A/N: Wow I did it. I finished and want to thank all my readers who have stuck with me throughout the whole story. My wonderful reviewers THANK YOU BIG HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU. To those who have put me on their Favorite's thank you so much.

I want to thank Mrs Jones who has stuck through all the rough times and been my sounding board. I'm sure she will be sighing in relief. Through the tears and tantrums I had.

Check out my story Screwed already posted.

Please enjoy my the final chapter.

Chapter 25

Edward arrived home tired and hungry. Elizabeth left during the week to get back to her life in Seattle. He couldn't wait to wrap his arms around his lover once more. However, opening the door he was not greeted by Jacob and the apartment felt as though no one had been in it for a while. Looking around there was no tell-tail signs that Jacob had been in the apartment at all. During the week he had received a few text messages telling him that he loved him and that yes, indeed the woman in question was his older sister. They were now looking for their other sister. That had been two days ago.

Deciding to go take a shower while he heated up a meal, he headed to his room. The moment he opened the door he saw it. Sitting on the bedside table was the choker that Quil had given him and also the one he had given Jacob along with the key. On trembling legs he walked to the bed and picked up the choker. "You promised me," he sobbed bringing the choker to his face covering his eyes with his hands. "You fucking promised me," the choker went flying across the room hitting the bath making a clunking sound.

He curled up into a ball holding on to the choker that Quil gave him. "I tried Quil, I did," he never moved from that position for days. Everything else forgotten. It wasn't until Jasper finally convinced the doorman to allow him in that he found Edward on the bed three days worth of facial hair on his face. His friend's lips dry from thirst. His body unclean and wrinkled clothes. When he sat on the bed Edward never moved; his eyes glazed over, his breathing shallow. Tenderly Jasper ran his hand through his friends hair. "Why do they all leave me?" he asked, his voice husky.

"Edward, it happens. Jacob is young and he wasn't ready," Jasper tried to explain but regretted saying it as his friend curled up into a tighter ball and began sobbing. "I will run you a bath and you can soak while I make you something to eat," he said after his friends sobs finally subsided. Once the bath was drawn he pulled the photographer off the bed and stripped him. Edward didn't care what was happening. He was supposed to have been on a shoot that morning. Luckily Seth was able to do it for him. An hour later Edward was sitting at the table, an omelet placed in front of him. "Eat Edward," Jasper ordered.

"Why Jasper, why am I here?" Edward sighed picking up his fork and pushing the food around. "I need a drink not food," he dropped his fork and made for the cabinet. Opening it he found it empty. "Don't play this shit on me Jasper. Where have you hidden it?" Edward snarled.

"Edward, you don't need the alcohol. You need food," Jasper said trying to lead his friend back to the table. He had seen him fall to pieces with Garrett and he wasn't going to see his friend go through that again.

"Get out of my house!" Edward shouted. "Get the fuck out and never come back! I quit. You can take your assignments and give them to lover boy," Edward made his way to his room slamming the door. Jasper took deep breaths running his hand through his hair.

Of course, Jasper never left. He threw the omelet away and sat on the couch. He would wait as long as he needed to for Edward to come and find food. It was after midnight when Jasper was shaken awake. "Jazz, what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Jasper hissed looking at his lover's cousin.

"I live here," he frowned. "What is going on? Where is Edward?" he asked going toward the bedroom. Jasper grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him away from Edward.

"You left him,"

"No I didn't. Why would he think that? I left him messages telling him I was on my way home but, we got delayed," Jacob looked confused. "What's happened to Edward?" panic coursing through him.

"He never got any messages, Jake. He thought you had left him," Jasper sighed. "He, shit. Call us in the morning, okay? Seth is worried about you," he picked up his jacket and left Jacob heading toward his lover.

Opening the door, he saw his lover curled up in a ball and his breathing shallow. Going toward him he saw in Edward's relaxed hand the choker that Quil had given him. His was no where to be seen. Letting out a deep breath, Jacob left the man to sleep and went to the spare room. The following morning after his shower he went to check on Edward. He was sitting on the bed staring out the window. "Leave me alone, Jasper," he growled.

"Its me, Jacob."

Edward shot up and turned seeing his lover standing at the door. "Jake! God Jake, where the hell have you been?" he said walking toward him. Jacob took a step back as he saw the choker still in his hand. Edward halted and followed Jacob's eyes to his hand. Dropping the choker on the bed he continued to walk toward the model. Shaking his head, Jacob turned and went to the kitchen. "Jake, you took your choker off," Edward said following his lover.

"I know, Edward. I took it off to show you that I would be back. I promised you, remember?" Jacob sighed.

"But, you weren't home when I came home. All I saw was your choker. You promised to be here when I got home," Edward whispered.

"When did you last check your phone Edward?"

The photographer shook his head not remembering. "I don't know," he admitted.

