Chapter 14: Epilogue

So Dad ended up telling everyone about what happened to me about a month ago, how I had wished to be loved and respected by everyone and how I had wished upon Erudi's Comet to be like them: human. Of course, there were outbursts of every sort from scientists at the Ministry, how they all claimed it was 'utterly impossible' for that to even happen. Heck, even I thought so too in the beginning, but hey, I'm not complaining. Being a human is way better than being a robot; and being a human with special powers is way better than being a normal human, lemme tell ya that!

I had told the police where to find Stone, Heckler, and Hamegg, but when they searched the place, there was nothing left; not even a trace. They had probably fled to a different city or state to outrun the law. The government had issued a country-wide search for the trio, with large bounty as a reward.

You can guess how that's gonna play out, right?

So Atlas became good, like I had made it out to be, and I eventually told him what had happened to him. He was so shocked and ashamed for what he had done before that he wanted me to turn him off and power him down for good. I refused, obviously, and told him that with his new name—Daichi—that no one would know that he had been the one to destroy the city. Of course, in the first place, I hadn't told anyone that he was Atlas. I had told them that we found him cowering in a ditch somewhere. Course, that's better than 'oh, we found him destroying half the city', right?

Ha, anyway. So when the city was finally rebuilt after months of repairs, we all went back to school, and life was pretty much normal—well, except for the fact that I was a huge miracle celebrity. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to mention… That weird glow from before? Yeah, it went away. Turns out it was only because I used that hidden ability that I'd had.

And eventually, Cora and Zane saw Widget and Sludge again. They had to explain everything that had happened to the twins, and they were ecstatic. They couldn't believe that I had been turned human. Of course, no one really could, right?

I sighed to myself, finally resting in peace in my room, leaning my head back against my pillow with my arms behind my head, staring up at my ceiling. I had had a great first month or so of being human, despite what had happened. And to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Turning my head out my window, I blinked as one lone blue streak dashed past my window. Startled, I got up and immediately hurried to my window, opening it and looking at where it disappeared. Suddenly, more and more of them dashed past until the whole sky was littered with them, glowing like tiny, blue fireflies in the night sky. I didn't know or understand what they were, but they made me happy in a way.

I smiled.

End A/N: Oh yaaaay! It's finally done :) Thanks to everyone for doing what they did, I love you all XD

Luna, out!