It's here. The beginning of the end is here! This story is nearing the end (although there will still be at least four chapters left, probably more). After a year long break, I'm back! I've read all your AMAZING reviews and unfortunately cannot respond to all of them (that would take like 5000 words), but I just want to say that I'm so sO SO grateful for your continued support and praise. Each and every one of you has inspired me. Jeez, two whole pages! I'm not entirely too proud of this chapter, but it gives you a perspective from each of them. Enjoy!
Jack flew through the wind, white hair whipping at his forehead. He smiled as his destination came into view. The North Pole. Jack had abandoned his fellow Guardians in the woods and barged through a groggy Jamie's window, snagging his bag of snow globes that he stashed under his bed. He hurried back to the group and allotted the portals, where they each smashed their own that sent them to their original homes. All except for Jack, who headed to North's workshop, considering the fact that the kids of Burgess weren't really cut out for war.
He barged through the large double doors and marched to the startled group of Guardians, who seemed to be in some sort of meeting.
"Jack!" Tooth called in glee, latching herself onto Jack in a tight hug. The others echoed her shouts.
"What are you doing back so soon, boy?" North asked happily.
"Yea, mate, ya said you'd be gone a while." Bunny noted, trying his best to contain his joy at the spirit being back so soon. Jack held up a pale finger.
"No," He protested. "I said I didn't know how long I'd be gone. Trust me, I won't be staying that long. Soon I'll be out of your hair." He glanced at Tooth and Bunny. "Or fur-feathers-ugh, I'll be gone soon."
"Why'd you come if you're not staying?" Bunny wondered.
"Because I came for recruits." Jack answered bluntly.
"Recruits?" Tooth repeated. Sandy made a question mark out of said, prying for more details.
"We're gathering an army." The Winter Spirit half explained.
"But you said that only you four could defeat Fe-" North was quickly cut off by Jack, who jumped to speak.
"That's right. But it's going to take all of us, Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel, and me, to defeat Fear. We can't have any distractions, and there are hundreds of Fearlings that just keep coming and coming. We need warriors to fight them off."
His friends nodded. "Of course we will help." North agreed, vouching for all of them. Jack cocked his head with a triumphant grin.
"Then lady and gentlemen, you better start practicing your skills. We've got a war to win."
Rapunzel peered out from between two trees on the side of the road at the castle gates, preparing herself to meet with her family. Two guards were positioned on each side of it bearing swords and gold armor, oblivious to the fact they were being watched. The blonde pulled up the hood of her brown cloak, which she had found a few feet from where she had landed from the portal. She quietly emerged from her hiding place onto the brick path and approached the men, who looked startled.
"May I enter?" She asked politely, careful to keep the hood so it was disguising her well-known face.
"Name and business, miss?" The guard to her right wanted to know.
"My name?" Rapunzel began, fumbling for an answer. "Merida Hiccup Frost." She internally face palmed herself at the name, she didn't mean to say it!
"Merida Hiccup Frost?" Left guard echoed, doubtfulness etched onto his rough features.
"That's my name! My good old name. The name I was born with. It's really an interesting name, that's why my parents named me that. They said I was going to be different, so I needed a diff-" Rapunzel rambled cheerfully before she was cut off.
"Okay, we get it, that's your name." Right guard said, not wanting to hear her tale of her so called name. "Why are you here?" The Spring Spirit waved a hand.
"Oh, you know, I just wanted to see the sights. I've heard this was a lovely place, and had a lovely princess as well."
"Princess Rapunzel passed away almost a month ago." One said sadly.
"She was such a sweet woman, always caring about others. Very beautiful as well. The kingdom is just finishing mourning, although the King and Queen are still heartbroken." The other sighed.
"Well I'm so very sorry. My condolences." Rapunzel offered. "Now, may I enter?" The guards' shook their heads.
"I'm sorry, but we've been instructed not to let anyone in under any circumstances." Right Guard said.
"But-but-" Rapunzel began to argue.
"Just please make this easy and go home." Left guard instructed. Rapunzel crossed her arms and sighed. Obviously these guards weren't going to budge. A solution popped into the princess's head and she changed her tone completely.
