"Yo, Castle. Did you get shot just so you could get Beckett to put on a nurse's outfit?"

Beckett opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. When she saw three very bemused expressions from her friends, she quickly scrambled off of Castle's hospital bed. At some point they must have fallen asleep, because she hadn't noticed that Alexis and Martha had returned, either. Beside the young woman sat a bag that Beckett knew was a bag for keeping wine cold. Castle had brought it with them many times when they were having a late night picnic in his Ferrari. Well, she did say she was going to bring back champagne. The two women didn't seem to be phased by the fact she had been sleeping with Castle in his hospital bed.

"Who says I haven't already gotten Beckett in a nurse's outfit. I did have an injury when it was my birthday," Castle wiggled his brows at Esposito.

"Castle, your mother and daughter are here." Beckett glared at him but didn't deny his claim.

"Don't mind us dear," Martha told her. "We're used to it."

Beckett lightly slapped Castle on his good arm. "Do you want another injury? I'm sure Ryan and Esposito will let me borrow a gun."

"Or I'll loan you a scalpel," Lanie offered.

Castle nodded at her. "Oh, I get it. You just want my life insurance. That's the only reason you said yes."

Beckett rolled her eyes at her fiancé. A smile then broke out on her face. Fiancé. Her ridiculous fiancé. She had a fiancé.

"Some crime writer you are, Castle. If I want to collect, I need to kill you after the wedding, not before."

"Wedding?" Lanie asked confused. "What wedding?"

Beckett bit her lip as she looked down at her fiancé. Ahhhh.

"Did you ask Beckett to marry you?" Ryan questioned Castle.

"Bro! Without asking our permission?" Esposito asked, appalled.

"You didn't ask my opinion on the ring," Lanie scoffed crossing her arms over her chest.

Beckett lifted her left hand and looked at her engagement ring.

"Don't be too hard on him, Lanie. I think he did okay."

Lanie's eyes widened. "You mean he really did propose?"

Castle nodded as Lanie ran over to Beckett and grabbed for her hand.

"Oh, it's gorgeous, girl. You made the right choice."

"Thank you," both Castle and Beckett replied.

Lanie shook her head at them but didn't take her eyes off the ring.

"Beautiful," Lanie uttered.

Beckett bit her lip. "Speaking of beautiful, you would make a beautiful maid of honor Lanie."

Lanie looked up and her mouth dropped open. She stared at Beckett for a fewseconds before she finally managed to speak. "Damn straight I would," she replied as she threw her arms around Beckett.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, yes, yes I accept."

"Lanie, I can't breathe," Beckett told her friend as she tried to pry Lanie's arms off her.

Lanie pulled away. "I'm sorry. It's just," she then pulled Beckett back into another hug. "I'll be the best maid of honor ever."

"I know you will Lanie. That's why I chose you."

Lanie pulled back "Like you had another choice,"

Esposito cleared his throat and coughed. "Best man."

Ryan glared at his friend. "Subtle."

Castle and Beckett shared a look; they knew the guys were probably going to be disappointed.

"Umm, actually trying to pick between the two of you is impossible." Castle told them. "Both of you have been there for me. Two of the few people I call true friends. I am not picking either of you as my best man, but I am entrusting you to organise my bachelor party, instead."

Ryan frowned. "Isn't that the best mans job? If neither of us is going to be the best man, why do we need to organise the bachelor party?"

Castle shrugged. "Because my best man isn't a man, and I really don't want her at my bachelor party."

Esposito shrugged. "So, who is this woman that you're putting ahead of us?"

Castle looked towards the redheads in the room. "What do you say, Alexis?"

"Me, dad?" Alexis asked, shocked.

"Yes Pumpkin. Will you stand up there with me?"

"I.. Ummm. Kate, will you talk some sense into him. I thought they stopped the good painkillers."

Beckett smiled at Alexis. "He's making sense, Alexis. We were discussing details of the wedding just after you left. I fully support Rick's decision and I think he's making the right one."

Alexis shrugged. "I don't know. It would be weird me being up there with the men."

Beckett walked over to Alexis and sat next to her.

"If you feel uncomfortable standing on your father's side, I understand. I already had to talk your father out of making you wear a suit. You can wear a dress, the same as Lanie's or something completely different. It's up to you. Would you consider standing up with me instead? Would that make you feel more comfortable?"

Alexis frowned. "With you?"

"You're important to both of us Alexis. We'll be having quite a large reception. We want as many people from the precinct to be there, and your father has quite a few people who we probably should invite. The ceremony, however, will be very private. We only want a few people there. The people we love and care about the most. You wouldn't be standing up in front of 200 people, Alexis, just us here. Maybe a few others too."

Alexis bit her lip before shrugging. "Thanks for asking me to be a bridesmaid, Kate. But if you're okay with me being dad's best man, then I am too."Alexis got up and walked over to her father. "If you're sure, dad." When he nodded, she leaned in and gave him a hug, careful to watch his injured shoulder

Beckett smiled. "I'm glad - I need someone to look after him."

"Yeah, and I don't trust these two with the rings," Castle told Alexis.

Esposito rolled his eyes. "Right. Cause we were the one who gave Beckett's Valentine's present to Gates."

Castle looked at Beckett. "You told him!"

Beckett shrugged at her fiancé. "He wanted to make sure I got the best treatment from you. That you got me an appropriate Valentine's present. He's like my big brother, he has my back."

