The Unexpected

A/N: Please enjoy!

A man that looked about 20-years-old stood watching a fierce battle, his messy red hair flowing gently in the wind, gray eyes showing surprise even though his angelic face stayed stoic. This man's name is Akasuna no Sasori. His eyes were looking at the woman that was defeating his puppets. She had pink hair that was jaw length, beautiful green eyes that show determination and slight pain, a face that would make angels weep even with the cuts and bruises upon it. He then looked at his main puppet who on the surface looked exactly like himself but held a large arsenal of weapons in his body.

For reasons unknown to him he flinch when the woman jumped in front of the sword heading towards his grandma, Chiyo; unknown to the woman Chiyo past away after she had done so making her effort to protect her in vain. He watched as she kicked his ultimate puppet into pieces, unaware of another male appearing behind him. This male was around the same age as Sasori, he had long blond hair that was put into a high half pony-tail with his long bangs falling over his left eye, the other eye a beautiful sapphire, his face slightly feminine yet beautiful and becoming for him.

"Sasori-Danna, looks like your art isn't the true art, un," The blond said with a charming grin.

"Shut up, Deidara."

"You must be pretty shaken up to not be calling me Brat, un."


"What's her name, un?"

Sasori was still quiet yet this time it was a thoughtful silence. Should I tell the brat her name? Haruno Sakura what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Wait did I just think she was beautiful, what's wrong with me? Sasori thought.

"Her name is Haruno Sakura."

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, yeah," Deidara said unknowingly saying what Sasori thought.

Sasori felt a shot of jealously, surprising himself once again. He didn't know what was going on with himself, he never felt anything like that before. He couldn't help but wonder what changed. He decided to change the subject.

"What are you doing here, Brat?"

"Huh, oh, Leader-sama wants us, yeah."

"Let's go then."

With that they teleported to the Akatsuki base.

-::-::-::-::-::-::- Akatsuki Base-::-::-::-::-::-::-

Behind a desk in a large office/bedroom there was a man about 23-years-old, he has spiky orange hair, his blue eyes with purple rings in them looked in front of himself slightly bored, his many piercings gleaming on his attractive face. He waited impatiently for his two followers to appear in his room. Finally a poof and a could of smoke signal his men's appearance. Sasori and Deidara bowed respectfully to him.

"Leader-sama, un."

"Pein-sama, what do you request of us?"

"Sasori, Deidara, your mission is to spy on a ninja."

"What's this ninja's name?" Sasori asked.

"Haruno Sakura. There is suspicion that she will betray her village now that it is under Danzo's control. She is a extremely skilled ninja and we would benefit from her joining us."

"There's a problem with that, un."


"Sasori-Danna got into a fight with her a little while ago."

Pein felt a irritated tick on his forehead. Great just what I need. How will we be able to convince her to join now? Pein then came up with a good excuse for the fight.

"If she disbands just say the fight was a test of her skills got it?"

They nodded.

"You are dismissed."

Once again they teleported away leaving Pein alone again to do his paperwork.

-::-::-::-::-::-::-To Sakura-::-::-::-::-::-::-

Sakura sighed. She had won against Sasori and escaped the hellhole that Danzo made Konaha into. She was happy about leaving Konaha but felt so guilty about killing Sasori. She couldn't understand why she felt that way either. She hadn't felt guilt like that since Haku's death, except this guilt was much stronger than it was with him. I'll get over it. Right now I just need to survive, Sakura thought. She healed herself and started walking away from the tree she had been resting under, unaware of the two pairs of eyes watching her.

-::-::-::-::-::-::-A Month Later-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-

Sasori and Deidara finally decided to ask her to join the Akatsuki. And boy were they nervous.

A/N: That's it for now. Please review and tell me what you think of it.