Disclaimer: I do not own Code Lyoko, but I wish I did.

"Odd, wake up!"

The blonde slowly opened his eyes to see his roommate standing over him, smiling widely. The sunlight that entered from their small dorm window shone on his beautiful face.

"Ugh, already? Can't we just skip first class?" The blonde sat up, keeping the covers over his bare legs. His hair was an absolute mess, sticking out in many different directions. His green eyes, normally bright, were much more dull.

"Would you want to? Remember what Jim is teaching today?"

The blonde sprung to his feet, almost knocking the brunette to the floor.

"How could I forget? My favorite class of the year!" He then started rummaging through his dresser, clothes flying behind him and scattering all across the floor.

"Hey, watch it Odd! You almost knocked me over!" The brunette stated, arms crossed while he watched Odd search for whatever he was looking for.

"Found it Ulrich!" Odd stood up, bearing a wide smile as he showed off the small device he had been searching for.

"Really? A digital sound recorder?" Ulrich shook his head. Sometimes Odd proved to be just what his name was.

"Yep. I've recorded them each and every year" Odd stated, smiling.

Ulrich grinned. "Well, they're always entertaining."

By now Odd had grabbed a set of his clothes off the ground, and swung them over his shoulder. He then grabbed a towel, and stared impatiently.

"Hurry up, we don't want to be late!"

Ulrich snickered. "Geez, talk about a change of heart!"

Odd came over to the gang's usual breakfast table, carrying a food tray loaded with pancakes, blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs, and what appeared to be burnt sausages.

"They really let you have all that?" Ulrich asked as Odd sat down.

"It's a sympathy breakfast. They know the torture Jim's lecture brings."

Ulrich laughed as Odd started shoveling the pancakes in his mouth. Most of the other students were already here, but a few stragglers were still showing up.

"I can't figure out how he stays so scrawny, Ulrich."

Ulrich turned in his seat to see who spoke.

"Oh, hi Aelita. Neither can I, I've given up guessing." Ulrich beamed at Aelita. She was wearing the usual, her food tray not holding nearly as much food as Odd's did.

Odd shot a glare at them. His mouth was full, but he was clearly stating the usual 'I'm not scrawny, I'm svelte!'

"So where's Yumi?" Aelita asked, trying not to laugh at Odd, who was now almost finished with the pancakes.

"I have no idea. Maybe she lucked out and got sick."

"Ackh, ACKH!" Odd apparently had chocked on a muffin, and quickly took a swig of his orange juice.

"What do you mean lucked out? She would miss all the fun!" Odd exclaimed a little too loudly, causing several other groups of students to glance at him. "Just saying..." He then returned to his muffin.

"What would she miss out on? The assembly at gym?"

Odd giggled, his mouth still full of food. Ulrich turned slightly pink.

"It's not an assembly Aelita. Once a year Jim is required to teach us about, uh...well-"


Odd broke out in laughter, causing all present students to turn and stare at him. Ulrich and Aelita turned bright red, both silent. In fact, the whole cafeteria was silent, except for Odd's laughing and a pair of approaching footsteps.


Odd stopped laughing and turned pale, looking up.

"Er, yes Jim?"

Everyone was silent now, wondering what was coming Odd's way.

Jim smiled. "For that, you can be part of the little q&a during my Sex Ed class today."

Jim then grinned at Odd, turned, and walked away.

The students, Aelita, and Ulrich watched in silence as Jim left, saw the door shut, and turned back to stare at Odd, who was so red roses would be jealous.

"Sorry for this," Ulrich started. "But boy are you screwed."