"I'm telling you, Cal. He's gay!" Ralph insisted as he clutched his root beer mug in his hand.
Cal rolled her eyes as she finished chugging her glass down. "Fix-it isn't gay. Metrosexual, maybe, but not gay."
"You just want him to be straight. He's using you as a cover."
"You just want him to be gay so you can keep him all to yourself," Calhoun said with a smirk.
Ralph rolled his eyes. "Yeah. That's it." He shook his head. "Cal, he has the gay voice. He crosses his legs when he sits. I've even seen him do the hand flip!"
"Doesn't mean he's gay," Calhoun said with a smirk.
"I'm pretty sure he and Gene have something."
"Nope. He's my boyfriend. My straight boyfriend. Even though Gene may wish otherwise."
"He cares WAY to much about his hair!"
"Most guys do. Brad spent an hour on his every morning."
"Cal. He's gay. Look at him!" Ralph gestured to Felix, who was talking to a male character. The taller, mysterious man was clearly flirting with him, with the hand gestures, batting of the eyes, and laughing at all of Felix's jokes. Felix didn't seem like he was flirting back, but he was clearly engaged in conversation. Felix flipped his wrist to emphasize a point and crossed his legs while the man told him a story about his motorcycle game.
"See? Gay," Ralph said. Calhoun's smirk never left her face. She grabbed Felix by the collar, and before Felix could react, she roughly kissed him. He melted in her embrace, much to the man's disappointment. Ralph set down his drink and crossed his arms. "Doesn't prove anything."
She opened one eye, checked to make sure Felix's were closed, and pointed down.
Ralph's eyes travelled down to see a bulge in Felix's pants. He blushed and his eyes widened as it got bigger.
Calhoun grinned against the kiss and pushed Felix away. He fanned his glowing red face with his hat. "Golly! Where'd that come from?! Not that I really minded...uh..."
"Just go back to having fun." She put him back on the stool where he previously was. He crossed his legs once more, tighter than last time.
"You don't get a reaction like that from a gay guy," she laughed.