"I have been leaving you messages in text and voicemail. Did you not think to check your phone? I tried ringing you but, it kept going to voicemail every time," Edward ran his hand through his hair. "Maybe you should check the phones," Jacob walked to the answering machine and pressed play. Sure enough, there were message after message from him to Edward telling him he missed him and loved him and couldn't wait to be in his arms. "Why would you think I had left you?"

"The choker," Edward admitted. The young model shook his head. "What was I supposed to think, Jake? I come home to an empty home and not a word from you in days. I walk into the bedroom and I find your choker sitting on the bedside table," he tried to move closer to his lover but, jacob flinched away. "I didn't know," he whispered.

"Where is my choker now, Edward?" Jacob growled.

"I'm sorry," Edward sobbed.

"Where the fuck is my choker?" he demanded again.

"I didn't know I thought you had left me."

Jacob pushed past Edward going to the bedroom. Opening and closing draw after draw, he couldn't find his choker. Edward hadn't moved from the lounge still in shock that Jacob had not left him at all. Jacob came out ten minutes later carrying the trash bin from the bathroom. Tipping it up onto the coffee table along with tissues and other rubbish was the choker. "Is this all I mean to you, Edward? A throw away," he picked up his choker and threw it on Edward's lap.

"No Jake, please. It's not that at all,"

"Then why is mine in the trash yet his is on the bed in your hand while you mourn him. You still love him and I was nothing," Jacob cried.

"No! You're wrong, I do love you Jacob. You are my everything."

"If I was your everything, Edward it would be my choker in your hands not his. I can't compete with him, Edward. He will be forever perfect in your eyes. The only one who can touch you a certain way is because it is sacred to only him. We never had a chance, Edward and I can't be with someone who is living the past with a dead person," he pulled the older man into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you and always will, Edward. But, I can't and won't be second to Quil," he kissed Edward's cheek and walked to the door placing his house key on the table. "Take care," with that he was gone.

Six years later;

"Thank you for flying Air American, Mr Cullen. I hope you enjoyed your flight," the young steward said. Edward smiled and nodded before disembarking from the plane. He hadn't been back to the states since he left nearly six years ago. He had given up fashion photography and travelled the world taking photos of exotic animals and places. He never even came home for holidays preferring to stay where he was stationed at the time. He worked and travelled alone as well, just him and his cameras. He was making more money than he had before and he was miserable. But, he was home finally, his mother and father were remarrying and as much as he protested he returned.

"Edward," he heard the familiar voice of his friend and saw him pushing people aside to reach him. Seth hadn't changed, still the sweet man he knew from before. Looking up, he saw his husband of five years smiling and shaking his head. He hadn't made it back for their wedding. He was over in London in a rehab facility having fallen into drinking to drown his sorrows once again. "You look amazing," Seth said stepping back after hugging his friend. He wasn't wrong, Edward was in better shape than he had been in his entire life. He tramped through jungles and forests with just a pack on his back. He never let the guides carry his pack wanting to do it himself. Leading him by the hand, Seth let it go when they came close to Jasper. Finally dropping his pack, Edward embraced his friend tightly. Of all the people he had missed, it was Jasper. He tried swallowing the lump in his throat but, gave up and sobbed as his friend hugged him closer running his hand through his scruffy hair.

"Come on, let's get you out of here," Jasper said placing his hands on either side of his friends face. "You have to meet your niece," he smiled. Edward sniffed, he still couldn't believe Jasper and Seth had adopted a little girl and were in the process of adopting another child.

Seth too had given up the modeling world and now did family portraits as a sideline to being a dad. They kept in touch through the years but, not once had any of them mentioned Jacob. Not that Edward ever asked them to or that Seth nor Jasper were trying to keep it from him. He was just never brought up. Of course, Edward thought about his lost lover daily. In fact, he wore the choker he had once given him.

The trip to their house was full of catching up on Edward's last trip to New Zealand where he had been assigned to capture photos of the native bird; the kiwi. He had fallen in love with the country and the people. He was in no doubt that he would return there soon and perhaps make it his home base. Jasper and Seth now had a house deciding the apartment wasn't suitable for a family. It was large but, homey. When Seth opened the door he called out and a little girl of three came running toward him, both with their arms open. Picking up the young girl who also had the same ink black hair as Seth and the same russet skin, he turned around to show his daughter her Uncle Edward who she had heard so much about. Her favorite program was Diego, the one who explored many countries taking photos and learning about different animals. Her big brown eyes widened and her chubby cheeks bulged out as she gave him a smile. Not in the least bit shy of the man she knew as Uncle Ed.

"Want to come play?" she asked sweetly.

"Poppy, Uncle Ed will be tired. Remember?" Jasper said taking his daughter from his husband and showering her face with kisses making her squeal in delight.

