Something To Call His Own

Disclaimer: NCISLA characters belong to Shane Brennan. All original characters and this story are mine.

Chapter 6

Callen managed to take Buddy away to Special Agent Gibbs' cabin for a week, before leaving DC for LA. He never told Tracey where he was moving to, as they had hardly spoken any words to each other, that didn't revolve around Buddy. Packed up in the car for the week, Callen opened the door for Buddy to jump in. He buckled him in, like he had, so many times before and ran around to jump in his side. Without looking back, he started the engine and drove north. He turned the radio on and sang his heart out to The Eagles' Greatest Hits on CD. He loved the Eagles and found their music was great for those days when he needed some soul soothing. Buddy happily sat next to him with his tongue hanging out. Callen smiled as he looked at him. "You like The Eagles too, don't you Buddy!" He continued singing, with Buddy adding a howl in here and there, making the agent chuckle. He knew this week was it. But he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. Now, he was focused on the present. He had Buddy to himself and he was going to make the most of it.

It took an hour to drive to their destination. He turned onto a dirt track and headed along it for another fifteen minutes. He pulled up outside the log cabin Gibbs had built with his own hands. It was a simple cabin, with a basic wooden floor, fireplace, sink, a table with two chairs and a bed. It was how Callen liked it. Simple, which suited him. They were alone and could go for walks and runs for as long as they wanted. No traffic, no people. Just some birds flying around. Callen unloaded their food, his bag of clothes and toys for Buddy. Once he had finished, he cracked opened a beer. The fridge was none existent, but he didn't mind. He was prepared for tin food for the week. He had never been a fancy man, as he was used to the basics he needed for survival. Perhaps that was why he and Gibbs got along so well. There had never been any pretence between them.

It didn't take Buddy long to sniff the cabin out, so he ran outside to sniff his new surroundings. "Do you like it here Buddy?" Callen asked him. He wandered over and licked Callen's hand. "I take that as a yes." He knelt down and gave his wavy furry coat a good rub. "Want to go and explore?" He asked and saw him take off into the woods.

Callen followed him and loved the wide open spaces and freedom from other people. He understood why Gibbs had built the cabin and enjoyed coming up there as often as he did. Perhaps he needed a place like this to get away. He thought to himself. 'One day.' He told himself.

Buddy had found a trail of some animal, which had him tilting his head, trying to work it out. Callen laughed, as he realised Buddy had discovered a new smell. "What have you found Buddy?" He asked him. Buddy looked up at Callen before bolting off in the direction the scent had led him. Callen ran to keep up with him. After about ten minutes, Buddy stopped and tried to climb a tree. Callen tried to catch his breath, before he looked up and saw squirrels up the tree. "You found some squirrels, Buddy. Good boy!" He rubbed Buddy behind the ears.

Buddy barked at the squirrels, but realised he couldn't get to them.

"They won't come down until we've gone." Callen told him. "Let's head on and see what else you find, hey!" He patted his head, before he was off sniffing for something else.

It didn't take long before he found anther new scent. Buddy wagged his tail excited as he followed it with his nose close to the ground. The scent lead down a hole.

Callen quickly pulled Buddy away, fully aware of the danger. "Back Buddy." He obeyed. "Good boy." He gave him a small treat he had in his pocket. "I think we'll leave that scent alone, hey! It could be a snake and we don't want to come across one of them." He advised the dog.

Buddy barked as he saw something slither out of the hole. He backed away, acknowledging the danger Callen had told him about.

"That is definitely a snake. We'll stay far away from them." Buddy remained close to Callen as they left snake alone. "It's ok, Buddy. You can still explore. But if you pick up that scent again, don't follow it." Buddy looked up at him eagerly. Callen hoped he understood what he was telling him. He gave him a reassuring pat on the head. "Run." Callen chased after Buddy as he ran ahead.

After quite some time, Callen realised they should venture back to the cabin, as he saw the sun had lowered ready for a sunset. "Let's go home." Buddy turned and sniffed to work out which way they needed to go. He looked up at Callen for instruction. "This way." Callen pointed west.

Buddy took off again. It took them about twenty minutes before they could see Callen's car reflect in the sunlight. Callen poured some water into a bowl for Buddy and some into a glass for himself. They had both had a good run and were feeling tired.

