I own NOTHING of Sonic the Werehog or Sonic and the black knight. Everyone in this story belongs to SEGA companies. Except for Fenwick, Morganna (apart of Medieval legends) and some mythical creatures that may or be in this story.

king Arthur's curse.

Fenwick hooted in panic, flapping his wings about frantically as he tried any method possible to escape these fools. They had ensured his capture so he would be forced to lead them towards Morgana's quarters less he wanted to keep his fine ivory feathered pelt.

He could feel the cold winds of winter begin to brew beneath his feathers and nip at the skin beneath. He hated having to do this, to betray his master but it wasn't like he couldn't think of anything useful that could get him out of this ridiculous situation.

Sadly for the snowy owl, he had been captured by his enemies and forced to show the location of Morganna to them in order to save the dying king's life. He never anticipated this and he didn't want to be held captive for something so stupid.

All he wanted to do was follow his mistresse's orders and help kill the "King Arthur" of this world, was that so wrong?

Sonic's long Werehog claws latched on to Fenwick, grabbing him by the talons, as he ran on the other three legs through the snow. His heart was racing and he panted heavily whilst his tongue hung out from one side of his mouth, flopping about in the chilly air as the Werehog galloped through the thick sheet of snow.

Lancelot, Gawain, Percival and Caliburn followed close behind as they pursued their king. They each used their own burst of agility to keep up with the shaggy-furred beast as they ran through the winter forest that surrounded them. They even jogged down the steep mountain that carried them downwards and into obscurity.

The knights feared for their king, knowing full well that him running like this could potentially cause problems for him should he run too fast a speed. They wanted to tell him to not run and to be careful with his health but they couldn't tell him what to do and chastise him like a young child.

Sonic gave a soft dog-like whine as he finally slowed down, his eyes lidded with exhaustion, and he stumbled around a bit. He wavered from side to side as he struggled to stay standing on all fours even though one of his claws held on to the owl with tight persistence. His heart was bursting and adrenaline pumped through his veins and made his bloodstream boil.

His muscles ached and his mind went foggy. He moaned solemnly and his pale blue muzzle pulled into a fanged frown. He felt sweat seep through his skin, dampening his midnight blue shaggy fur so he would break into an icy freezing sweat.

Sensing the Werehog's rheumatism, Lancelot rushed to the king's side and planted a gauntlet end hand upon his tense shoulder and he gave a look of concern.

The black knight hedgehog had the utmost respect for his liege and hated seeing him like this -so vulnerable and admittedly hideous. It was almost enough to break his heart since he was the king's right hand knight for years and he even acted as an advisor at times when the king was in deep thought and needed a solution for said thought.

His eyes softening in worry, Lancelot asked "My liege, art thou able to keep going?"

Sonic shook his head to shake off the dizziness, his pupils and irises spinning around in his head, and he tried to steady his balance. He didn't want to worry the others anymore but it wasn't like he could control his ailments since he had been poisoned by a certain old lady whom just so happened to have been the target of their hunt.

"...I..." Sonic groaned, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before reopening them "...I'm fine, Lancelot. Thanks for the concern..."

He started to run ahead again through the snowy forest, ignoring the pain rushing through his veins and heart. He growled in determination as he rushed through the snow with a thick steam forming out of his mouth with each breath he took and his currently long tongue flopped out the side of his mouth and was quite close to cutting along his sharpened fangs.

Panting, the werehog ran on all fours through the snow. He forced himself to run through the intense agony shooting into his arms and legs with each step he took, galloping into the frigid cold air that brewed in the air and bristled at his shaggy fur. Sonic's quills were even brushing slightly against the freezing cold winds that had gathered in the cool forest.

Sonic still kept a tight hold on to Fenwick whom had now stopped squirming and reluctantly fell flap less in the beast's hold. The snowy owl had clearly exhausted himself from all the attempts of escape and he even had a saddened look in his huge, round eyes as he glanced down at the snow below. He sighed dejectedly, knowing that Morganna was going to stuff him like a Christmas Turkey whence she discovered about this.

However, as Sonic ran, he suddenly heard a branch snap in the distance.

He skidded to a halt and got to his feet, still clutching the snowy owl in his grip, and he looked around wearily. His eyes had widened and his tongue retreated back inside his mouth so he could only make a worried yet curious expression.

Foliage, shrubs and leaf-stripped trees surrounded the pathway Sonic and the knights walked on. There was many places that someone could hide in.

