Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers Megaforce. This story is fan-made.

Author's Note: This is not where the Megaforce series starts. If you want to read the series without getting lost, I suggest you read my stories in the order they appear:

No To Date Nights - The Party Night - Project Partners - Megaforce: Lives Behind The Masks - Prom Night - A Trip To Remember - First Meetings - Something She Loves – Protective Morans – Samurai In Harwood County – Rainy Days – Luck Had Nothing To Do With It – Ranger Support – Parents and Children – Hero Without The Spandex – Emma's Night – Emma's Mother – Bait And Switch – After Death – A Stormy Day – A Date For Tensou – A Mother's Advice – Mending Fences

"C'mon, mom, just try it. Everyone here has."

"You've tried it?"

"Of course I have," Mrs. Moran chuckled, surprising Mrs. Goodall who had to adjust the strap on Emma's helmet so it wold fit properly over her head. "Emma loves to BMX. Joe and I both got a lesson from her shortly after she moved in, just to see what all the fuss is about."

"And Emma and I ride together all the time," Gia said. She sat beside her mother on the curb, trying to supress a laugh at Mrs. Goodall in Emma's helmet and protective gear. It was a sight she never thought she would see. "It's really fun."

"Isn't it just like riding a bike?"

"Which you don't know how to do," Mrs. Moran said. Emma's jaw fell.

"You don't know how to ride a bike!?"

"I was never taught," Mrs. Goodall shrugged her shoulders.

"Gia, take pictures," Emma said and pointed to her bag which was right beside the yellow Ranger, today is going to be a lot of fun. Alright, mom, get on the bike."

"This is so backwards," Gia said as she pointed the camera at the two Goodalls. "A daughter teaching her mother to ride a bike."

"It's something," Mrs. Moran smiled and wrapped her arm around Gia, "Get some good pictures."

"Alright, mom," Emma said as she touched her mother's arm and held the back of her seat to keep her balanced, "You're going to put your feet on the peddles and you're going to start pushing. I'll be right behind you and I'll help you get going. All you need to do is keep peddling."

"Just keep peddling?"

"As long as you're moving, you'll have balance. You need to be moving so you don't fall."

"So then what happens when I stop? How do I stop?"

"The brakes are on the handlebars," Emma showed her mother quickly, "Front wheel and back wheel. Use the break for the back wheel or else you'll go flying forward."

"You're exaggerating."

"How do you think I know that, mom?" Emma chuckled. Her mother looked to her in horror but Emma took no time to comfort her. She instructed her mother to lift her feet and started pushing her forward. "Keep peddling, mom, you're doing it."

Mrs. Goodall screamed as she rode down the street, with Emma right behind her, keeping her balanced. Gia couldn't resist taking a picture.

"Peddle, mom! Peddle!"

"I don't want to!"

"You have to! Peddle!"

"I don't…" Mrs. Goodall couldn't finish her sentence when the bike tipped over and she fell on the grass. She pushed herself up and looked at Emma, who was shaking her head. "You let go?"

"You weren't peddling. That's what happens when you don't keep going. Will you peddle next time?"

"You let go!"

"Will you peddle next time?"

"I'll try."

"Okay, let's go again," Emma said and lifted the bike upright. "C'mon, get on."

"Sheesh," Mrs. Moran turned to Gia, "Remind me to never let Emma be my teacher."

"Mrs. Goodall wasn't peddling," Gia shrugged her shoulders. "Emma was just showing her how important it was."

"By dropping her?"

"That was comedy," Gia chuckled and show her mother a picture, "I got a shot of Mrs. Goodall falling right into the grass. Look at her face. Pure terror. Hilarious!"

"I loved you enough as a child, right?" Mrs. Moran asked her daughter teasingly and nudged her, "Good picture. I'm framing that one."

"Alright, we're doing this again," Emma said as her mother got back up on the bike, "You'll be peddling, I'll be right behind you."

"Not letting go."

"How else are you going to learn to ride a bike, never mind BMX? Seriously, mom, this is the easiest thing."

"Says you."

"Just peddle. We'll go slow."

Mrs. Goodall griped the handlebars as she felt the bike moving forward. She was moving her legs with the peddles, pushing when she had to, but she was scared of falling again.