Callen carried enough firewood for the night into the cabin and lit the fire. Buddy laid down on the floor chewing on a toy as Callen dished his food up into a bowl and opened a tin of food for himself. He poured it into the pan and placed it on the fire. He watched it till it boiled, before scooping it onto a plate. He cracked open another beer and laid by the fire with Buddy. The brown wavy furred dog nestled his head on Callen's leg and watched him eat his dinner, hoping for some. He wagged his tail, when Callen placed the plate on the floor for Buddy to lap the remainder up.

"You're the best friend I could ever ask for Buddy. Don't you ever forget that." Buddy licked Callen's face. He really did love Callen. The two slept through the night on the simple wooden bed Gibbs had made. It had been a while since Callen had slept right through, without any nightmares.

When the sun shone through the crack of the door the next morning, Buddy licked Callen's face as his usual wake up call. "Hello Buddy. Good morning to you too." He opened the door to a perfect sunny day. He stoked the fire, ready to boil the kettle for some coffee as Buddy explored the new day.

After breakfast, the two best friends headed out to a nearby lake. He was hoping Buddy might catch some fish for lunch. With a fishing rod in hand, he headed out to the small jetty, where Gibbs' small boat was tied to. He had been up to the cabin a few times over the past few years with Gibbs, but this was the first time with Buddy. Once they were all set up, they set off in the boat into the middle of the lake. He hoped Buddy would stay still long enough to remain dry in the boat.

Their adventure out on the boat was a success for the next hour, until Buddy saw a fish jump out of the water and chose to chase it. The boat wobbled, sending Callen overboard. Fortunately he managed to hold onto the fishing rod and his tackle box and placed them back into the boat before climbing back in himself. He looked over to where Buddy had swum to, and laughed when he saw a fish in his mouth. The fish wriggled for its life in Buddy's mouth as he swam back to Callen. He carefully leant over and grabbed the fish out of Buddy's mouth. He slit the fish's throat and it went still. "Thanks Buddy, good catch." Buddy tried to climb back into the boat, but Callen knew he wouldn't succeed. "Swim to the shore, Buddy. I'll meet you there." Callen rowed the boat over to the nearest side of the lake to help Buddy back into the boat. The jetty was on the other side of the lake, so he had to row them back over there to tie the boat back up again. They were both wet, but Buddy shook the water off his coat, showering Callen. Callen laughed. He didn't care he was wet. He was having the best time with his best friend.

After he had tied the boat, they walked back to the cabin where he changed into some dry clothes. He bled the fish and removed the scales off its skin, before washing it. Inside the cabin, Callen placed it in a pan and relit the fire. He carried more chopped wood inside and turned the fish over to cook the other side. He knew Buddy would have eaten it raw, but he still would enjoy it cooked. It was a big fish, so there was plenty for the two of them to fill their bellies up with. "You did good out there today Buddy. Thanks for catching the fish." He rubbed him behind the ears and Buddy rubbed his head on Callen's leg. It was his way of showing Callen his affection for him.

The two sat outside the cabin while they enjoyed their lunch. They could live out there forever, Callen thought. If Buddy could catch a fish that size everyday.

The rest of the week went the same as the first. They explored and fished. Callen read a book, while Buddy laid beside him. It was peaceful, and neither wanted for anything else. But the day came when Callen had to return to the city and hand Buddy over to Tracey, one last time. His heart grew heavy on the drive back to DC, Buddy picked up in the sadness in Callen's heart, as if he knew what was happening. He laid his head on Callen's lap while he drove.

The drive to Tracey's ended too quickly. He sat in the car and took a few deep breaths. He needed to keep the situation light, for Buddy's sake. "You'll have a good life with Tracey. She's already proved to you how good she is looking after you. I can't stay here anymore. I'm leaving this city for good. I'm going to miss you, Buddy." He hugged the dog, before opening the door. Tracey stood on her front step, waiting for him to bring Buddy to her. He pulled Buddy's toys and food out of the boot and took them over to her first. He returned to his car and opened the passenger door. "I love you Buddy." He whispered to him. Buddy tilted his head and watched Callen fight back tears. He licked his face and ran up the driveway to Tracey.

Without looking back, he hopped back into his car and drove away. Tears spilled down his cheeks as his emotions overtook him. He knew it would be the last time he would ever see his best friend. It broke his heart. He felt he would never feel that kind of love again. Not from a person or from a dog. What he had with Buddy was special and rare.

The End