Jack versus Slenderman

Chapter 1: Jack in the Forest

Jack knew that he had to continue his long trek, after saying at an inn, he was well prepared to head out for the following day. While at the inn, the inn keeper warned Jack to stay away from the woods.

"There is an evil entity out there that likes to hunt us, some say he was spawned by being angered in being confronted by a pastor and his wife" said the inn keeper.

"But, I need to travel through the forest to get to my destination" said Jack.

"Listen carefully samurai, take the long road out, it may take you to the mountains, but it'll get you around the forest, do not go into the forest samurai" said the inn keeper.

Jack was rather impatient with the inn keeper, as he stayed for the rest of the night, he had an uneasy feeling about the inn keeper, as if someone was watching him and his every move. As for Jack, the samurai decided to ignore the inn keeper's warning and headed toward the forest in hopes of taking the shortcut to his destination, he needed to head toward a temple not far from where he was to get to a time portal that was being opened by some priests who communicated with the samurai a few days ago.

"Samurai" said the priest in a telepathic manner to the samurai, "are you sure you want to head toward the forest? We cannot protect you against the unknown."

"But it is the quickest way of heading toward your place" said Jack.

"Hmm, very well, not that many people have made it out alive from that forest, but if you must continue, you must, we'll keep the portal open as long as possible" said the priest.

"Thank you" said Jack.

As immediately as the samurai stepped into the forest, the priest and his comrades couldn't communicate with the samurai via telepathy anymore.

"Something in the forest is disturbing our signal" said the priest.

"Yes" continued the second priest, "this is a being out of our comprehension, I fear our samurai friend will be in one heck of a fight more than he ever faced by the shape shifting wizard known as Aku."

Jack had indeed faced many foes before, all had failed to confront him, as for Aku it was a stalemate with every step of the way, but the minute he stepped into the forest he could sense something wasn't right with the forest. There were no birds flying above the trees, nor any other of the wildlife, it was eerily calm as the samurai continued down the road toward his destination. As the sun began to set for the day, the samurai began to setup a camp fire for himself to rest for the night. He laid down for the night hoping that there'd be nothing else of any concern, but suddenly he heard an uneasy noise like as if it were a certain boom ringing through his ear.

"What, who's there?" asked Jack as he got up from his sleep.

Jack turned around thinking a vehicle was approaching, but nothing, nothing at all, the ringing started to get a little louder with every moment which the only right thing for the samurai to do was to put out the fire and head off hoping to get an early start continuing his journey. A few minutes later into the darkness, Jack soon came across a strange page that was stuck on a tree. First page that he picked up read "Don't Look…or It Takes You!"

"Hmm, this is rather strange" said Jack.

"So, this is the samurai I've been hearing so much about around the forest and even the inn keeper!" laughed a haunting voice.

"Were you sent by Aku?" asked Jack as he took out his sword.

"Foolish samurai, no, I don't work for Aku, I am independent!" laughed the voice, "I am actually kind of glad you didn't take the inn keeper's advice, I knew you were going to come into my forest, because I was already watching you from the window of the inn! Samurai, I challenge you, find the other seven pages and see if you can run from me, we'll make things interesting!"

The evil laughter sounded more sinister than Aku, perhaps this was a spirit the samurai was well unprepared to face, it didn't bother for any conquests like Aku ever wanted, but only wanted to have a good challenge. The samurai decided to rush toward for shelter near an abandon mobile home, but as the samurai crept up, he found another page.

"Good job" laughed the voice, "but you still got six more to go! Oh, by the way, I'm coming for you!"

As the samurai looked out of the window of the abandon mobile home, he could see a shadowy figure that had a suit on, and a white mask with no eyes though it knew where the samurai was located.

"Monster, you don't scare me" said Jack as he took out his sword.

The samurai crept out of the mobile home with his sword drawn.

"Samurai, your sword will do you no good" mocked Slenderman.

"We'll see about that" said Jack.

Jack charged at Slenderman and tried to slice him with his sword, but Slenderman moved very swiftly passing the samurai's sword.

"Pathetic" said Slenderman, "now it's my turn."

Slenderman delivered several good punches, he then tossed the samurai aside.

"Listen up, I don't do this normally with any fools walking into my territory, but if you are able to out run me and find the six remaining pages, I'll let you go free" laughed Slenderman, "I'm going to give you another ten second start."

Jack soon recovered and dashed off hoping to find the other six pages, with Slenderman following closely behind.