I stared blankly at the paper in front of me as my professor paced in front of the class at a slow yet steady pace watching his students write their essays. I don't know when I became so good at writing, or doing anything, on demand, but I wasn't going to complain. I also wasn't going to lift my head and risk Professor Michelson thinking me a cheater. I'd be the third one just today. His tolerance was zero and he had the eyes of an eagle.

"Time." He shouted a bit too loudly. Maybe it was because I was in the front row. I slid my paper down to the end of the row and watched him collect each piece of paper with an expression that lacked emotion.


"God damn it! I was missing half of that fucking list." Alyssa walked next to me, practically tearing out her dark brown hair.

"It'll be fine. We write one every week, messing one up won't hurt." I told her with confidence in my tone. "Besides, you have a habit of getting the grades you want by then end anyways." I smiled at her.

"Yeah. I'm definitely more of a last minute worker." She mumbled and we both stopped talking about it.

I dropped her off at her dorm before walking up to the third floor and entered my own room.

"Hey Mal." I greeted my roommate turned best friend with a hug from behind as she worked on her chemistry paper.

"Oh, hey Cace. How was class."

"Another essay. I don't know why people are so surprised when it comes. Seriously it's every week. Be prepared every day until it comes. Not that hard." I let the little rant out as I laid back on my bed with a sigh. "How's the chem going?"

A sigh escaped Mallory's lips. "Good I guess. I love it, but it's getting complicated. I might start seeing someone from the class to tutor me. I'm really stuck on this.." I let her go off into the details of her work without much to contribute to her troubles.

"So are we going to the party tonight?" Mallory asked looking at me for the first time since I got back to the room. I laughed for a solid minute before containing myself.

"Which one? It's Thursday. Everyone has their parties tonight."

"I don't know.. the TouDelts always have pretty good parties.." She mumbled and my face lit up immediately.

"Oh my God! Did something happen between you and Erik?" I asked excitedly and she just blushed and looked back to her finished paper. "Oh come on Mal! It's just us." I said quieter, wanting to get the details out.

"Well.. He offered to start helping me with my chem and he invited me to the party tonight. That's it."

"That's it?! Mal that's awesome! Now you have the whole night to let him know the crazy, non academic part of you." I winked and she smiled for the first time with a hint of excitement in her eyes. "Let's go get ready. I have the perfect dress for you." I smiled sweetly and pulled her reluctant body to the closet.


"Are you sure this isn't too.. revealing?" Mallory asked with a pout playing in her lips as she pulled the dark green silky material up to cover more of her breasts.

"You look hot Mal." I reassured her as we walked to the frat house. I looked over to see the green material flow behind her, showing off the amazing shape of her long legs. The black belt clinched at her waist giving her 5' 8" body the perfect shape. Her long black hair was done up in a perfect little bun on her head while her big brown eyes were accented by brown liner. She was the essence of sexy.

The music was loud and could be heard before they even got to the yard of the place. Aside from the loud music and people dancing in the windows the house looked quite clean.. For now. I wrapped my bare arm around Mallory's and walked through the threshold of the large frat house that seemed to be filled to the brim with students. Erik had been close to the door when we walked in and I smiled brightly and shook his hand as he introduced himself.

"I'm Casey. I've heard a lot about you." I smiled and he looked at Mallory who then smiled at him.

"Hope nothing too bad." He joked and I laughed.

"I don't think I've heard a negative thing about you." He lit up at that and offered his arm to Mallory who gladly took it and waved to me. I made a shooing motion with my hands and watched her go off with her crush since we became roommates on the first day of school. Maybe before, but she never really talked about it. She wasn't as much of a romantic as some people I know, in fact she usually shied away from those who she liked. She told me it was because she didn't want a relationship here, but I had a feeling she feared rejection most of all.

I didn't realize that I had been left all alone for about five minutes when I stood in a corner and realized that I had no one to socialize with while I drank. My big, doey brown eyes scanned the room to find a familiar face, but none of them were and then I realized that everyone in this fraternity happened to be science majors, not Math.

