at Sokka who was carefully aiming his weapon again. How can he do this without a second thought. Then again Sokka and his dad used to go hunting all the time so it wasn't as hard for him.

Aang shot another round before he and Sokka moved to another position. Aang felt the wind off a round as it whizzed past them. "Whoa, that was too close."

Just then time slowed down as Aang saw an enemy soldier aim right at Sokka. Aang's body went into autopilot as he dropped his gun and attempted to push Sokka out of the way. The bullet whizzed past grazing Aang's back. He felt as it scrapped and ripped the skin from his body.

If he hadn't gotten in the way it would have pierced Sokka in the heart. They toppled over Aang grunting and reaching back to feel his back coated in blood. Sokka rolled him over.


Sokka slowly peeled Aang's shirt off. Aang hissing as his skin was pulled apart. Sokka looked at Aang's back, there was a giant gash. His skin was shredded around the edges and blood was everywhere.

"Oh man, this is bad."

Sokka pulled Aang up and wrapped Aang's arm around his shoulders while wrapping his own arm around Aang's waist.

"Cover us, I gotta get Aang to safety!" He shouted to his fellow soldiers.

Aang felt the searing pain ripping through his back. He tried to focus on his feet but everything was getting fuzzy. There was a raring noise in his head and he barely heard Sokka say, "Just stay with me buddy. We're almost there. Aang? Aang?!" then everything went black.

Aang slumped in Sokka's arms. He looked up to see his dad running for them.

"Sokka what happened?"

"He pushed me out of the way but got grazed himself. It's pretty deep."

"Let's get him into the medical tent."

They laid him o his stomach and the doctors began examining him.

Sokka and Hakoda stepped aside to get out of the way.

"I thought I told you to watch each others backs."

Sokka gave a slight smirk.

'Well at least on e of you listened," he said gesturing to Aang.

"If is wasn't for him you probably wouldn't be here anymore.'

"Yeah, he saved my life."

Hakoda thought for a moment. He looked down at Aang's form on the bed. He had been so afraid of war. He had told them about the orphanage ofter his parents' murder. He had been abused by the owner, beaten relentlessly and passed from one foster family to another. He was a great kid but he never quite fit in. At sixteen, the owner of the orphanage sent him to boot camp to "get rid of the waste of space." He had been through a lot in his nineteen years.

Hakoda looked up as the doctor spoke.

"He'll be fine but it will take a few weeks for him to heal."

"Doctor, I think Private Tempest has suffered enough. He saved my son and has gone against his conscience to fight in this war, I think two years is long enough. Prepare a chopper, we're sending this soldier home."

The doctor nodded.

"But dad, I mean Commander, he doesn't have a home." Sokka stated sad that his best friend who was like a brother to him was leaving.

"Don't worry son," he said with a wink, "I'll take care of everything."

Katara sat at home flipping through a magazine of random stuff. Her fingers stopped on a page with some dog tags that could be personalized.

She sighed. It had been two years since she had seen her brother and father. She wiped a tear from her eye. She had been living with Gran-Gran since they left, her mother having been killed by a drunk driver when she was eight, and a few months ago Gran-Gran had died. Katara had fallen into a deep depression. Why did everyone she care about have to be taken from her. Just then her computer beeped alerting her someone wanted to chat on Skype. She squealed, she knew it was her father.

"Hi, daddy!" she exclaimed.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you?"

"Better now that you're here," she stated. "How's Sokka?"

"Well your brother was almost hit a few weeks ago."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"You know I have a limited time to be able to talk to you."

"Yeah, I guess. So he's OK?" she said with worry in her voice.

"Yes, he's fine. Aang shoved him out of the way."

Aang. It wasn't the first time she had heard about him. Her brother's best friend in the army. Her father had told her about him in letters. She knew he had to be great from the way he and Sokka praised him. But now he was a hero. He saved her brother.

"Aang saved him?"

"Yes, but he was grazed with the bullet himself. I;m sending him back to the states."

"Is he OK?"

"Yes, but he still needs a little more time to heal."

"Wait, I thought he didn't have a home?"

"You know I've told you that I consider him like a son..."

"Where are you going with this?"

The sound of gunshots, yells and helicopter propellers all blended together until all that he heard was steady beeping. A heart monitor. He tried to open his eye but his vision as fuzzy and the lights were blinding.

"I think he's waking up." It was Sokka.

"Aang?" he heard Hakoda say.

He managed to pry his eyes open. He was in a hospital room. He looked around and saw Hakoda and Sokka approach the bed. He gave a weak smile and tried to sit up. A sharp pain shot through his back and he laid back down.

"How're you feeling, son?" Hakoda asked.

"Well, I've been better."

"He's fine." Sokka said with a smile.

"Thanks for the support," Aang said sarcastically.


They laughed until Aang winced form the pain.

"So, how'd we do?" he asked.

"Well, it could've been a lot worse." Hakoda states. "We could've lost Sokka."

He put his hand on Sokka's shoulder.

"Thanks for saving my life, Aang." Sokka stated solemnly.

"Hey, that's what brothers are for." They grasped forearms both grinning.

"How long 'til I'm back in the field?" Aang asked turning to Hakoda.

"Actually Aang, I'm pulling you out. You've been through enough."

Aang stared at him. "What?"

"After everything you've been through you deserve a little peace."

"No. I can't just leave. These men need me. I won't turn my back on them. I won't just sit back and do nothing just because I got grazed by a bullet."

"Aang, I admire your dedication but you're done fighting."


"Doctor's orders." They all turned to see the doctor enter the room. "Well, you seem to be healing well. What level is your pain?"

"2." he stated quickly looking away.

"Aang." Sokka scolded. He knew Aang hated admitting how bad off he really was.

Aang grimaced. "4."

"Alright. I'll get you some medication and in a couple of days you can go home."

He walked out of the room.

"Home?" Aang stated with a hollow voice. He stared blankly at the wall. He knew he couldn't go back to the orphanage but he had no where else to go.

"Don't worry, Aang." Aang looked up.

"You're not gonna be alone anymore." Hakoda said reassuringly.


"My home is your home."

Aang smiled gratitude in his eyes, "Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. But," his smile faded, "don't you two have to stay in the field. I'll still be alone."

"No you won't you'll have Katara to keep you company." Sokka stated.

"Katara?" Aang said his voice cracking.

Hakoda had talked about her. He had even showed Aang a picture. Katara was the most beautiful girl Aang had ever seen. He was excited to finally get to meet her.

He shyly looked away. "Oh," he said clearing his throat,"that's great."

"Don't worry. I know she'll like you, and I have a feeling you'll like her too." Hakoda said.

Aang cheeks were burning.

"I hope so."

"And she's in nursing so she can help you to continue healing." Sokka added.

"Are you sure about this. I don't want to be a burden."

"Aang, you could never be a burden, besides Katara has been really lonely sine my mother passed." Hakoda paused for a moment, "this could be exactly what both of you need."

Aang was still unsure but he gave them both a smile.

Finally having a place to call home, that was music to Aang's ears. He was ready to leave turmoil and hardship. He was ready for a new beginnning.