A/N: Hi, this is my very first fan fic. I wanted to start off with an Introduction to Mara Swan; it's really just a tester to see if you readers like my style and want me to continue the story. I have absolutely no clue where I will be heading with this story. I know the whole story is based in America and I am Scottish, so if there are any American traditions or something that's very popular at parties feel free to tell me via review or whatever. I want Mara to be a very down to earth girl but still be feisty and sometimes rude, as all sixteen year olds are entitled to be. So if you like this story, please review or even just follow the story. I am very new at this so please no hate haha!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Twilight. I only own my OC Mara and the future OC's. All rights go the Author, Stephenie Meyer.

I think that life is like a board game. You roll the dice, hoping it will land on a six. Almost always, when you want a six, you end up with a three or a four. Luck comes along when you least expect it. The six you have been waiting for will pop up when fate wants it to. Unfortunately, not everyone wants the same thing as fate.

If you could see the most used word in my dad's vocabulary book, it would be Bella. As much as I love him, Dad has some serious favouritism issues. Almost every argument ends in, 'why can't you be more like your sister?' the other arguments end in 'Bella would never do that'. Unfortunately, this was my childhood. Constantly growing up in my big sisters shadow, it's no surprise we aren't close. I think the worst part of it is, she didn't even live with us until last year and even before then it was all about Bella.

Personality wise, we are very different. Bella likes her alone time, I hate being alone. She is super intelligent, I'm… not. It's not that I'm dumb, I just can't learn from idiots. Dad tells me I am like a four year old suck inside a sixteen year Old's body. I can't sit still.

I think we take our height from Mom's side. Bella is and average 5'4 and I barely even reach 5'1. Being small has its advantages though! Whilst Bella impresses people with her knowledge, I make up for it in the sports department. I am on the school running team, the dance team, the volleyball team and occasionally train with the swim team. Not that anyone notices. Dicks.

When Bella first moved in with us, I was angry. We couldn't sit for five minutes without there being an argument over something. As always, Mara's to blame for everything. 'Bella's so intelligent; Bella's so pretty. Oh, did you hear that Bella is dating that Cullen guy?' That's all I hear, on a day to day basis.

Edward Cullen…Creeper Cullen, is a weirdo. Or was a weirdo, up until he left last September. I always felt really scared around him. Whenever I would argue with Bella, that depressing creep would always step in, always. As much as I hate to admit that I care, he was bad for my sister. He still is bad for my sister. My dad was doing his best but I can tell her erratic change in behaviour was weighing him down. Attention seeking and selfish as always, that's Bella. Everything revolves around her.

I was doing my best to avoid her. Whenever she walked into a room it was like the energy and life just got drained out of you, like those energy-sucking vampires from the movies. She managed to surprise us all and went to the movies with some girl from school. The first social activity in like, four months? Not that she was very social before.

I thought that I could get through high school with no problems. Pretending that I don't know Bella and trying my best in class, or just trying my best to make it to class.

I always hoped that Bella would never get better and we could ship her off to some crazy ward but as always, fate was not on my side. The very thing that was helping Bella resurface was making me drown.