Heyyy guys, Thank you all for the Reviews and Favourites. I was really shocked that people really liked my story. It makes me happy that I decided to write it :)

Anyways, this chapter is GaLe, for the people who asked about what happened to them. Oh and the previous chapter was a song fic for Marry you by Bruno Mars, for those who didn't know

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail... Enjoy :)

Levy ran back to her home with a slight blush coating her cheeks, from the memory of what happened in the guild just moments ago. When she arrived to her room in Fairy Hills, she immediately picked up her book, sat on the end of her bed and started reading.

10 minutes later

Levy ended up only reading two pages from her book because she kept getting distracting from that day's events.

"Stupid Gajeel" she muttered. She was feeling bad for leaving him at the guild.

"Maybe I should go back and check on him…" with that she set her book down and ran out of Fairy Hills with the guild as her destination.

Meanwhile, with Gajeel

After Lucy and Natsu had left, he finally got up from being pushed over. After getting a knock to the head, he finally regained his senses.

"Urghh, Where's Shrimp?" he asked no one in particular.

"She left a while ago" said Lisanna. She was helping her sister clean up the tables and just happened to by him when he asked the question.

"Oh" was all he could say. He seemed a bit saddened by this and it didn't go unnoticed by Mirajane, she had the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She was determined to get Levy and Gajeel together.

"Maybe you should go out a find her?" "I know where she is" she said. But she had that aura that telling him, he has no choice and he has to go out and find her.

"Chasing after your girl is manly" Elfman added, causing a slight tint to cover Gajeels cheeks at the words 'your girl'.

"… uh, where is she then?" he asked with hesitation. He was also, slightly shivering from Mira's gaze and overly kind smile but tried to cover it.

"At Fairy Hills" she replied in a matter of factly tone.

"I won't be able to go there then, it's a girl's dormitory"

"You should sweep her off her feet" "Oh! You could recite Shakesphere to her… Romeo and Juliet, she'll be on the balcony of her room while you are underneath it!" she squealed. "It'll be just like the real thing because you'll be in 'forbidden' territory" Everyone sweat dropped at Mira's over active imagination.

"Ur, I think I'll just go find her first" he said leaving, whilst Mira was still in her dreamland, quoting lines from Romeo and Juliet.

"Um… what did we miss?" Romeo asked, nobody had realized Romeo, Wendy and Carla had returned.

"Is Mira-san alright?" asked the young dragon slayer. Carla had her arms crossed and was just shaking her head.

"It's nothing, just Mira matchmaking again" Gray said to the three. Wendy suddenly turned around; face going a bright red and her small hands covering her eyes, leaving a confused Gray.

"Gray your clothes" Cana shouted, from the bar. He immediately looked down seeing his missing clothes and went to search for them.

"Such disgraceful behavior in front of ladies" Carl said shaking her head.

Back to Gajeel, in town

Gajeel was walking down the street sighing, thinking about to do with Levy. He remembered everything that had happened and he just wanted to hide in a hole. But he thought better of it and decided to confront her about his (not so) secret feelings. He got a hold of her sent and started running towards it. Soon he ran into a petite bluenette, making her fall on the ground.

"Ouch!" the girl said. Her voice seemed familiar the iron dragon slayer thought.

"Oh, er, Sorry, here!" he pulled out his hand towards her and she took, to be helped up. As soon as she lifted her head they were both shocked and yelped and took a few steps back, so they weren't so close. Their faces were coated with pink.

"Um… tthanks" Levy said with an awkward laugh.

"Nno problem shrimp" Gajeel said, also, with a slight awkward laugh. There was a moment of silence that was broken by Levy.

"I'm sorry aabbout earlier… I mmean about ppushing you" she was silently cursing herself for stuttering.

"No big deal, don't worry bout it" she nodded her head to tell him she understood. There was another moment of silence.

"Yyou know, there is something important I want to tell you" "Sshrimp, I'll gget straight to the point, I like you!" they stuttered and blurted at the same time. Both their faces were a scarlet red by know.

"Huh?" They both said dumbly. They both started laughing. Then there was silence again.

"You start shrimp!" He said, thinking Levy didn't hear him.

"Um… I… I li…like you too!" she said causing their faces to turn a brighter red. There was another silence, making Levy think she heard wrong. She was now facing the ground, with tears appearing at the corner of her eyes. She was wondering why he wasn't speaking. Suddenly, a rough hand lifted her head to face him and she felt a pair of lips on hers. Her eyes widened trying she process what was happening. They broke apart before she could react. She looked up at him, his face was red to the ears and it made her giggle a little.

"What's so funny, shrimp?" he said trying to act nonchalant, but his face was betraying him.

"Nothing and don't call me shrimp!" she said trying to act angry but her smile was saying otherwise.

"Good and you're MY shrimp, so I can call you that Levy" as soon as he said her name, she went an even brighter red. He caught her off guard.

"Wwho ssaid I… I wwas yyours" she stuttered.

"Why? Don't you want to be mine?" he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"I… I nevvver sai… said tthat"

"So you do?" he said closing the distance between them, the smirk never faltering. She nodded her head a little; she was at a loss for words, which was ironic for a bookworm.

"I can't hear you" he whispered into her ear, making her body tense a little.

"… y…yes!" as soon as the words left her mouth, his lips came crashing onto hers, sealing her lips. They broke apart for air looking lovingly into each other's eyes.

"I'll walk you back home" Gajeel said, his arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks" Levy replied with a blush at his boldness.

"Gihee" they walked together back to Fairy Hills in a confortable silence.

Who would have thought from two dragon slayers getting drunk by 'accident', two new Fairy Tail couples would be formed.

hehe, I hope you liked that. It came out longer than I planned it to. I hope that answers what happened to Gajeel and Levy :)

please R&R! :3