This is my first Hermione/ Draco fic. . . I hope you guys will review. Thanks. I'm open to any suggestions you might have. Oh, and I'll be updating every few days.

Chapter 1

Draco Malfoy found himself staring at the passing hordes of people at Hogwarts. All of them were talking, chatting, and looking happy in one way or other. He glanced over his shoulder at Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe was openly picking his nose, and Goyle was sitting as if he were made of hardened clay. Funny how he could look like a slab of stone when he tried.

Draco wondered what it would be like having an _actual_ intelligent conversation with someone else of his own age, that didn't pick his nose in public, or look like a frozen gargoyle. It didn't help that the both of them had the IQ of a broken toothpick.

He did try, however. "What did you guys think about the Charms quiz?"

Crabbe looked at Goyle. Goyle looked at Crabbe. They looked as if they had been asked for the answer to Einstein's equation.

"Well. . . uh. . ." Crabbe started intelligently. He glanced at Goyle, as if looking for an answer. Goyle shrugged and went back to his stone slab posture. Crabbe scratched his head. "What was the question again?"

Draco started banging his head against the wall.


Hermione sighed. "Can't we talk about something else?" She pleaded. If she heard Ron and Harry talk about which Quidditch ("Which is better, the Chudley Cannons or the Jumping Jets?") any longer, her ears were going to officially go on strike.

They ignored her. Harry was stoutly in favor of the Jets, but Ron thought likewise.

"How can you still be on their side? They totally blew their last match!"

"A true fan never wavers," was Ron's stubborn reply.

Harry snorted. "Right. Coming from the person who practically jumped on the chance to get free tickets to the Jumping Jets match!" He shook his head empathetically to prove his point.

Ron turned red. "They were free, okay? Besides, I was still in support of the Cannons. "

"Was not."

"I was wearing orange that day! The Chudley Cannons' official team color! It doesn't count."

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Does too."

It looked like Ron and Harry were going to continue in such a vein for a while. Hermione shifted her books in her arms as they rounded the corridor. To her surprise, she was met with the image of Draco slamming his head against the wall repeatedly, while Crabbe and Goyle stood behind him, looking worried.

Fortunately, Harry and Ron were too preoccupied with their argument to notice. Hermione pushed the mad image of Draco acting like a lunatic out of her head. _Stay calm. _ she told herself. _The people around you aren't really bonkers today, it's just your imagination. Nothing to worry about. _

They entered the Charms classroom. "Does not," Ron hissed as they sat down. "Does too," Harry snapped back. They looked as if they were about to start a fistfight if they had the chance. The class, together with Professor Flitwick, watched them with avid interest.

Hermione sank in her seat. This was going to be a looong day.


[Later, at the Slytherin dungeons]

Draco looked at the rather wrinkled flyer he picked off the floor. It read, "Order now! Free trial period, with the added incentive of communicating with a possible new friend in your age group."

"What're you looking at?" Goyle loped up to him curiously. He tried to peer over Draco's shoulder.

"Nothing." Draco stuffed the flyer into his pocket. "It's nothing."


Hermione stared at the flyer she received. "What's this?" she asked Lavender.

"Oh, that," Lavender giggled. "It's a really cool way to make new friends your age. They introduced it to the Wizarding Weekly two weeks ago. Parvati and I have been meeting plenty of other wizards with it."

_Male ones, no doubt,_ A little voice at the back of Hermione's head sang out. She forced a smile on her face and headed upstairs, where Harry and Ron were comparing Quidditch tactics (again).

"I'm telling you, that move wasn't the smartest."

"Was too! It won them the game, didn't it?"

"No it didn't! I'm telling you - "

Hermione cleared her throat. They took no notice of her, and continued bickering. She took another look at the flyer. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Tbc. . .

[A/n: so what did you guys think? Pls review!]