We All Live In A Yellow Submarine

by ChemicalKlarolineDrug

The clouds were just turning black when Caroline's small head broke through the waves of the ocean. She gasped madly, not necessarily for air, but more because she was relieved. Although the thought of Klaus swimming after her, grabbing her leg, and pulling her down kept lingering in the back of her mind, Caroline knew that she was safe. At least for now.

Tears fell freely from her eyes, adding to the already-salty waters. The emotions that she had kept bottled up were exploding all at once, causing her to sob uncontrollably. Yes, she was free, but Caroline knew that this happiness wouldn't last long, for it wouldn't make any of her other worries and pains - the deaths of her colleagues - disappear.

She continued to cry, nonetheless, even after getting to land. People stared at the mysterious girl curiously, as she wordlessly slumped her way to the nearest motel. But Caroline couldn't care any less. Let them stare - I'm getting out of here tomorrow, anyways, she thought.

Caroline didn't sleep soundly that night. She kept waking up in short intervals, sweating madly and gulping for air. Eventually, she was kicked out by the manager after receiving so many complaints.

"Caroline, woah, slow down. What are you even saying?" was the first thing Bonnie and Elena said.

"I don't understand - I mean, what the hell?"

"What part of the story did you not understand?" Caroline snapped, only to apologize immediately. She couldn't be mad - or sensitive, for that matter. Not now. She desperately needed the help of her friends.

"The part where you said every single person aboard the submarine died. How can that even happen? I mean, like, then how did you survive?" Elena said.

"Guys, please don't make me repeat this story because it freaking hurts. Oh, my gosh, I can see it again…oh, gosh, please just stop it!"

"Look, Blondie," another voice - Damon's - said from the corner, "we get that you're traumatized because of what you saw and went through, that you're psychologically scarred and everything, but you're going to have to retell this story at least a hundred more times."

"And why does she have to do that?" said Bonnie.

"Probably because I called the police?"

As if on cue, there was a loud slam followed by rapid, heavy footsteps pounding on the floorboards. They all stared at Damon, who merely shrugged and smiled sleazily, in disbelief. Caroline felt an ineffable rage soar throughout her entire body, and lunged forward, her hands outstretched in front of her. She missed and dropped to the side, rolling onto the ground in a shape of a ball.

"Care, what the hell are you doing?" she heard Elena screech.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry…I don't deserve any of this. You guys don't deserve any of this."

The floor flung open and the group was blinded by the hundreds of bright flashlights.

"Stop moving and get down on the floor! This is the police."

From the corner of her tear eyes, Caroline saw her friends getting to their knees. She, on the other hand, remained in her curled position. It was all over. All over.

"Where's Caroline?"

One of the police officers shone his flashlight directly onto her face, causing Carolien to wince in uncomfortable pain.

"I recognize you…you're Liz's daughter, aren't you?"

She nodded.

"Caroline Forbes! Shoulda known it was you. Your name's all over the news."

"It is?"

"Are you mad? Of course it is! You really thought you could get away with mass murder?"

"I am not a murderer!" she screamed desperately. Her voice echoed in the almost empty room.

"Then what happened in the submarine? How are you going to explain all the deaths?" a calm voice replied. Caroline looked up, but no one was there. "Speak."

"There…there was a man," she hesitated. No one was going to believe her if she said that a mythical supernatural 1000-year-old Original hybrid woke up from a black coffin and drank everyone's blood. Heck, even she couldn't believe her own story.

"Go on," the voice ordered.

She closed her eyes and continued, "his name was Klaus. We - the people that were in the submarine - were supposed to be looking for something. It was an extraordinary coffin of some sort…it was odd and so…so dark yet magical."

"Please stick to your story, Ms. Forbes."

"Oh, right. Sorry. When we opened the coffin, Klaus was inside. But he wasn't dead. Don't ask me how this is even possible, because I have no freaking clue. I know I sound extremely crazy right now, but you really, really have to believe me."

"Don't stop your story," the voice said sharply.

And that was exactly what Caroline did. Instead of lying and making up a more legitimate story, she told the truth. She described how three people had approached her and told her about the Originals; she described how Randy, despite her orders, ripped the dagger out, unleashing the hybrid; she described how everyone was dead in a matter of minutes…

She was about to continue her story and talk about how Klaus kept her alive in order to fulfill his orders when she noticed that the voice wasn't paying attention to her anymore. Caroline could hear people whispering lowly in the background. She should've known.

"She's mentally ill, I tell you."

"I agree. We don't even need to have that trial they're been talking about."

"Yes, yes, that'll just be a waste of time. She's clearly wrong in the head."

"I want a lawyer," she interrupted, silencing the room.

"Do you realize that it won't make a difference, Ms. Forbes?"

"I don't care. I have the rights to call for a lawyer," she said. However, deep inside, Caroline knew that her battle was lost.

Caroline stared at the dull, grey ceiling, her eyes unsmiling.

One sheep.

Two sheep.

Three sheep

Four sheep-

why in the world was she counting sheep?

Caroline sat up from the bed and turned her head so that she was facing the empty room. Everything was so painfully dreary and blunt that it made her want to cry. She was already depressed (actually, the word 'depressing' wasn't depressing enough to describe how she was feeling) because of all that was happening, but now this?

"Your interior designer SUCKS," she said aloud to no one in particular.

Nothing replied.

She let out a scream of frustration and agony. Big mistake. That, unfortunately for her, acted as an alarm, sending a nurse to dash into the room. A young, innocent looking woman dressed in white barged in, her face bewildered.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Forbes?"

"No, nothing is alright. Do I look like I'm alright? Everyone I worked with and knew are dead, my whole life and career are down the toilet, my friends and family have turned their backs on me, a psychotic - and most likely furious - powerful hybrid is after me, and I'm stuck in a mental hospital in the middle of nowhere…and I'm not even crazy! So tell me, Nurse Mandy," she said, reading the poor trembling woman's name tag, "does it seem like everything is alright?"

"No, Miss, but I can call your doctor for you, if you'd like."

"I don't need a freaking doctor. Were you even listening to what I was saying-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence. She was crazy. What in the world was happening to her? Caroline was indeed turning insane.

Nurse Mandy looked at her, puzzled.

"You know what? Forget what just happened. Can I just get a glass of water?"

"No problem, Miss. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Who's the person who designed this room?"

"Er...I'm afraid I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Never mind…can we go take a walk outside?"

A/N: First of all, thank you to all the people who are still reading this Fanfic, even if I haven't uploaded in ages! The number of people who still support Klaroline astounds me. I'm getting a little teary here. Second, a HUGE thank you to those who've shown support for my new novel! I feel so incredibly honored to receive such kind words. It really means a lot.

By the way, just to let you guys know, if any of the characters happen to be OOC, please don't be offended or angered. I'm writing based on how I remember the characters from Season 1-4 (and a bit of 5). I haven't watched TO or TVD in the longest time, mainly because I wasn't attracted to the story-line anymore. I still, however, support Klaroline and many of the other ships (I still refuse to let Kol go).