This the last chapter in this story and I wanted to personally thank everyone that look this way to read this story. Of course when starting a story on FF, you try to stick to updating as much as you can but things happen and your always thrown off course and it makes it difficult to finish and you lose your train or thought. But thanks again and I hope that you all enjoy this last chapter.

Being kind, Edward invited Angela to attend Bella's big dinner, but she felt that it would be too personal with her being there so she sweetly declined the offer but not before congratulating Bella on her big promotion and then leaving to meet up with her love. Edward was able to pull some strings and get him and Bella into a nice dig that served high class dishes. Bella stuck with the normal looking item on the menu to eat while Edward went with a more traditional dish as they talked and laugh over Bella's special dinner.

"What kind of Boss do you think you'll be?" Edward asked her drinking from his glass of wine.

"I really don't know, but what I do want is for this to really work in my favor considering Maxine believe so much in me I just don't want to fail her you know" Bella expressed to him.

"And you want Bella. You have this since of pride of trying to make others happy but you need to realize that the others are always going to be there and you need to live and be happy yourself. Besides, no one wants to work with a scrooge." Edward duck as Bella threw a piece of bread at him.

"Can I get you anything else, sir, ma'am?" the watiress asked

"I'm fine, thanks" Edward looked to Bella as she gave the same reply and the waitress left to tend to her other attendents.

Edward took Bella hands in his as he spoke something from the heart to her. "I can't say nearly enough of how you make me feel. It brings me pleasurable joy that you take the day to call me or share your time with me. I don't even know how I managed before you and I've come to realize that I didn't. I was content with what I had before you and now that you're here with me, I wouldn't have it any other way. I care more for you. I love you!"

Bella couldn't stop shaking and was barely keeping her tears in check but how can you when you're other half is telling you everything that you always wanted to hear from the right guy.

"I love you to Edward and not just what's on the outside but the inside as well as. I feel the same way that you feel about me. Every since you can into my life, it's been nonstop chaos but it's nothing that we can't handle or knock down. You got me just like I got you and I'm thankful for that more than anything." Edward caressed her knuckles as he gave each one their very own individual kiss and paid for their food. They decided to go back to his place and relax. Making herself comfortable after arriving Bella cut some music on as she slow rocked to the beat. Edward approached her as he let his body joined hers forming one.

"If I didn't know any better, I would swear that you were putting the moves on me" Bella insinuated as she kept moving.

"One would assume that would be true. Is it working?" he spinned her around nipping her neck.

"It can be" Bella lead him into a kiss and venture out more by leading him into a battle of hot kisses. Edaward didn't want to wait for the bedroom he wanted her now. Lifting her and placing her on the edge of the couch, he help her with her shirt by slipping it off. Bella ranned her hands through his button up watching each and every button come undone by her actions. He was all for Bella leading but there is only so much that he could take. He eventually lead this process of loving her and taking her to a new high.

Not many could grace her world but Edward lit hers on fire. Her body was traveling this bliss created by him as she tried to come down.

"You are a beast. How are you even real?" Bella voiced out coming down.

"I prefer the term reader. You're my book that I love cuddling with in bed and look at every night." he tucked her hair behind her neck.

"I love it, this, you and the cliches." Bella gave him a sweet kiss as they fell deeper into their own world deep into the night.

The weekend was lovely and Bella and Rose and Alice caught up and everything was perfect.

Bella was excited about working and excited about seeing how everything would go in her new position. Edward always trying to out do himself gave her flowers for her new job.

Maxine approved of everything that came her way from Bella. She new her investment with her was going to payoff big and she was very thankful for that. Bella was so engrossed into her work that she didn't hear her new off door open. There standing there looking over the part was Tanya.

"I'm not kissing your ass, so you could forget about me doing anything big for you" Tanya express.

Bella had to stife her laugh from the situation, out of everything that Tanya put her through, revenge was always sweeter on the otherside, whether you're good or bad.

"The only thing that I trust you with is making copies, So how about you get me 10 copies of the orignal order and distribute them to the right place.

"How about I tell you what I really think, you dim wit..." Tanya started

"Don't hurt yourself, or bet yet, go ahead" Bella continued working.

Tanya did everything in her power to prevent from jump her.

"Stop watching me or I will find someone new to do the job" Bella warned

"Whatever" Tanya picked up what she needed and got to it.

"Yeah Whatever is what i thought" Bella worked on the finishing touches of her piece as Tanya made those copies.

Once agian thank you for reading and enjoy your summer!