A/N: hi :3 so this each chapter will be told in a different person's pov so yeah

enjoy...and I really appreciate reviews :)

It was just another plain, boring day. Sollux Captor sat in his desk with his cheek resting in the palm of his pale hand. His eyelids drooped as the teacher droned on in monotone about something on genetics. Sollux rolled his eyes, doodling absently on his yellow notebook. He knew all of it already. He sighed inaudibly and laid his left arm on his desk. His eyes wandered down to the small tattoo on his wrist, right under the crease. It was the zodiac sign for gemini. He'd had this mark for as long as he could remember. He had one vague memory of asking his father about it, who simply replied, "You're special, Sollux, different from everyone else." He hated it. He hated being different, special. His stupid lisp and bi-colored eyes made him different enough. But a small part of him had hope. He knew that there had to be other who were marked, there had to be. As his head began to drop towards the desk, he heard the hinges on the classroom door squeak. Sollux's eyes widened as a girl walked through the threshold. She was the most beautiful human being he had ever seen. She had long, dark-red hair that fell down her back in curls like a fiery waterfall. She wore a fitted black camisole, which clearly outlined her curves, and a gray skirt which touched the floor. The teacher had obviously not realized that the girl was standing there, and kept prattling on about the boring subject.

"Um, excuse me?" the girl finally said in a light, hollow voice. The teacher jumped and dropped her folder, startled by the interruption. She forced a cheerful smile, then bent down to collect her papers. A few of Sollux's classmates giggled.

"Sorry, dear," the teacher apologized. "I didn't hear you come in." Obviously. She walked towards the mysterious girl, flipping through her folder and pulling out a white sheet of paper.

"You must be," she paused, glancing down at the folder. "A-Aradia? Did I say that right?" Aradia nodded in reply. She slung her bag over her shoulder and made her way down the aisle. She stopped at the empty desk in front of Sollux, who felt like his heart was about to beat right out of his chest. She tossed her bag down, flipped her rust-red hair over her shoulder, and slid into the desk.

"Why don't you come give a little introduction?" the teacher called. Aradia turned around to face Sollux with an expression of horror.

"Is she serious?" she whispered. Her eyes were like glowing embers, setting her gaze alight in sparks.

"Afraid so," Sollux replied. Aradia giggled lightly at his lisp, causing Sollux to blush.

"Come on up, we don't bite," the teacher encouraged. Aradia gave Sollux one last look of desperation before sliding out of her desk and walking up to the front, her hips swaying slightly. She turned around, surveying the silent class with her amber eyes.

"Um, well you guys know my name," she began with a hollow tone in her voice. "I just came here and I don't know what the hell is going on."

A pervert in the back raised his hand immediately.

"And don't try to help me." With that she flipped her hair, and walked back to her desk. The teacher stared at her awestruck.

"Well, um, thank you for that interesting introduction," she stammered, then continued on with her lecture. Aradia sighed and turned around again.

"So what kind of hell hole is this?" she asked. Her eyes glistened, but there was an eerie hollowness to them.

"The worst," Sollux replied. Aradia smirked slightly, then held out her hand.

"Aradia Megido," she introduced. Sollux took her hand, returning the greeting.

"Sollux Captor," he responded. Then, without warning, she grabbed his wrist and flipped it around so that his palm was facing the ceiling. His breath caught in his throat. Her eyes met his, then flickered downwards, resting for a moment on his tattoo. She slowly raised her arm, revealing her own mark. She slowly raised her arm, revealing her mark. They were similar in every way, except that hers was the symbol for Aries, the ram. Their gazes held for around 10 seconds before Aradia turned back around, leaving Sollux to his mound of jumbled up thoughts.