"You're doing it, mom. See it's not that bad!" Emma said encouragingly. Mrs. Goodall looked over at her daughter and smiled.

"This is fun…" she said, but it wasn't too convincing.

"Just keep peddling, mom, I'm going to let go."

"You're WHAT?"

"You've got this," Emma said and then she must have let go because Mrs. Goodall felt the bike wobbling a little bit. But she followed her daughter's advice and continued to peddle and eventually the bike evened out. She rode down the road in a straight line and could feel her speed building up. She was moving quickly and the fast and further she got, the more she found herself enjoying the bike.

"Mom! You're going too far!" Emma called to her and Mrs. Goodall quickly looked over her shoulder. She saw Emma in the distance, waving frantically. Mrs. Moran was on her feet, looking on with worry.

Suddenly, the bike came to a stop. Mrs. Goodall was jolted forward but caught herself before she could be thrown off. She looked ahead of her and saw Gia had stopped her by placing her hand on the handlebars.

"You've got to walk before you can run," Gia shook her head. "That was too fast, even for Emma."

"How did you catch up to me?" Mrs. Goodall frowned and looked back over to where Mrs. Moran was standing. That had been the spot Gia had been sitting and taking pictures."

"I'm a fast runner," Gia said. She helped Mrs. Goodall off the bike and together they walked back up the street.

"Don't take off like that!" Emma frowned at her mother when they came back. "You need some speed, but not that much."

"Sorry, I guess I got carried away," Mrs. Goodall chuckled and put a hand on Emma's shoulder to reassure her she was okay. "I don't think biking or BMX is my thing, but I can see why you like it."

"You do?"

"That was thrilling," Mrs. Goodall nodded her head. "What do you say we go out for ice-cream to wind down?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea," Mrs. Moran agreed, "Gia, Emma, will one of you run back to the house and get…"

"My purse," Mrs. Goodall interrupted. "This is my treat."

"Doesn't matter who's buying," Gia shrugged her shoulders. "I just want ice-cream."

Gia handed Emma her camera and then picked up her bag. While Emma got distracted taking pictures of her mother in her protective gear, Gia walked back to the house to get the money for the ice-cream trip. When she reached the door she saw it was open.

"Hello?" she called and reached into her bag to pull out her morpher. She had been advised once by Gosei and another time by Dr. Oliver not to use her Ranger Powers for everyday problems, but if someone had broken into her home or put her family in danger, they were going to feel the wrath of the yellow Ranger – even if they were only a petty thief.

There was no noise from the house, though, and Gia assumed that whoever had come was now gone. She saw her mother's purse hanging from the closet door and checked inside to make sure nothing had been stolen. She found all of her mother's IDs, her credit cards, and all the cash she had. Then she found Mrs. Goodall's purse and looked through it. Nothing seemed to be missing.

"Someone must have just forgotten to close the door," Gia said with a shrug. They had only been on the street. She couldn't imagine there was anyone stupid enough to break into a home when the owners were right on the street. But when she reached for her key from the bowl, she couldn't grab it. She looked inside and found the keys to her mother's car, Mrs. Goodall's car, and the key to Emma's bike lock, but her set of the house keys.

"Gia, are you coming?" Emma called to her as she walked into the house. Gia handed her her mother's purse.

"Uh, why don't you go ahead?"

"Why, you love Ernie's," Emma said. "And there's no way you're passing up free ice-cream."

"Yeah, I know, but something came up."


"It's no big deal. Go on ahead. Maybe I'll catch up."


"Emma, I must have misplaced my set of house keys when I came home last night…"

"So take your mom's. Or here, mine is…"

"You know how I get with stuff like this," Gia shook her head. "I won't be able to enjoy the ice-cream until I know where my key is. You go ahead, have fun with your mother for once. I'll be right there once I figure out this key situation."

"Alright. Stay safe."

"I promise."

"Call when you find the key so I know when you're on your way."

"I know, Emma…"

"And keep your morpher with you."

"Thanks, Emma…"


"I'm a big girl, Emma," Gia chuckled. "Don't worry. Have fun. I'll find the key and join you guys."


