Game central station was very quiet. Nobody was there and it was dark. There was graffiti on the wall that said, 'DANNY WAS HERE'.

"That little twerp from Modern War has been doing that ever since they arrived a year ago." Cocoa said.

They heard pairs of footsteps coming.

"Hide!" Jazz whispered.

Everybody hid in the surges or behind the video projectors that gave everyone a message that if they are in a different game they die. Except Harper, she hid in an information booth.

They saw a man in a trench coat and a hat that covered his face push the Older Jazz down.

"Where is it?" The man asked.

"I'm never Telling!" Jazz yelled back.

Jazz looked pretty much the same. Except her black hair was longer and she wore a dress like Harper's and wore a white vest and black ankle boots. Her green eyes were behind rectangular glasses.

"Tell me now!"


Jazz kicked him in the head and his hat fell off showing a man with black hair.

"Dad?" The older Jazz asked.

"What?" everyone said at the same time.

"Daddy?" Jazz came out from her hiding place.


He took the trench coat he was wearing off. He looked exactly the same. His messy black hair and green eyes.

Jazz couldn't help but run over. She touched him as if making sure he was really there.

"Daddy!" She yelled, hugging him.

"No Jazz! It's not really him!" Harper tried to get her off of her dad.

"Yes it is!" She replied. "Just look."

"It is him Harper. It's just he's been messed with. Turbo messed with his brain and mom's too." The older Jazz said.

"Then how's he like this right now?" Cocoa asked.

"Simple. The younger me."

"But Turbo was here." Megan said.

"Our mother could change her appearance like Saphira."

"Oh." Everyone said.

"How can we fix them both though?" Younger Jazz asked.

"Make one of them cross the finish line of Sugar Rush like last time."

"That sounds too easy though."

"That's always how it is. But mom will probably try to stop you. Just have dad race with you, me."

"Okay let's do this."

They all got into position at the starting line.

"Ready Dad?" Jazz asked.

"I'm ready Jazmine." he replied.

He had a pair of green goggles that Jubbilena leant him.

"Ready. Set. GO!"

Jazz started her engine and stayed behind everybody. The reason was that they would be in front of her and take all the hits and she would be safe and get across the finish line with her father.

Taffyta was in the front and was hit by sweet seekers and mini icecream shards.

Swizzle was right in front of Jazz and looked determined to keep her unharmed.

"You fine back there?!" He yelled.

"Yeah Swizz!" Jazz yelled back.


They kept going. Jazz didn't get hit yet but Vanellope, Rancis, Candlehead, Minty, Gloyd, and Bubblina.

They were to the ice cream mountain and they were sure they were all safe. But then a huge Jawbreaker came out and almost got Jazz. But it got Swizzle.

"SWIZZLE!" Jazz yelled.

Even though she knew he'd regenerate it scared her. She had always liked him. Even when he had bullied her along with everyone else.

"Just keep going!" he yelled back.

She went ahead and took his advice.

She was almost there when suddenly a green block creature with three legs was at the finish line and Jazz knew exactly what it was even though it was from a computer game.

"CREEPER!" she yelled.

It exploded and the finish line was gone. Felix wasn't there that time though.

"You thought you could beat me Jazmine! You foolish girl!" She heard a woman laugh.

Suddenly Vannellope came with a golden hammer.

"Fix-it let me borrow it." She said quickly.

She quickly fixed the finish line and Jazz crossed it and her dad was back to normal.

"Jazz you did it." he said picking her up.

"I couldn't have done it without my friends dad. If I didn't have them the arcade would be gone."

Jazz jumped down and all the kids had a group hug. When they were done all the racer couples went to eachother. Gloyd could be seen talking nervously to Cocoa, Karmahlan joking with Jubbelina and Ron laughing at something Crumbelina said. Suddenly Swizzle grabbed Jazz from behind.

"We did it. How about that date at Tapper's before the Arcade opens?" Swizzle said.

"Let's go." Jazz said, grabbing his hand.

But the thing they didn't know was that that wasn't the last adventure for them.


AN: Hey guys well that's the end of this one. The next story is Unknown Characters of Sugar Rush. You'll learn everybody's back stories and where some of them were when the first adventure of the Coure Four happened. And I found out that Wreck-it Ralph 2 comes out in 2015 or 2016. I HAVE To check again though but I have a question if your OC if its in this story who would play them in the sequel. I'd say for Jazz um.. Alyson Stoner. You know the girl who plays Isabella in Phineas & Ferb.

Well see ya when I publish the other story. It'll be set when its the events of the movie.