I finished my fourth beer before moving into the crowd to dance. The best part about parties like this was no one cared who you were as long as you blended in. The drinks had started to go to my head and it completely took away any nervousness I had before about joining the large group of dancers. I found myself teasing against man after man having as much fun as I could before good girl Mallory could take me away, but it wasn't her that got me out of the house.

"Campus security!" A voice interrupted the music quickly and most of the crowd turned to the door and started to pile out. "If you do not live here leave!" The voice was deep and probably could be heard down the street. I followed the crowd blindly out the door and could feel alcohol being spilled onto my dark blue mini-dress, but that was a problem for later. I had to get Mallory home. I had to get me home. I looked around quickly for Mallory and didn't see her anywhere. I had followed a group into the backyard and everyone started to disperse to their own houses and dorms, but I couldn't leave Mallory here.

There was a forest that was about half a square mile behind the house that had a path to most other fraternities and I decided to wait at the mouth of it to see if Mallory came out.

"Hey." A voice came from behind and I turned to see a cute boy with a young face. "You waiting for someone too?" He asked me as he pointed to the house that had gotten in trouble.

"Yeah. She was with one of the members, so maybe she got caught up in it. She'll either come back here or I'll catch her over there." I pointed to the left of the house. "Because that's the way to our dorm. I'll catch up either way." I sighed hoping she came out the back so I wouldn't have to rush her.

"I'm waiting for my sister, or well, twin. We got separated, but I'd see her coming out that way." He pointed to the right of the large house. "Because her Sorority is that way."

"Wow sorority first year? Lucky." I guessed his age nervously

"Paid good money for it. All her friends got in, but she still drags me to the parties. I guess a brother feels safer than friends." He shrugged indifferently and I smiled at my assumption being correct.

"I'm Casey by the way." I smiled at him while I peered into his deep green eyes.

"Ben. Hey, um.. I found my sister, but you should call me sometime." He said and grabbed a pen out of his pocket and started writing on the back of my hand. I looked over to where a petite blonde girl was walking on the right of the house trying to get back to her house before someone saw her. Even from such a distance I could tell they were related. She was small and had bright blonde hair and he was pretty small himself for a guy and his hair was the same shade of the whitish yellow.

I looked back over to Ben when he stopped writing, but I didn't find the boy in front of me like he had been.

"Ben!" I shouted with confusion clear in my voice I looked down at my hand and saw only five numbers. I sighed. Maybe he wanted to catch up to his sister more than get a girl. Made sense, but he was gone so fast. I didn't even see him go. I felt a raindrop on me and sighed. I couldn't wait for Mallory all night. She probably was already- My thought was interrupted by another drop coming down, but this time it ran over my eye and I could swear that it was black. I touched my cheek and looked at my finger to see a dark red sticky liquid.

I started shaking and looked up with light from my cellphone glowing on Ben's dead eyes and I screamed.

A hand covered my mouth before the sound could leave my area and pulled me back. I pushed and kicked at whoever was pulling me, but their grip was like iron around my tiny 5' 3" body. I felt my bright blonde hair being shifted around to my right shoulder before my attacker stabbed me in the neck. I screamed from the pain first and then kept screaming into their hand as I realized it was teeth that had sunk into me and started to suck the life from me.

I started to panic and flail until the slightest movement hurt me and I slumped against my attacker. He took more and more until I was sure I had no blood left in my body. But how was I still alive? My eyes were open and I could see the ground come up to me in a quick motion.

"Two for two. For once Campus security did me a solid." A laugh left the mouth of a man and I watched his back as he took two steps deeper into the forest before disappearing completely. Tears came to my eyes and Blood was still pouring from my neck. I used my last bit of strength to roll onto my side so that maybe I would lose less blood, but as darkness crept in I realized that nothing would stop me from dying now. I closed my horrified eyes and let darkness consume me in a peaceful haze.