"Okay, so we've got to go back to that place again and buy some more of these cute skirts!"
She told her best friend excitedly as they entered T-bo's new coffee place beside the Groovy Smoothies. As usual, Freddie opened the door for them and as soon as they were in, he held her hand and she swore she felt a tingling feeling in her heart.
"Don't you think you've got enough skirts for a year's wardrobe, Carls?" Sam smirked as she slumped herself on her seat. "And my foot freaking hurts!"
"They're cute!"
"You think they're cute or Freddie thinks they're cute on you?" Sam teased. "Which one?"
Carly blushed as soon as Freddie laughed softly at what Sam had said. "There's nothing wrong with that."
"I agree." Freddie told them both. "And by the way, Sam. Pete said he likes it when you're wearing skirts. Just saying."
Carly giggled as she watched Sam's jaw drop. "You guys talk about me?"
Freddie nodded. "Pretty much. Yeah, he loves talking about you. Just won't shut up about Sam Puckett." Sam's cheeks turned crimson, suddenly wanting to have Pete there with them so she could kiss him and tell him that he's adorable. "Just as I love talking about Carly."
"Must you always?" Carly asked sweetly before Freddie kissed her lips.
And he was giving her his famous smirk that Carly really, really adored. They were looking at each other like they were lost in their own little happy world and no one could ever come in between their love. Except that Sam had groaned audibly and Carly and Freddie had to snap out of it.
"Just go get us some coffee before I leave you two alone!"
"The usual?"
The girls nodded at him and he disappeared.
Sam said seriously and Carly was caught off guard.
"What's bothering you? I know you wanna tell me something but you don't want Freddie to know about it so now that he's gone, you may start talking."
Carly's eyes grew wide in shock. "How on earth do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"How do you know that I wanna tell you something that I don't wanna say in front of Freddie?" she asked. "I'm not that obvious, right? I mean, Freddie can't know about this because… because it would ruin everything!"
"First of all, I'm your best friend!" Sam stated obviously. "And second, now you're talking."
Carly sighed. "We've been dating for three months now and it's been the best three months of my life but Sam, you know what I want. I'm twenty six and one-fourth and I'll be twenty-seven in nine months!"
"Calm down, cupcake." Sam giggled. "Oh, and act natural because Freddie's looking at you like he's seen the sun for the first time and I can't believe I'm quoting twilight so just smile back at him."
Carly turned her head around and looked at Freddie. He was still in line and he was looking at her lovingly, as if he already missed being with her. Somehow, it calmed her nerves. She smiled back at him and then turned back to Sam.
"Okay." She started. "I want to marry him, Sam."
"Woah!" she gasped. "Like now? Just three months into the relationship?"
"Yes!" Carly answered. "We've been practically dating since we were in Stanford and even when Shelby and Brad happened! I've known him since forever and he's like the closest guy in my heart next to dad and Spencer!"
"Oh." Sam tried to find the right words to say without Carly flipping out. "Did you talk about this to him?"
"Kinda." Carly answered hesitantly.
"Tell me about it."
"Well, I kind of called myself his fiancée the night we got together…"
"The same night he lied down in the middle of the road and tried to get himself killed just because you wouldn't listen to him and you kept walking out on him?" Sam smirked.
"Yes, Sam."
"Carry on."
"So I called myself his fiancée and he kind of told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend first because he's wanted that since forever and I agreed. That was the last time we've talked about it."
"That's it?" Carly nodded. "Cupcake, based from what he told you, we're definitely going to have a wedding so there really is no reason to stress about it!"
"But, Sam! We're not getting any younger!" Carly stubbornly replied.
"So your point is…"
"My point is that I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with him." She told her honestly. "But I think he's not yet ready. Or at least he's still not into the marriage thingy and it scares the hell out of me. What if we never get there and things just start to fall apart?"
Sam raised an eyebrow at her best friend's paranoia. "Seriously? Seriously! Carls… the boy practically wanted to marry you since the first time he laid his eyes on you and he was what then? Eight? Seven? What makes you think he'd change his mind about it now?"
"Well, remember the pact we made before we graduated from Ridgeway?"
"That you'll get married once you're twenty-six?"
"Yes! That's what I'm telling you!"
"Okay, cupcake. Listen to me." Carly tried to collect herself. "You are still twenty-six. You're not yet old and so am I but that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is there is no way Freddie wouldn't want to marry you because I bet my life he loves you so much and he's never gonna let you go. I just think that he's waiting for the right time, the perfect time, and then he's gonna pop the question."
Carly let her best friend's words sink in. Sam was right. There could be no way that he wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with her because he does! Carly could feel it with the way he kisses her and stares at her longingly in the middle of a movie. She could feel it in every little thing that he does.
"Thanks, Sam."
The blonde smiled at her best friend just in time as Freddie came back with their frappes. He started laying down their orders one by one on the table.
"Choco chip frappe for Sam." Freddie announced dorkily. "And mocha for my favourite girl."
Carly smiled heartily at him. "Thanks, Freddie."
He sat down beside her. "You're welcome!"
Sam took a sip of her drink contentedly and slumped back on her seat. She didn't care if she was being the third wheel because Carly would do it for her and Pete in a heartbeat. Besides, she wanted to spend some time with them just like the old times and frankly, it was never weird even though Carly and Freddie were dating now.
She watched her two best friends just talk and smile at each other lovingly. She watched how Freddie brushed Carly's hair once in a while so he could clearly see her face, how Carly rubs his arm unconsciously, and just how they love each other.
"There's gonna be a wedding, alright."
Author's Note:
I know this is not what I had originally planned and just like you guys, I thought that "THE PACT" was over for good but I couldn't help but wonder what the hell happens to Freddie and Carly after they finally got together? :{P
Oh, and I think I've really deprived you of Creddie chapters in the first part because they were mostly 'just friends' almost the entire story until the very last chapter so... *smiles*
Bad idea? Haha.
And I hope you like this one just as you like the first one! I'll try my best to update this regularly. :{D Keep reviewing so I know what you guys think, okay? Love you all and cheers to iCarly's EMMY nomination! ^_^