Chapter One

Hi there! The summary sucks I know, though I hope you'll enjoy the story. Sorry if it wasn't good. And feel free to give me advice. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own….I don't own…*my friend whacked me in the head*…oh fine fine…I don't own…CardCaptor Sakura…Clamp Does.

Summary: Clow Academy is a school for people with magic. Syaoran, Eriol and Tomoyo are the three top students. A new student named Sakura came and is very familiar to the three. The four were sent on a mission and were told about a dark mage. Now the four has to defeat the dark mage. Why is Sakura familiar to the other three? How did Sakura know about the Dark Mage? What is this new feeling Syaoran's getting whenever he's close to Sakura? Or…is it even new? SxS ExT

"Syaoran!" Eriol shouted. Hiiragizawa Eriol is the second strongest magician in Clow Academy. He has dark hair and sapphire eyes behind round glasses. He has a vast knowledge about magic and is a master at his Earth Element, doing more advanced techniques than a student would.

"Hey" Syaoran replied nonchalantly. Li Syaoran's the fighter, being in Clow Academy at the age of 12 along with Eriol and another member that is a year younger named Tomoyo. They were told that they suddenly appeared in front of the gate of the Academy, unconscious. He is the strongest student. Popular not only for his mastery of fire and lightning elements, but he is also popular for his looks as well. He has messy chestnut hair and amber eyes.

"Have you seen Tomoyo yet?" Eriol asked anxiously. Syaoran smirked inwardly. Eriol had told him that he feelings for Tomoyo, so Syaoran played Matchmaker, which left Eriol flabbergasted by the way, but everything is still in-progress, much to Eriol's dismay.

"Good Morning, Eriol and Syaoran." A girl with long, wavy ebony hair said with a delicate voice. She had pale, porcelain skin, rosy cheeks and beautiful amethyst eyes. Daidouji Tomoyo, the third strongest student in Clow Academy. She may not look like it, since she's always so delicate and princess-like, but she can kick butt if you piss her off as she was trained by Syaoran, who is like an over-protective brother, and Eriol, the only person she had feelings for. Her element is water, which she usually forms into chains if on battle.

"Good Morning Tomoyo" Eriol replied. Syaoran only nodded in acknowledgement. The trio walked towards Class A, where strong students are placed regardless of what grade or age. As for the trio, they were the youngest people to be in that Class, being there since 1413 in Tomoyo's case–after they were found.

"New students are coming today!" Tomoyo said excitedly while sitting in front of Eriol, who is sitting beside Syaoran.

"You seem interested than usual." Eriol said.

"I have a feeling that the new student in our a girl…and someone interesting and…familiar…?" Tomoyo said, also confused by her own words.

"Oh great, another girl" Syaoran muttered but Tomoyo and Eriol heard it and chuckled.

The door suddenly opened and the other students went back to their seats as silence enveloped the room. A woman with red waist-length hair and red eyes walked elegantly towards the table in front of the class.

"Good Morning everyone" The woman said.

"Good Morning Ms. Mizuki!" The class replied.

"I would like to introduce a new friend. Please come in." Ms. Mizuki said.

The door slid open once again revealing a girl with silky, auburn hair. Her shining, unique emerald eyes caught the attention of the class, since it was unusual to see a person own such eyes with that color. It mostly caught the attention of Tomoyo, Eriol and especially Syaoran.

The trio felt that she was very familiar, as if they met her before. Syaoran was fascinated by her eyes. Not to mention, green was his favorite color.

She closed the door behind her gently and walked towards Ms. Mizuki and stood in front of the class.

"Hi I'm Kinomoto Sakura, nice to meet you all!" Sakura said cheerfully. A bunch of 'nice to meet you too's' and 'hellos' can be heard

Tomoyo, Eriol and Syaoran felt the feeling of familiarity hit them again.

"Hmm let's see. Ah! You can sit there beside Daidouji." Ms. Mizuki said pointing to an empty seat beside Tomoyo and in front of Syaoran.

