Author's Note: Hello, This is my first attempt at writing a story and publishing it on this site. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own any material from Harry Potter.

Chapter one.

To say I was not looking forward to the first week of the new school year would be an understatement. This being my seventh year at Hogwarts I was accustomed to the stares, whispers and assumptions that people made. However that did not mean I welcomed them, the previous year was a difficult one, from me that is saying a lot. Every year at Hogwarts was a difficult one, but last year was by far the worst.

Some would say that last year was an epic year that will go down in history, for me I just wish to move on and hope that I can try and live a normal life, for once have a boring, quiet and ordinary year at Hogwarts.

Harry thought the week started off good, but it gradually became a very awful first week.

"Are you even listening to me, Harry?" Ron asked in a frustrated tone.

"What do you want me to say Ron?, I have tried to explain, you will not listen to me" Harry replied whilst running his hand through his hair. They have had this conversation numerous times and Harry was starting to grow tired of it.

Ron screwed up his face in anger at Harry's care free attitude regarding his actions over the summer. Noticing Ron slowly starting to lose it Hermione placed her hand on Ron's arm and whispered in his ear to calm down.

"It's not like Harry is doing this on purpose Ron. Try and understand how he must feel." Glancing at Harry she smiled and tells him "If you want us to keep this quiet from others we can."

Standing and heading towards his dormitory Harry shrugs and says "I am tired of hiding who I am, just because people expect me to fit the perfect picture, and live the life they have created for me. Tell whoever you want, I don't care anymore."

Heading towards his first class of the morning, wishing he didn't have to put up with Ron's glares and Hermione's sympathetic glances. Harry was feeling, tired, hungry and fed up. Due to his situation with Ron he hadn't slept and didn't eat much at breakfast. To top it off it was only the start of the day. At least it was Friday, feeling slightly better Harry dragged his feet toward the dungeons for double potions.

Draco was leaning against the wall just outside the potions classroom, standing alone and with a look of boredom on his face. When he noticed The Golden Trio walking towards him, he was pleased to see that things were not actually perfect in paradise, as they seemed to be very awkward with each other. Draco noted that Ron was especially cold towards Harry, which was very odd indeed. Draco concluded that he found a way to cure his boredom, and decided to get to the bottom of The Golden Trios change in attitudes.

Just as the three Gryffindor's came to a stop just outside the classroom Draco thought now was as good as time as any. "So, tell me hero why does Weaselbee look like he has just discovered that he is poorer than he first thought?"

Harry coolly replied "Actually Malfoy I would safely bet Ron is now richer than you!" Smirking at Draco's reaction, Harry pushed past him into the classroom not even waiting for a retort.

Before any of the students had a chance to take their usual seats, Professor Slughorn's booming voice declared that this year things will be different. He went on to explain that as this year they were technically eighth years, but returning to complete their seventh year the teachers decided that they should encourage inter house co-operation.

Harry rolled his eyes and thought it would be just his luck to end up with Pansy or Ron. Neither option being appealing to him at this moment in time. Pansy just glared at Harry and was trying to get Draco to pay her attention, which was not a successful attempt.

Looking at his students Professor Slughorn noted that they all looked bored; he thought that once they discovered who their potions partners for the year will be, they would soon be more animated.

Harry was no longer listening and was instead watching Malfoys attempts at trying to detach Pansy from his arm. Smirking Harry couldn't help but give a small laugh at the ridiculous behaviour. Draco obviously didn't want Pansy's attention but she was oblivious and was staring dreamily at Draco's face, no doubt daydreaming about the many blond headed babies she wanted with him. Pansy was soon brought back to reality with a crash, as she heard Professor Slughorn announce that she was partnered with Ron Weasley. She reluctantly let go of Draco and went and sat at a desk with Ron in tow.

Draco sighed he was very pleased that he no longer had Pansy clinging onto him like he was her lifeline. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Harry watching him with a smirk on his face. Not feeling very mature Draco gave Harry the two finger salute and turned his attention back to the Professor. Most of the class had been paired off and Draco was starting to think he was going to be stuck with Granger, when Professor Slughorn declared that he would be working with Potter.

Well that was just peachy, what a great year I have to look forward to Draco thought, as he marched up to the first available desk, and sat in his chair ignoring Harry as he slumped down in the chair next to him.

Hermione was partnered with Theodore Nott and everyone now sorted Professor Slughorn proceeded to outline the topic of today's lesson and the subsequent potion that they will be attempting to brew in their new pairs.

Opening his text book at page 608 as requested Harry read the tile and was intrigued that such a potion existed with a similar name as The Mirror of Erised. Professor Slughorn was telling the class that Liquid Erised a potion, once taken will give the drinker a vision/dream of their true heart's desire. He explained that there was once a Mirror that if you looked into would show you what you desired the most. This potion worked in a similar way but was dangerous, as a person could go mad if they desired something that was unattainable etc. and therefore the potion was only brewed at a low strength, causing the drinker to only have a vision for five minutes.

Harry started thinking back to his first year when he stumbled upon The Mirror of Erised and saw his parents. Folding his arm and leaning on the table, with his head resting on his arms Harry felt glum; he didn't really fancy drinking a potion that would show him a five minute vision of his dead parents.

Looking over at Harry, Draco noticed that he was looking downbeat and he was sure this reaction was caused by today's topic. Draco had stopped hating Harry a long time ago but he didn't really know how to act in front of him, and he would automatically fall back into his previous habits of sneering and being a git. Draco wanted to know what was bothering Harry, but didn't know how to ask without Harry thinking he was tricking him or him having an alternative motive.

Looking at Harry whilst he rested his head and had his eyes closed, Draco could see that the previous year had changed him; he was no longer a boy but a man who carried too many bad memories. Thinking about it Draco couldn't remember the last time he actually saw Harry smile, a genuine happy smile.