Those Letters That Make Me Smile

Dean Winchester fidgeted in his seat next to his younger brother, Sam, as the other skimmed through books he picked from the shelves at Sioux Falls Public Library. It was all for a research paper and as nice as using a computer to just look up what he needed, the Winchester's had the unfortunate luck of breaking their only laptop. It took quite a nice tumble down the stairs when the two were fighting over it. So now this is where they were, Sam trying to find the information he needed and Dean, being the ever so supporting brother, was right there to help if need. Okay, let's be honest here, Dean wasn't going to be much help to Sam at all-mostly because the younger didn't want his help, but he was bored and decided to accompany his sibling. Who knew a library was going to be just as boring?

With another sigh, Sam closed the book he was flipping through. "Dean, would you stop that? I can't concentrate when all I hear is you moving around and touching stuff. Seriously, why did you even bother coming?" He complained.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that, Sammy. This place is more boring than your love life. It's not like I could get one of those sitcom romances where the librarian is some smoking hot chick because it's just some guy who looks like a complete nerd," At that his brother rolled his eyes. Leave it to Dean to turn everything into a joke. Continuing he added, "There is practically nothing to do here. It doesn't even look like people come to this place. If they do, they definitely don't come to the religious section; everyone has a bible, that's good enough."

Putting on one of his best bitchfaces, Sam retorted with a sarcastic manner, "Yes, because every religion in history goes by the Bible, Dean. Suddenly, the whole world since the beginning of time only had one monotheistic religion."

"Bitch, don't use that tone with me."

A smug smirk pulled at his lips. "What, Jerk? Is that all you can say because I'm right?"

"Pleaaaase, Sammy, you're not right. Okay, maybe a little right because of that religion fact that I didn't think through but I still doubt people actually come to this part of the library- if they even come at all." To further prove his point, Dean grabbed one of the books on Sam's stack and opened it to the back page, taking out the stamp card. "See," he began, showing his brother the card, "The last time this book was checked out was seven months ago. Bet you a book in the fiction area would show that it was checked back in a few days ago."

Shaking his head, Sam just flipped open another book. "Okay, all powerful wise one, you win. Just, go read a book or something and stop distracting me."

Although pouting, Dean did respect his brother's wishes and fled the table. He weaved through shelves and rows upon rows of books, barely looking at them but using this to occupy his time. He spent about twenty minutes "searching" for a book before returning to his seat. He still didn't want to disturb his brother though, so this time he sat as quietly as he could and let his thoughts wander.

That's when it hit him. The idea was pretty genius if he must say so himself. He was going to write a letter and leave it on the shelf in this part of the library and see if anyone reads it. He'll comprise it to make sure the person reading it would have to write back of course. Sam was planning on coming back here next week so it would be more than enough time for a bunch of people to come into the library. If no one replies than that's boring and he was right; no one really does come back here.

Taking a sheet of paper from Sam's notebook, he ripped it in half. It wasn't going to be long so there was no point in wasting paper. He shoved the other half back into the notebook and picked up one of the several pencils his brother brought. He wrote:

Okay, so this is probably a stupid idea but it's worth a shot. Hey, random stranger that is now reading this. How is your day? It better be fricking awesome. If not, then it is now. You're welcome for that by the way. Not sure where I was going with this, probably should have thought it through but fuck it. Ha, but(t) fuck it. Okay, but seriously now, what are you even doing back here? This part of the library is boring. Go read some manga or check out a movie. And don't leave me hanging. It's not cool. So write me back. I mean it. If you don't, I will cry. Not really but you get the point. Bye!

Once finished, he reread it and admired his handiwork. Hell yeah, this is the best letter that anyone could ever receive. You know, besides the fact that it's total shit. Oh well. It's not like he was actually taking this thing serious to begin with. Just something that could become entertaining.

After folding it up and writing read me on the front, he stuck it on the closest shelf to the table. This way it was noticeable but only if someone actually came back here.

Thankfully, not too long after that little endeavor, Sam decided to call it quits. Dean, figured that was his fault for being an annoying shit but hey, that's what older brothers are for. It was one of the many funny ways he showed that he cared. That and the faces Sam makes are absolutely priceless so it's partly Sam's fault for that too.

On the ride back home in his baby, Dean thought back on the crappy letter he wrote and wondered if anyone was actually going to find it and, hopefully, write back. Guess he'll know next week.

Hello, readers!
I hope you like it so far. I put it up cause I would like to continue it but I kinda need some motivation. (I'msuperlazyfff-)
I do have a computer at my house but at the moment, there is no internet. So updates won't be frequent but they will happen don't worry!
I do have a few chapters more of this though so don't worry about that.
So uh, follow/favorite/review and until next time~ :D