"Boys," She began with a silky voice. " I really need to get into the town, can't you help a poor girl out?" She could feel the magic of Experma's gift coursing through her voice. It seemed to be working, since the guards shared an uncertain glance and stepped aside. "Thank you." She smiled, stepping through the gates and doing a silent happy dance.
She strolled through the town, feeling the happiness of being at home. The warm sun on her skin, the laughter, the calls of peddlers on the streets. Forgetting about trying to be conspicuous, she began to skip along the cobblestone streets. Her persuasion powers proved useful, as she soon had an audience with the royal family.
She stood in the one of the many castle rooms, anticipation buzzing throughout her body. The three most loved people of her life before her death entered the room, completely oblivious to the fact it was her. The sight of her seemed to stun them, and the wave she mustered up snapped Eugene out of his trance.
"Rapunzel! You're alive!" He shouted giddily, his famous heartthrob smile breaking loose on his face. He sprinted to her and spun her around happily.
"You could say that…" She laughed. Eugene pulled her in for a passionate kiss, his lips crashing onto hers. Sparks seemed to fly as Rapunzel realized how much she had missed him.
"I missed you." He murmured into her hair, obviously feeling the same way. The sight of her parents soon separated them.
"Rapunzel? Is that really you?" Her mother asked, standing in front of her with a shocked face. She extended an arm to touch her daughter's cheek, but quickly pulled back, seeming to fear that it was just a vision and she would vanish any second. Rapunzel grabbed the Queen's hand.
"Yes, mother, it's really me." There was a joyous shout from her parents as she was engulfed in a hug.
"How is this possible?" Her father asked. Her mother pulled away and held her at arm's length.
"Yes, what happened?" She questioned.
"It's a long story," She said. "I'll explain everything."
Since everyone already knew he was a Guardian, Hiccup didn't have to worry about not being seen as he strolled through Berk. The Vikings, being the non-observant people that they were, didn't really seem to notice him, and he probably could've gotten by invisibly if it wasn't for Toothless. The large dragon walking beside him caught lots of attention, and immediately everyone's gaze set on the pair.
"Nice job, Toothless. Our cover is blown." Hiccup said sarcastically. Toothless did the closest thing a dragon could do to a shrug.
"Not my fault people love to look at me!" He answered, smiling.
Hiccup cringed; there was no chance of avoiding everyone now. It wasn't that he didn't love the Vikings; it was more that they didn't really know their own strength. He forced a smile as they circled him, each shouting out greetings or questions. The Dragon Trainer shoved through them as politely as possible, trying to get to the Great Hall. If he was lucky the Council would be meeting now and he could tell them the news. There was no doubt they would be eager for a fight. He approached the Hall, the Viking trailing him like a pack of puppy dogs. He silently laughed at the analogy, imaging the tribe on all fours with their tongues hanging out of their mouths.
"I need to talk with the council." Hiccup said to his followers, his hand on the door to the Great Hall. "They'll explain everything." With that he slid through the now open door and into the darkness.
The eyes around the table all went to him as the door slammed shut with a CLANG. The chief looked up from his hunched position over a map and grinned.
"Hiccup, my boy!" He boomed, waving his son over. "Welcome back!"
"Hey dad…" Hiccup answered, awkwardly coming between his father and Gobber. The other Viking were smiling, which was good, because the council was always the place that made him feel the most uncomfortable. He didn't belong around this large table discussing war strategies, but in this case he had to.
"So what brings you here?" Stoic asked, peering down at the boy, who looked around the table at each of the men.
"We need an army." He stated. Those four little words caused an uproar.
"An army! You've come to the right place, lad!" One of the Vikings called.
"We're one of the best fighters around!" Another boasted. It was obvious they were excited, so Hiccup held up his hands in an attempt to calm them down.
"Hold on. It's not supposed to be big. I only need ten people. Fear is incredibly powerful, and it's going to take all four of the prophesied Guardians to defeat him. We can't have anything breaking our concentration, and there's going to be countless minions. That's where you and all the others come in."
"What do you mean 'the others'?" Spitelot, his uncle, interrupted.
"Merida and Rapunzel are also bringing ten people from their homes, the Scots and Coronians, and Jack's already notified the other Guardians." Hiccup explained.