Frowning, Sonic sniffed the air. Since he had been turned into a Werehog his senses had been heightened quite extensively and many more abilities had been bestowed upon him other than the stretchy arms that he hoped he still had. Many canine abilities had grabbed at his mind and muscles, increasing his sensitivity to many of the elements in his body such as sight, hearing and smell. He even wagged his tail quite often when happy now!

His ears flicked, rotating like radars to try and detect another sound should any intruders be lying in wait. What if they were about to be...!

Before he could finish his thought, an arrow darted through the air and almost knicked Sonic by the ear but the Werehog ducked out of the way just in time even though it hurt like crazy. Luckily it pierced the trunk of a nearby tree instead of him.

"Your majesty!" Gawain yelled as himself, Percival, Lancelot and Caliburn surrounded Sonic and formed a protective circle.

Many robbed figures had surrounded Sonic and company as they held knives at the ready. Their faces couldn't be recognised, they couldn't be identified and they spoke with hushed tones that perfectly meshed with the low whistle blowing in the crisp ice-laden air. Sonic nor the knights could hardly hear them since they spoke in so intimidatingly quiet voices that couldn't really be called "talking".

"Heheheheh...well, whatta we have 'ere, boys?" One of the figures asked.

"It seems we 'ave royalty in our mists..." Another spoke through a malicious tone.

"'And over your money, kingy, or else suffer at the 'ands of the Black widow gang." A third robbed Mobian/overlander added in a hiss.

Sonic knew what was happening here. They were, indeed, being ambushed by a bunch of rogues. He didn't dare back down even if he was feeling like he could faint at any moment. He snarled defensively and the fur on his spines and quills stood on end as he dropped down on all fours, shoving Fenwick into the arms of Gawain, before he sneaked towards the front of his defenders.

He bared his sharp teeth and let out a wolffish growl, letting it purr through the air like a motorboat engine.

"S-Sir Sonic?" Caliburn asked, his voice taking on a tone of shock and disbelief. The sacred sword was stunned speechless as he stared at the Werehog with wide eyes. If he had a heart then he was sure that his heart would have stopped dead from fright.

Sonic ignored the talking sword behind him and he glared at the rogues, snarling devilishly at them with his muzzle wrinkled in anticipation against his nose and his brows even knitted together in unbridled fury. He reared up, much like a horse, and he tossed his arm forwards and smacked a figure to the floor below.

The whack to the face made the figure's nose crunch, very loudly one might add, as he fell to the floor unconscious and the others instantly charged at the Werehog without a single regard for their fallen comrade.

And just like that, a burst of energy overrode Sonic's system and he felt really powerful.

Stretching his arm, Sonic punched his enemies at the same time before he whacked his fist to the other side to deliver a blow to several more foes at once. He growled angrily as he done this but he ignored the looks of awe the other Knights were giving him, completely disregarding the fact that he was already feeling a lace of pain that leaned against each move his made.

All of the original foes were knocked out cold but many more had decided to come and try and out number them.

Sonic glanced over his shoulder towards Caliburn and the other knights, sending them each a smirk, and he snapped his clawed fingers and he held out his other gauntlet-claw for Caliburn to spring into.

"Knights of the round table..." He spoke through a pained growl of a voice. He watched as Caliburn leapt into his wielder's open hand and he sent a determined smirk towards him. Sonic sent a sharp glare back to the enemies standing in his way and he slowly sent a fanged grin towards them when he felt a rush of excitement flow through his mind like an agile river.

He pointed one claw forwards and he shouted as loud as his lungs would allow "Attack!"

And, with a war cry, Gawain, Lancelot and Percival rushed forwards to begin their battle whilst Sonic clutched on tightly to Caliburn and he led them in this battle for survival.

Their battlefield was now this cold wasteland of a woodlands, would they survive?

A/N: Hi, guys. Sorry about the long time updating, I have just been really busy with real life events and more hospital time. I'm back home now, though, and I'm feeling fantastic about it! :D

I don't know when I'll update next but until then please bear with me, I have been very busy with some other stories and things. But with the story...

It looks like Sonic and friends are in for a fight, let's see where this leads them shall we? And what about Sonic's health?

I also need to thank you all for liking this story so far. I'm proud of it, honestly, and I'm glad you think its a good Sonic unleashed twist with the Black knight.

So, again, please forgive me for the LONG update and I'm alive and well.

Thank you all!