"Maybe after lunch," Edward said wanting to get to know his niece. He would only be in New York a few days before he left to go to Seattle. Even though Seth and Jasper to were going to the wedding, Poppy was to stay with Sue and Harry who had arrived from La-Push to spend time with their granddaughter. Sue came out and took Poppy up to her room leaving the men to talk. Lunch would be soon and she could spend time with her fathers and uncle until her nap.

Seth quickly showed Edward around until they went to the lounge. There on the wall were family photos. Leah and Emmett were married now and Leah expecting their first child any day now. Pregnancy suited Leah very well and Emmett always had his arm around his wife protectively. Edward saw a large family photo which not only had Seth's family in it but, other people he didn't know except for one, Jacob. Swallowing, he moved on to the next one only to be staring at Jacob in his graduation gown. Edward smiled, Jacob had followed his dream. There again were two women at his side. Looking closer, he could see that they must be his sisters. They all had the same smile and eyes. There was a photo of another wedding, this time Paul and Embry's. This was only a few months old. Paul finally convincing Embry to tie the knot. They moved to Australia to start a new life together. There was a photo of all the guests at the wedding and it was then that Edward noticed something he hadn't noticed before. In every photo but one, there was Brady Fuller standing next to Jacob his arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"Is he happy?" Edward finally asked.

"He is," Seth said patting his friend's shoulder. Edward just nodded. "It took him a long time to get over you, Edward. But he moved on with his life just like you did." Edward again nodded. "So what about you Edward, anyone special on your travels?" Seth took the glass of wine from his lover before Jasper handed Edward a mineral water also in a wine glass.

"No, a few guys here and there but, no one special," he smiled. He put his hand up to his choker and ran his finger around it. Jasper tilted his head and looked at his friend sadly. He was still a handsome man but, there was something different and he was trying to figure it out. "Jacob and Brady have plans to marry?" he asked needing to know. He almost told them not to tell him but, both Jasper and Seth laughed. The photographer quirked an eyebrow.

"They aren't a couple. Hell, doubt they have even kissed other than on the cheek," Jasper chuckled.

"But, the photos, I just thought you know. Well, it looks like it," Edward growled.

"They are best friends. It was Brady who helped him through the break up. Edward, don't think that just because he broke up with you he wasn't hurting. It took both of you to do the hurting," Jasper said sitting by his lover who curled up beside him.

"I loved him. I never intended to hurt him," he again touched the choker. Seth sat up and put his glass down and walked to his friend pulling him into his chest so Edward could hear his heart beating.

"Loved or love?"

"Is it that obvious?" he held onto his friend as he let the silent tears fall. The doorbell rang and Poppy ran down the stairs as though the house was on fire. Edward sat up and wiped his tears away.

"Uncle Jakey, you visit me," she squealed.

"Couldn't drive past without seeing my little muppet now could I?" Jacob's deep rich baritone voice came through the house along with his niece's squeals.

"You invited him here?" Edward hissed. Seth and Jasper both shook their heads just as surprised as Edward. Jacob had been away for his job and wasn't due to return for another week at least. They hadn't even told Jacob that Edward would be visiting. "Shit," the photograph whispered. He was not prepared to see the man he was still in love with. When Jacob left him that morning he had taken a good look at himself and his life. Jacob was right. He was still in love with Quil and always compared them against each other.

However, over the years, Quil had slipped from his thoughts and only rarely did he think of his first love. Instead, it was now Jacob and what he left in his heart. He was trying to move on but knew, until he could let Jacob go, he couldn't move on with his life and find a new lover. He saw how much it had hurt Jacob and he never wanted to hurt anyone like that again.

"Mmmmm, something smells good," Jacob said walking into the lounge, his niece on his shoulders. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the last man he thought he would never see again. "Edward," he whispered putting his protesting niece down. He took a step forward as Edward stepped back.

Neither Jacob or Edward noticed that Seth and Jasper had taken their daughter out of the room shutting the door behind them giving them privacy. Edward wasn't surprised that Jacob had grown taller and was in fact taller than him. He still had the perfect body of a model. His hair had grown back and again in a ponytail. If it was at all possible the man he had fallen in love with had grown more beautiful. No longer the boy but rather, a man.

Jacob stared at his first love not believing he was standing in front of him. He too had changed, filling out but, it suited him along with the tan he had. He licked his lips when he saw his choker on Edward's neck. He quickly looked away chewing his lip. He no longer chewed his fingers when he was scared or worried. How he missed this man with every passing day. But, he loved another and he would never be his true love.

"Hello Jacob," Edward said.

The end

Please leave your final thoughts. Before anyone asks there is no squeal to this story.

I know this has ruffled a few feathers and lost many readers at one point. But this was always my intention about a boy growing into a man.

I stand by my story and hold my head up high. Thank you for sticking with me to the end.