Lucy was a bookworm. She gave herself that title after reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the first time. She was undoubtedly a book lover, a book addict, a book-everything, just like that girl Hermione. She reads from A to Z, about all the subjects you can possible imagine – Science, History, Astrology, even Cooking. That's why her friendship with Levy grew up very fast. For the first time in her life Lucy could actually discuss books with someone! Oh, the joys of reading… Lucy could not imagine a better way to start a friendship! Well, except when someone pulls your hand and takes you to your dream guild, after saving you… But that's another story!

Regarding all that has been said above, you could believe that Lucy's linguistic culture is quite good… But, you would be terribly wrong!

You see, Lucy's language skills are quite impressive, if we are talking about her native language and ancient ones. Try giving her something written in English, French, German… You would get a really weird result; probably a new language would me made! Now, Lucy actually thought she could hide this, avoiding borrowing some books in foreign "modern" languages that Levy wanted her to read. Of course, it didn't last…

One afternoon the girls were all reunited at the guild, as usual. Lots of women together… It never has a good result... Lucy was enjoying herself, until the touchy subject of romance was brought to the table. Just like that, she said goodbye to her peaceful day… All the girls believed that Lucy's heart was quite taken by her most treasured friend, and they wouldn't give up "tormenting" Lucy until she admitted it. And unfortunately, she was starting to give in to the pressure.

Admitting to yourself that you probably have feelings for someone is one thing… But telling your friends this weakness bothered Lucy just a tiny little bit! However, the key-word here is friends… These girls are her friends, the closest thing she has to a family. If you can't trust them, who will you trust? They put a smile on your face in the saddest moments, and celebrate with you during the best ones! So, Lucy let her guard down, and told them. Lucy actually admitted out loud that she was having different feelings, stronger feelings you might say, for her best friend Natsu. The moment these words came out of her mouth… Well, you can imagine the reactions. Mirajane got starry eyes, Erza smiled, Cana drank a double beer to celebrate and Levy said it was about time, while blushing. Lucy joined her bookworm friend, being the fair winner of the "blush competition". Such a red face is surely not healthy…

What happens next?

To Lucy the answer was quite obvious… NOTHING! Nothing happens! She will continue her life the way it has always been since she joined Fairy Tail. Best friends with Natsu, doing missions with him, losing money because of destroyed cities – courtesy of her sweetheart… She knows it's not easy to hide her feelings, but she has been successful. Besides, Natsu doesn't seem interested in this kind of personal issues.

However, to the girls the solution was the complete opposite. CONFESS! What in Mavis sake where they thinking? Lucy would never have the courage to confess… Natsu may not pay attention to romantic relationships, but he's not stupid He may be a little bit airheaded, but he would know what Lucy meant. He would know that he was more special to her than anyone else. Lucy is sure Natsu would never grow apart from her because of this, but if the feelings were not reciprocal he would become self conscious, probably feeling guilty because she was not as happy as she should be, and all because of him.

Lucy explained this to the girls, and they became less excited. Deep down they knew Lucy was right, and her friendship with Natsu was too precious to be put at stake like that. Lucy's confession would have to be genius, unlike any confession ever made in Fairy Tail! She needed to get those feelings out of her chest, but in a way Natsu would not directly understand… If he ever showed signs of returning her affections in the future, then she would explain to him what she did in the past.

So, the girls began the brainstorming session… Needless to say, the perfect idea came from Levy, who suggested Lucy confesses to Natsu in a foreign language! Everyone agreed! It was flawless! Natsu would never understand, and Lucy could actually say "I love you" without feeling embarrassed. Problem is… Lucy is bad at foreign languages! And she tried so hard to hide it… Now she was embarrassed because of the solution they found for her to not be embarrassed in front of Natsu!

After her second confession of the day (okay, this one was not romantic, but Lucy actually feels bad about it), it became obvious that Levy would have to solve the problem once more. Levy's suggestion was… Italian! It was just perfect, it sounded so poetic… And Natsu would never understand it! Just like that, the plan was almost flawless again! All that's left is for Lucy to pronounce the words perfectly; Levy wouldn't have it any other way…

And so, three days later…

Natsu barged into her house, just like any other day. Lucy had grown so accustomed to it that she would no longer squeal in surprise every time she heard the words "Yo Lucy" coming from her bedroom. This day, however, it was a bit different. The moment she heard Natsu, her heart fluttered. This was it… Her confession, finally! She would get it off her chest; she would be able to feel like she was being truthful towards Natsu, even if he was not supposed to understand what she said…

Ti voglio bene. The fated "I love you" was finally given to her special person. She said it calmly, much to her surprise. A smile adorned her face, her eyes shining with relief. She did it! She actually admitted her feelings, and she was feeling so much lighter…

Natsu on the other hand… He was looking at her like she was being weird, again. Okay, maybe she was being weird, but it was for a good reason! Natsu became thoughtful, but his face lighted up after a few seconds. The words that came out of his mouth were something she would have never expected…

"Sounds yummy! Is that what we are having for dinner today?" he asked excitedly while grabbing her by the shoulders.

Lucy just looked at him with a dumbfound expression… Food, of course he would think about food! She quickly became amused, a small laugh filling the air.

"Not really Natsu, at least not today." – She paused, looking at him softly – "But I hope one day you'll be able to have a taste of it."

Natsu calmed down and grinned at her.

"Sure Lucy! But only if you have it with me." He said, letting go of her shoulders and taking his usual place at the table.

Lucy blushed; she definitely wanted to share Ti voglio bene's with Natsu…

Hello hello! :) I studied in Italy for three months, and I just love the language! It's so cute ^.^
I hope you like this fic! :D *** Bacio! (kiss... eheheh)