A/N: Hey guys! So this takes place a week after my story, "Falling Back" so Jason, Tony and Pepper's son, is a week old! Enjoy!

The group sat in the conference room of SHIELD HQ, Fury standing in front of them, his arms folded behind his back, while Agent Hill stood silently off to the side.

"Now, I called you all here because it's come to my attention that no one here has gotten a decent nights sleep since Loki tried taking over Earth...again..." He started, looking at Maria, then changed his gaze to the small group of six that sat in front of him.

"Well, I for one just haven't been sleeping because I have a new born at home, if you don't remember." Tony answered, putting his feet up on the table, hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair.

Fury sighed.

"Stark, Ms. Potts has told me, face to face, that you weren't sleeping well prior to your son's birth."

"She's betrayed me!"

Natasha rolled her eyes at the billionaire.

"And what's your point, Director?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"My point is, Agent Romanoff, that until all of you can get a decent nights sleep, regardless of the traumatizing events, all of you will be attending group therapy." Fury explained, clearing his throat as he did so.

As if on cue, everyone started to protest.

"But Fury_"

-"Waste of time"

-"And money"

-"We aren't even depressed!"

-"Or traumatized"

-"Mentally unstable my ass!"

Fury sighed, taking his gun out of his holster and firing three rounds up towards the ceiling, causing everyone to either duck or look around nervously.

"Enough! All of you need help, you will report to therapy for the next month, each and every day, excluding weekends. You too, Agent Hill."

Maria gawked at him, shocked he would even suggest such a thing.

"But sir_" She started, only for the older man to cut her off.

"I think, Agent Hill, that after all you've been through, you need it."

Maria nodded, exchanging a brief glance at Steve, before averting her gaze as Nick dismissed them.

"Yes sir"

This was going to be absolute hell.

A/N: Let me know what y'all think! Please review :)