Cammies POV:

Madame Le Fleur snatched then notes and strutted up to the front of the class, she looked slightly pleased with herself as she read the notes out.

"It says here 'How about we try out what my sex ed teacher taught me semi colon bracket z xxxx' and then Cammie replies with 'No! Cam xxxx' then I think you can guess the rest." She was smirking the whole time while I had turned red with embarrassment.

Grant was playfully nudging Zach and teasing him about me turning him down. "Why were you discussing these things Cammie and Zach?" We both looked down, I'm pretty sure I was as red as my shirt. Well this isn't awkward at all.

Luckily Madame moved on after neither of us replied, I think she secretly found the situation amusing. She began teaching us French again but I couldn't concentrate, I could feel Zach's gaze burning whole in my 'Rock me' t-shirt.

Finally the class ended and Bex and I hightailed it out of there; leaving the boys behind. We changed into our gym clothes from earlier and started fight class.

After fight class we grabbed Mace and Liz and ran to the secret passage. To be honest it was nice to just sit down and talk us girls no drama involved.

"So what did you need to talk to us about Cam?"

"Well..uh..I had this dream last night and it just really freaked me out."

"What was it about?" All three asked at the same time.

"I was stood in a field but I couldn't move-"

"I have that dream all the time!"

"I wasn't finished, anyway I couldn't move and then this woman came out of some bushes, she had short blonde hair and her face was flawless; she was beautiful-"

"Is there something you're not telling us Cam?"

"Shhh, stop interrupting me. Where was I?"

"This woman was beautiful."

"Right, so then she looked at me and I suddenly started to see all of these images of a boy with green eyes, but it was painful to think about him. It felt like he had died or..something like that. The girl put her hand out and she had a scar on her right wrist and in the dream I had the same one, weird right? When I touched the scar it allowed me to walk closer to her. I felt as if I knew her, she seemed like someone I had met or was sisters with. Then she grabbed a sword from her belt and stabbed it into the ground and then I woke up."

"That is defiantly the weirdest dream ever, however I wouldn't take any notice of it hun. It was probably nothing."

"You're right Mace it was probably nothing. Thanks for listening guys, I love how close we are and how I can talk to you about anything."

"Of course you silly billy." Bex pulled me into a group hug which ended with us falling out of the tunnel. We were all rolling around on the floor laughing, we probably looked stupid as hell.

"I love you guys."

"Of course you do, what's not to love about this sexy body?" Mace motioned to her body wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"You're gorgeous Mace!"

"So are you Cam, you would be my first choice if I was lesbian."

"What about me?" Bex piped up.

"What about me?" Liz asked.

"Guys she would obviously choose me, I'm not a loser and I'm beyond hot."

"Are you calling me a loser you bloody bitch."

"Come and say that to my face Bex."

"Oh I will." She winked at me and we both started laughing. After all of us had calmed ourselves down we finally began to walk back to our dorms. We walked into our dorms to find Grant and Nick sat at the table playing cards and Jonas on his bed looking at his laptop. Where was Zach?

"Where's Zach?"

"Taking a shower, if you're really quiet you can hear him singing Justin Beiber's new song."

I walked over to the shower door and pressed my ear against.

"And I was like baby baby baby ohhh, like baby-" I started laughing, this fool was singing a JB song! First off he didn't have the voice to hit those notes and second he was a shit singer, I mean really shit. He sounded like a cross between a dying walrus and a dying horse, it was kind of funny. After a while it made my ears bleed. "Thank you America you have been a great crowd." He made a noise, I think it was supposed to be the crowds applause. "I know you all want more but there is only enough of Zachery Goode to go around. I will have to sign off now ZG out."


Why did that sound familiar?


Oh shit!

A/N: Heyyy guys, so after a break from fanfiction I have decided to carry on writing. I am going to be starting my exams after the summer is over so I'm going to try and get into the story before I go back in September. All of your reviews have really made me want to carry this story on, I appreciate the support so much you don't even understand! Every time I would see a new review email in my inbox my heart would do a little flip.

This chapter is really rough and unedited I am so sorry! I am just trying to get back into the book, so I'm sorry if it is shit or some of the details don't add up. This is kind of a taste of what is to come, this chapter is more of a building chapter, it's my attempt of building suspense.

I apologise if it's really shit, I would really appreciate reviews and such!

On other notes I have recently joined Wattpad and I am debating whether to put this story up or not. I have also put some of my own books up there so go and check them out.

My username: imxaxbookxworm

Happy reading, I love all of you!