Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my own creations.


"Yes dear?"

It was a nervous Queen Mia who took a seat beside her on the sofa. Clarisse bid her time as her young granddaughter struggled to find words.

"You're going to be a great-grandmother," she eventually blurted out. "Again."

Clarisse's jaw would never drop, but the shock was evidence on her face. "Already?" was all she managed.

(Georgette (heir to the throne due to hastily rushed laws passed mere moments before her birth) and her twin sister Bridgette had arrived a mere seven months earlier.)

"Yeah," said Mia sheepishly, running her fingers through her hair.

Clarisse regained use of words once again. "Why that is wonderful! For you all."

Mia snorted as she flopped back, covering her tired eyes. "Nick sees it was a sign of his sexual prowess."

Clarisse actually laughed. "Never attempt to understand men my dear."