Summary: Charles almost stops Erik's wedding. Almost.

He should have said something to Erik sooner.

There have been a million opportunities over the years, for Charles to tell his best friend how he feels. That he loves Erik – no, not as friends because of course Erik knows that – but how Charles is in love with him and has been since their first year in university. How he adores the way Erik gets up earlier than Charles every morning and makes the coffee before he goes out for his run. How he insists on being the designated driver so Charles never has to worry about getting home after a night out with friends.

How they flake out on the couch together on Sunday afternoons, watching old John Wayne movies and 80's cartoons.

He really should have said something a lot sooner.

Like maybe anytime before today. Erik's wedding day.

He runs and runs and runs; dodging the crowds on the sidewalk, desperate to get to the church before...

Before what? Before Erik says 'I do' with Emma? Before he runs into a room full of their family and friends and pulls 'The Graduate' and interrupts his best friend on the most important day of his life? When he had lied to Erik about having to leave early to head to Oxford, so he could get out of being best man at the wedding?

All his thoughts - the ones racing around in his head of what am I doing and this is insane and Erik, Erik, Erik – evaporate the moment the turns the corner and sees the wedding party standing behind the church. Standing in front of the camera as the photographer takes picture after picture of the beaming newlyweds.

Charles stares at Erik, watching the sun shine down on the happy couple making Emma's dress and Erik's smile sparkle so brightly even he has no trouble seeing it from across the busy street.

He turns and rubs his face with his hand and doesn't see Erik's eyes land on him or the expression on the man's face as he walks away.

The knocking on his door manages to drag his attention from the laptop and he's surprised to see that it's already 9 o'clock at night. He's been so engrossed in his paper that he's completely missed dinner – and apparently three texts as he glances at his phone on the way to the door.

They're all from Erik.

His heart is already thumping like he's been running, even before he's read any of the messages. Why is Erik texting him? When he hasn't heard a word from him for the three weeks since he's been in Oxford?

Since the wedding.

He pulls the door open...and is stunned to see Erik standing there, looking a bit breathless like he's just run up the three flights of steps to Charles' apartment.

"Charles," Erik says with a slight shake of his head, his face filled with emotion. "I made a mistake."

He says nothing, can't find any words; doesn't understand why his best friend is here, thousands of miles away from his new life across the Atlantic.

"It's always only been you."