Summary extension

Pairing: Ironhide/Ratchet, Jazz/Prowl, Sideswipe/ OC / Sunstreaker ( slow),

Rating: M ( for torture, war and death, you have been warned)

A/N: This is a story that I have had on my computer for a while. I started this in my younger years as an attempt to learn to write in English. Everything was already sitting nicely in their folders but never posted, so I decided that I would rewrite and make the story complete in the end. I love the Transformers universe and decided that I would borrow its characters for some fun and lovely moments of sweet tooth-rotting moments.

Disclaim: Transformers belong to its right full owner, but the sparkling is mine

At the beginning I will use the cybetronian terms of time, only to go over to more earthly at the end when they are on earth ;)

klik = 1,2 min
breem = 8 kliks/8.27 minutes;
mega – cycle= ~1hour
groon = 9 breem/1.24 hours;
joor = 6 groon/7.44 hours;
solar cycle= ~Day
Luna Cycle=~ Night
orbital cycle = ~1 month
deca – cycle= ~1 year


It was a planet unlike another in this side of the galaxy, in her prime time Cybertron was the most beautiful and magnetic planet that existed. She was so full of life and was one of the brightest star planets there was. The cities on her were something that would take your breath away with its grandiosity; the landscape would always change and bring wonder and surprise to the viewer. The inhabitants had gone through their development phase and could classify as sentient mechanical self-configuring modular robotic lifeform or Cybertronians they liked to call themselves. They looked like humanoid robots that can transform into machines, familiar mechanical objects, and vehicles. But don't mistake, they had feelings and thoughts the same way other lifeforms had. They could love more profound than any other race and were forever faithful to the one who carried the other half of their existence.

To name all of the cites on Cybertron would take to long, but some cities stood out against the bigger picture. There was Praxus with its winged and intelligent inhabitant and with its parks and crystal gardens. The Praxian was the one that first created the softest material made of special kind of crystals, and it became famous and sought after all over the planet. In the city of Vos, the flying cybetronian lived, and the inhabitants there was the most beautiful cybetronian you ever could imagine. The colors of their plantings and the speed and the graceful movements attracted many looks, and they knew this. But there was one city where everything happened, and it was the birthplace of the first Cybetronians, the home of the Allspark.


The metallic towers stretched tower the skies, and in the light of the two moons at the dark hour managed to make the city shine in an almost purplish color. It was here all the higher cybetronians lived in luxury and prosperity, but as their status was growing, some cities started to downgrade, and the energy source began to thin out for a lot of Cybetronians.

Suddenly life on the planet had become too costly, and there were too many living creatures on the planet and not enough energy to sustain them all. The inhabitants were made of metal, and their primary existence was in their sparks and processors so Cybetronians could live for millennia's and still not offline. A new Era was beginning to be created; the higher Cybetronians began to acquire slaves, those who were less fortunate than themselves. New laws were created about the way of life like how they could reproduce, and what they could do for a living. Fewer sparklings could be created by Allspark or the people in questions overall. There was no chance or way they could get the right means to bring a sparkling into the world. The well of the Allspark started to become a cold place no longer shining, the walls grew dulled and cold, and no longer was the stars inside the well.

But it was in The city of Tarn, where the wheels of fate began to spin. The City had the most significant and all of their main power plans on Cybertron were in it. On top of that, the city was within proximity to the black crystal fortress that conducted star energy and turned it into a raw crystal form. It was a city that was ruled by a military dictator and soon became one of the top forces that conflicted with Cybertron's dwindling energy sources. But it was not the power that made the change, in an attempt to avoid too many casualties and start a war they invented a survival game between the two biggest cities that were in disagreement Vos and Iacon. They named the game the gladiator matches. Never had any of the inhabitants believed that the game would grow so big that the game soon had to travel from Tarn to Kaon and upgrade its arena. More Cybetronians came from all over the planet to sheer and watched the hard battle between two or more part team. Even if Kaon was one of the worst places on Cybertron, they still came, But not many high ups would longer look at the game. It was with this Kaon became famous for their smelting pool that could smelt down even the hardest metal armor from the slain Cybetronians in the arena. Also even as the game moved from Tarn, their champion remained the ruling gladiator in the arena and was until this day. He was driving and did not give anyone a chance and always offline his opponents.

His name was Megatron.

He hated the catalog system that was created, and at every chance he could, he stood up against those who believed they knew better. He challenged them; he pressed on where no one else dared to push, he began to stand out. Megatron started to rise against the higher up and the classification system in more drastic means; it was the time of the revolution. It was in this time he met with his new partner, one librarian named Orion Pax that was there to inspect the events of the gladiator games with one of his friends. But it became so much more than that, and Orion Pax started to help Megatron to gather up resisters where every cybetronian could take refugees, they began to free slaves under the higher ups system. An internal war broke up between the people of Cybertron, and it was a war that would continue for decades to come. It looked like the revolution was over after one big battle, and when everyone started to breathe a litter better, a change happened in Megatron. He wanted more, and it went against what most of the rebels fighter for so an internal war started up inside the revolting group. It was by a pure coincident that Orion Pax became the leader of the rebels and was being recognized by the Allspark. What happened inside the Allspark no one knew, but the first Primes decided to help the people of Cybertron one last time. Orion Pax was promoted to Prime, he was the latest addition on the planet to that specific rank and with the new power came to a new name.

Optimus Prime.

The rebellion was now divided in two, the Decepticons, led by Lord Megatron, and the Autobots that was lead by the last of the Primes. The war had taken a new turn; no longer was it to take down a system that had pressed them to inferiority, it had become a war of domination. Megatron tried to take control over the Allspark to create a new army and subjects of his own to rule over, but this was nothing that the Autobot would allow. For millennia's, war raged on Cybertron, and it was hurting her more and more until her core started to die. The Allspark was the only salvation for the planet, and the Autobots know this, but one night the Decepticons made a surprise attack and almost got their hands on the Allspark. In a desperate attempt to protect the Allspark, Optimus shoot the cube into space and away from the Decepticons.

In desperate times, desperate decisions were needed as nothing ells were working at the time. But considering that the Allspark was the only thing that could restore their planet, they needed to get it back. However, in an attempt to protect the Allspark, not even Optimus did not know of its location.

So the hunt for the Allspark beguine.