The trio wasn't sure, but they think they saw her eyes widen slightly in shock and sadness but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Sakura's P.O.V

"Hmm let's see. Ah! You can sit there beside Daidouji." Ms. Mizuki said pointing to an empty seat beside a very familiar pair of amethyst eyes. I feel my eyes widen hearing the name and seeing those familiar eyes. 'Tomoyo' I thought, happily and sadly at the same time.

I feel tears form but quickly blinked it away and head to my seat, and saw another pair of familiar amber eyes and a pair of sapphire ones. 'Syaoran, Eriol' I thought.

I feel my whole body went weak but I quickly sat down trying to focus and trying not to attract attention. 'They wouldn't remember me.' I said in my mind again.

Tomoyo's P.O.V

She went towards her seat and saw her eyes glance at me sadly. I wondered why. 'She's so familiar' I thought.

I saw her glance at Syaoran and Eriol with the same expression. I think I saw tears form but I blinked and didn't see any, so I just shrugged it off…for now.

She sat down quite weakly. 'That was strange, she was just full of energy a while ago' I thought.

Normal POV

The class went by as usual. Tomoyo was assigned to help Sakura get used to everything around. Syaoran and Eriol joined in too.

"Oh and umm, here is Hiiragizawa Eriol." Tomoyo said pointing at Eriol and blushing faintly at the same time. "This is Li Syaoran." Tomoyo said pointing towards Syaoran.

'I know' Sakura thought then smiled 'Well at least they're still together'. "Hi. It's nice to meet you." Sakura said, holding out her hand to shake hands with the both of them.

"What group are you in?" Eriol asked.

"Group? There are groups here?" Sakura asked.

"Yup, we're all formed into teams. Syaoran, Eriol and I are teammates. There's a limit to the number of members though since it would be unbalanced. The limit is four members. So…it seems like you don't have a team yet, would you like to join ours?" Tomoyo said. Surprisingly, Syaoran didn't even protest in letting Sakura join.

"I would love to but…are you sure? I mean, I'm weak." Sakura replied.

"I don't think you should be in Class A if you're weak then." Syaoran said.

"Oh, right…I forgot" Sakura giggled. Syaoran blushed faintly. Her voice is just…beautiful. Eriol and Tomoyo exchanged sly smiles.

"So? Will you join?" Tomoyo asked, well more like pleaded as she held Sakura's hands and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"U-umm s-sure" Sakura said. Tomoyo bear-hugged Sakura

"Oh, umm what's your room number Sak-Kinomoto-san?" Tomoyo said.

'Weird, I feel as if I always call her Sakura and calling her Kinomoto isn't quite…comfortable.' Tomoyo thought.

"Just call me Sakura, Ms. Daidouji. Umm…number 77" Sakura said smiling.

"Oh my! That's right in front of my room! And call me Tomoyo." Tomoyo said happily.

"Welcome to the group! Just call me Eriol" Eriol said and nudged Syaoran.

"C-call me Syaoran…" Syaoran said. Tomoyo and Eriol smiled slyly again which did not get unnoticed by Syaoran, who gave them glares. Tomoyo and Eriol just whistled and looked at him innocently.

Sakura, who didn't see the exchanged looks between them, jumped in delight. Tomoyo giggled and Eriol chuckled at her childish behavior. Syaoran felt his lips tugging upward, forming a small smile. It felt like they didn't meet today, it was as if they were together ever since.

Little do Eriol, Tomoyo and Syaoran know, they had, but they were separated from her in the past 7 years

So…umm how was it? Hehe sorry if that was boring and uneventful...I need help! =P Thanks for reading! How did Sakura know them while they don't? Find out as the story progresses! J

Oh and some mini-info:

Kinomoto Sakura18 years old, has wind element and a special element: Crystal Element

Daidouji Tomoyo18 years old, has water element.

Hiiragizawa Eriol19 years old, has earth element.

Li Syaoran19 years old, has fire and lightning elements.