Here's my third lemon fic!

Oh yes i'ma keep writing these babies to my hearts desire.

my next one will be fem gai and kakashi.. Sound weird? maybe but fuck i can't but imagine gai as a girl would be a good looker.. and it would be another reason for gai to continue to hound kakashi.. make him her soul mate.

LolaTheSa does not own Naruto!

Here it goes..

Naruto was not a happy camper.


Because he just got back from a two year hokage in training mission. and he still wasn't hokage. his baachan still says he isn't ready. but dammit he is the hero of leaf. and hero of the elemental lands. if he isn't ready now. then he will never be!

Then there's hinata. him and her before he left were in a slow and steady relationship. they were on the 'get to know each other' part of their relationship. and here is back and he is hearing that hinata and kiba have been seen with each other.

His inner animal growled at the thought! yes inner animal. apparently he doesn't just have an overgrown fox bjuu in him that he can use. but he also now have fox instincts. and they were demanding him to show hinata that he was her alpha. they were almost overbearing but he kept his head.

Walking down the street to his apartment. he sighed.

he hasn't had a break his whole life. he hasn't just relaxed in a while. hell he couldn't relax. all the things that are bugging him are just making it impossible.

Just then. he smelt a similar scent. the scent of a certain hyuuga girl whom he loved. he quickly followed the scent into a nearby forest. walking the way the scent got stronger. he heard voices

"Lets do it harder next time hinata" 'harder? hinata?' naruto wasn't liking what he was hearing.

"ok kiba kun" was the reply he heard from his hime. 'kiba kun? the hell'

"alright same time tomorrow hinata chan" was the reply from kiba as naruto heard kiba's foot steps moving away.

Once he was sure he couldn't hear kiba footsteps anymore.

He jumped into the clearing glaring daggers at hinata.

Hinata on the other hand eyes almost bulged out "na-naruto kun" she said with a voice that held so much happiness.

Naruto scowled "don't naruto me... what the hell were you doing here with kiba"

Short.. i know and i am sorry. i just wanted to separate it into two parts! next part will be longer and will contain the lemon. and then story complete! and another reason i am anxious to get this idea i have had in my head for a while out. soooo until next time!

Lola Out-