"Arighty then. See you next Sunday, Ms. Pilkington." Connor said as he walked down the front steps. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, which meant most people would be inside their air conditioned homes, trying to avoid the heat. So far he has convinced 4 people to take interest into the Mormon religion. He was about to met his personal quota of 5 people per day, but he still needed one more person. He felt great, fantastic, unstoppable, incredible. That was until he came across the corner of 4th and Fremont Street. His parents had warned him of the terrible, ill-mannered people who lived in that part of town. But he, Elder Connor McKinley, was feeling confident and invincible. He needed to talk to one more non-Mormon about the church. Everyone in Connor's home town was either already talked to or already Mormon. He crossed himself and mumbled for the Lord to give him strength and protection before entering the area.

Once he walked over to the other block, the scene and vibe changed dramatically. The more Connor walked the more disgusting and terrifying the location became. There was garbage, overgrown plants, empty alcohol bottles rusty metal, used condoms, a puddle of a mysterious brown liquid, and road kill. It was gross enough to make the Elder gag, and it did. He hoped the first resident of the nearest building, an older looking motel, would be cooperative and just yes him to death. He cautiously walked to the door, dodging the collarless Doberman that came running out of the bushes. When he rang the chipped doorbell, he expected hear the catchy tune of Ding-Dong, but instead he received a faint Errrrrrr. The door didn't open all the way due to the door chain lock, but McKinley was perfectly fine with that. He rather not come face to face with the person who reeked of Jack Daniels.

"Hello! My name is Elder McKinley. I would like to share with you this book of Jesus Chri-" Before Connor could finish his practiced statement, the door was closed shut. "Hello? Hello?" Connor rang the bell five more times, uncertain of what to do. "I know you're home, I just saw you…Hello? Open the door and listen to me!" the Elder begged. "Please don't make me stay here longer then I need to." He mumbled to himself as he banged his forehead on the resident's door. "Ow." Replacing the look of defeat on his face with a welcoming one, Connor was determined. He needed one more and gosh dang it, he was going to get it.


As the door opened, McKinley took in a deep breathe. It was an obese Latino woman who answered the door. To his delight she was breastfeeding an infant and didn't cover up.



"No English, okay." Connor cleared his throat before answering in the little Spanish that he knew. "Hola! Me llemo Elder McKinley."

"¿Dean enviar?"

"Um… No hablo mucho español."

"¿Le envió el Dean o no? No tengo el tiempo para esto. Consigo mi apuro o no consigue ningún dinero para su jefe. ¿Consiguió esto?"

"I don't… I don't understand what you're saying." Connor tried to get his point across by making hand gestures. This seemed to only anger the woman.

"No agitar las manos en mi cara! Actúas como si estuviera loco! ¿Crees que estoy loco? ¿Quieres ver algo malditamente loco? No quieres verme ir loco!" She ranted as she waved her free hand in McKinley's face. Connor dismissed himself from the one-sided conversation after many minutes of rambling in a foreign language. The more doors he knocked on, the more unappealing the people became. He could have sworn that the last Asian woman had at least 20 cats, all in horrible condition. Connor didn't even bother to check the room with the words 'harder', 'faster', and 'don't stop, oh God' pouring out of the keyhole. With every step he took, Connor felt clammy and uncomfortable about this part of town. It could have been the gallons of sweat making him feel this way, but he rather not think about the heat. Was it worth it? Can't he just ring the door bell of an already Mormon household? No, he had to do this. Heavenly Father was watching him and the last thing Connor wanted was to disappoint Heavenly Father. He reached the end room of the ground floor, 110. He rang the bell, by now McKinley was used to the harsh Errrrrrr. A muscular twenty-year old blonde opened the door. It was hot enough for him to not wear a shirt, but apparently not hot enough to stop him from wearing long black jeans and a stupid striped beanie. Once he saw the Elder, his sighed loudly and pinched his nose bridge to show how annoyed he was.

"I don't give money, I don't like charities, and I don't buy raffle tickets." The guy said dully, as if it was a routine. Connor was not going to have this. He placed his foot in the doorway right before he could shut it.

"It'll only take a few moments of your time. Please." Connor tried to convince him as he pulled the door back open.

"I told you already, I'm not interested."

"Listen! I have been here for only 10 minutes and I can't stand this place any longer! I'm hot! I'm tired! And I'm just plain scared of what I'm going to encounter next! Lying aside, I really need this. Now, if you don't mind, can you take a few minutes out of whatever it is that you're doing to yes me to death?" Connor yelled very bluntly. His face was as red as his hair, mostly because of anger but the whether wasn't helping either.

"Well, at least you're honest. Alright, what you want to talk about,…" The man replied as he rolled his eyes. He squinted to read the name off of Connor's nametag. "Elder McKinley? Wait,Elder McKinley?...McKinley?..." The man repeated to himself, as if trying to trigger a memory "...Con, is that you?"

"Have we met?"

UCF2580 says...

I based this "certain someone" off of AnonymousNavi's design. It's just so AWESOME!



Did Dean send you?

Did Dean send you or not? I have no time for this. Get me my fix or you get no money for your boss. Do you get that?

Don't wave your hands in my face! You're acting like I'm crazy! Do you think I'm crazy? Do you want to see fucking crazy? You do not want to see me go fucking crazy!

Hope you like! :D