I followed the notes merrily humming as I went, the notes were all so lovely, warning me of the inevitable dangers awaiting me. I whistled a tune and Ashes pounced on the fleeting leaf rot, darting ahead of me.

"Hey little guy, don't wander off!" I laughed as I ran to catch him, he chased the swirling bits of earth as they unnaturally danced about on the breeze. I stopped for a moment and tapped my toes on the ground.

"How curious~" I chuckled as I hoisted Ashes into my arms. He shivered as the breeze began to stir and thrash about through the barren branches. I pulled up my hood and my feline companion crept around my neck and huddled close for shelter from the soon to be storm. I shrugged and danced along with the wind tossing and spinning in it's currents. Finally I had found the eighth page and all of a sudden the wind dropped and the animals all seem to vanish the instant the note made contact with my flesh.

Before another word could leave my mouth I was pulled up by my hood and dangled above a man who stood at least nine feet tall, he wore a spotless suit and his alabaster skin seemed to lack a face of any sort. The black tendrils of darkness brought me closer and he moved his head slightly as if observing me. A voice seemed to emanate from inside my head, but unlike the usual droning of the others, this one was clear, and certain.

"You, child, why are you not scared?" It shouted and whispered at the same time. I swayed back and forth from his grasp and swung my legs childishly.

"I don't know, maybe because I haven't had any lunch, I could never think on an empty stomach~!" I sang as I snagged one of the luke-warm hearts from my front pocket and bite into the juicy center. I hummed as the bitter sweet flavor flooded my senses. I was then placed back on my feet and a hand rested atop my head.

"So you are one of them, like the others." The voice murmured in my brain. I wasn't really sure what he meant by that so I continued to munch on my dinner. In the next moment we somehow appeared in front of a lone house. It had been warped with age and splintering at every angle yet it held strong. A hand on my shoulder ushered me forward ever so gently, I complied and trotted ahead, stopping at the front door.

"Child, would you like to meet the others?"

"Sure. Just to clear everything up, I can't eat any of them, right?" I asked with a laugh, the man nodded and pushed open the door with a steady hand. I peered around the corner into the darkness, when all of a sudden a large dog with a human-like grin turned a corner and knocked me over in a flash. He was at my neck in second growling at my cat. I laughed, hoisting him up by the collar and glaring innocently into his eyes. I uttered not a word and still he soon began to tremble under my gaze, as soon as I was satisfied by his cowering I let him go and watched as he ran off with his tail between his legs.

"I'm so glad my point got across~" I cheered to my self.

"You ,Child, seem to know what you're doing. I'll be leaving now" He said as he vanished in a fit of black smoke.

"What fun~!" I cried as I raced into the dark.

Sorry this took so long, I'll be updating more now that I'm out of school~