"Ha! We don't need them!" A Viking named Headleg piped up. "Especially the Scots." Hiccup narrowed his eyes at the way he had said 'Scots'. He felt almost as if it was a personal insult. This guy had obviously never met Merida. Anger started to boil inside him, but he shoved it back down, forcing himself to give a calm answer.
"The Scots are extremely good fighters, probably just as good as us, maybe better. Merida, one of the Guardians, could best you in a fight with any weapon. The Coronians are wicked with frying pans and very intelligent. And as for the other Guardians, well, let's just say you don't want to mess with an angry tooth fairy." He fired back. Headleg quickly backed down, his face starting to turn red. Hiccup smiled and continued. "So what do you say, are you up for the challenge?"
The Viking cheered and lifted up their weapons. Hiccup grinned. "I'll take that as a yes."
Merida squinted her eyes against the bright sunlight, fighting the urge to duck back into the shade of the forest. The stone bricks of the castle were close, the small distance between them and the woods covered by grass. The young woman was directly in the middle, trying to figure out the subtlest way to get into the castle. The main entrance was out of the picture, considering there were many people going in and out. Of course she could always use the door that lead into the kitchen, or one of the secret passageways. But both of those options were also out; the kitchen had many servants working in it, and the secret passageways were only to be used in times of dire need.
She might be stuck here for a while.
If all else failed, she could just go in the main entrance. She was going to have to reveal herself anyway, but she preferred to put that off as long as possible. She sighed. Jack's stealth would be useful right now. She still had her speed, but it wouldn't help her from being seen. If there was only something she could do with her powers…
Of course! How could she have been so stupid? On the castle wall closest to her was a window-her window! Well, three window actually. The redhead lifted her hands and felt the tug of power in her body. She concentrated on the tree she wanted to create, forming an image of summer in her mind. The ground began to quake as a tree began to grow under her, lifting her into the air and causing a surprised squeal to escape her lips. The tree grew and sped through the air, branches growing and entwining and leaves sprouting from the bark.
Merida hugged the trunk of the tree as she felt herself being immersed in leaves. The growing halted to a stop and the Guardian walked along one of the branches, gripping smaller ones for balance. She stepped through the leaf wall and into the open, where she saw the ground a hundred feet below. Just across from her was her window, unfortunately it was fifty feet away with nothing between them but a repeat of her death if she fell.
Concentrating again, she watched as the branches began to spiral towards the window, solidifying and forming a bridge, complete with hand railings. With an uncharacteristically girlish giggle, she bounded across the bridge and slipped through the window.
The Scot's room was musty from the weeks of abandonment. Everything was in place, slightly cleaner than she left it, probably the handiwork of the maids. She wandered over to her wardrobe, pulling open the wooden door and fingering the gowns inside.
The doorknob began to jiggle and Merida quickly bounced into the wardrobe, peering through the crack just in time to see the door open. It was none other than her mother that stepped through. Merida suppressed a gasp at the sight of her loved one.
Elinor's face was worn and weary, worry wrinkles staining her porcelain skin. Her already graying hair had several more strands of age than it had before, a sign of her troubles. Merida had almost forgotten about the causes her vanishment must've inflicted on her family. How often did her mother come here to grieve for her lost daughter?
"Mum?" Merida stepped out of the wardrobe without thinking, her impulsiveness getting the better of her. Elinor gasped at the sight of her approaching daughter.
"M-merida?" The Queen choked out. The redhead grinned and barreled toward her, her mother doing the same.
"Mum!" The pair grasped each other in a tight embrace, not wanting to let go.
"We all thought you were dead!" Elinor stammered. "You just didn't come home one night, and after a few weeks we just assumed-we always hoped you would come back! Fergus sent out search parties, but we found no trace of you. Where have you been? Are you hurt? I'm so glad you're alive and safe and-"
"Mum!" Merida cut off her rambling mother. "I'm safe, technically not alive, but that's a story I'll tell when we get everyone together. C'mon, we got a lot to do!" With that, Merida darted out into the hall, dragging her very confused mother with her.
Well, there it is! I hope you liked it, dragons! Should I call you guys dragons now? Ooooo, what if I rotated dragons, snowflakes, flowers, and arrows? That would be cool! Anyway, love and adore you all! ~Jess