Esposito nodded. "That I do."

"So, will you have it on my wedding day, too?"

Esposito frowned. "What, you mean like security?"

Beckett laughed. "No Javi. You and Kevin are just as much my friends as Rick's. We were kind of having a tug of war over you guys. We decided if Lanie agreed to be my maid of honour and Alexis best man, that Rick would get Ryan and I would get you."

Esposito's brows rose. "You want me to stand up there on your side?"

Beckett sighed. "I promise not to refer to you as a bridesmaid Espo, just a member of the bridal party. No matter what Castle says, you will not wear a dress. It's just going to be us there but..."

"No, Beckett," Esposito walked over to her. "I'm honoured that you asked." He then pulled her out of her chair and gave her a hug, lifting her off the ground.

When he finally lowered her to the ground, Beckett looked at the man inquisitively.

"Esposito, are you ok?" she asked.

Esposito turned away from you. "Yeah, I just got something in my eye. Air conditioning is drying my eyes out."

"Dude, are you crying over being a bridesmaid?" Ryan joked with his partner.

Esposito growled at him. "Shut up Castle Jr. Like you aren't all giddy about being Castle's groomsman."

Ryan suddenly got a goofy grin on his face. "Well yeah," he took a step closer to Castle. "Thanks" he said extending his hand and shaking Castle's good one. Ryan then walked around the bed and gave Beckett a quick one armed hug. "Congratulations," then, not wanting to be outdone by his partner, he picked her up and whirled her around.

Beckett laughed at her friends' antics. "Thanks guys," she told them once she was back on solid ground.

"Well, I think it's time for a drink," Martha announced, pulling out the bottle of champagne.

Beckett held up her hand to halt Martha. "Just a second Martha, there is still one thing I need to do. You were really there for me yesterday and especially last night. Well, you've been there for me a lot. I know you're not my mother, but I was wondering if you would help me get ready on my wedding day."

Martha did something that shocked everyone in the room. She put down the bottle of alcohol before even taking a sip.

"Now I have something in my eye. Oh Katherine," Martha walked over to Beckett and held her tight. "I would be honoured. Thank you for asking me."

Beckett squeezed tight. "Thank you for accepting."

"Looks like I am missing out on the party."

Beckett turned around to see her father had walked into the room.

"Dad, hi."

Jim Beckett turned to look at the room. "The nurses were reluctant to let me in here as they said there were already too many people, but I told them I was family. Was I right in saying that?"

Beckett nodded at her father. She knew what he was getting at. The plan had been to call him after she talked to Castle; the spontaneous nap had derailed that plan. The fact her father had come here to see Rick filled her heart with joy. He cared about her fiancé.

"How are you doing there, son?" Jim walked over to Castle and offered him his hand. "Welcome to the family."

Castle shook the man's hand. "Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission first."

Jim laughed. "Katie, are you sure you want to marry this fool? He obviously doesn't know you very well, unless that's how he ended up in hospital. He told you he was going to ask my permission for your hand."

Beckett laughed along with everyone else in the room.

"So, champagne?" Martha asked, this time picking up the bottle and opening it. "It's non-alcoholic. Richard shouldn't be drinking alcohol while on medication and he deserves to celebrate his engagement."

Alexis pulled out a bunch of plastic cups and began handing them to everyone. Once everyone's cup had a drop of non-alcoholic champagne which technically wasn't champagne but it would do, they all circled around Castle's bed.

"So what should we drink to?" Castle asked.

"I think we should all make a toast," Martha told the group. "To my son and future daughter-in-law. Life is a stage. If you forget your lines, just make something up," Martha then tilted her cup back and drank her non champagne as if it were a shot.

Castle seemed unimpressed by his mother's antics, but Beckett ignored the faux drinking. Her words were warming. Life was sometimes unpredictable even when you think you have the script.

"Oh, I'm next," Lanie told them holding up her drink. "To my Girl and her Writer Boy. There really only one thing that needs to be said. It's about time."

While the ME took a sip, her speech was met with a few cheers from Ryan and Esposito, the peanut gallery.

"Ok, I'll go next," Alexis cleared her throat. "To my father, please don't mess this up, I like this one."

Everyone including Castle chuckled at this.

"And to my future mother."

Beckett gaped at Alexis in awe at her lack of the word 'Step.'

"Now that we're going to be related, does that mean I have free access to your shoes and leather jackets?"

Beckett nodded at Alexis as she laughed. "You have granted me access to your father, the least I can do is let you at my jackets,"

"And shoes," Alexis added.

Beckett bit her lip. "And shoes." she reluctantly admitted.

"And you will teach me to run in them," Alexis asked.

Beckett nodded. "If you teach me your lazer tag hiding spots."

Alexis held up her cup and drank her legal drink.

"To the writer and his muse," Ryan began. "May your union bring you love, happiness, joy and memories to last a lifetime. May the joining of two hearts,"

"Take it easy Castle Jr," Esposito interrupted. "Drink up," Esposito then practically forced the cup down Ryan's throat. "To Beckett and Castle. I love you guys, I wish the two of you all the best," he went to lift his cup but then stopped. "But if I find out either of you has hurt the other, you will have to answer to me."

Beckett rolled her eyes at Javi's show of machismo but she appreciated it all the same.

"It's my turn I guess," Jim actually looked nervous. "To be honest, I didn't think I'd ever see the day that my little girl got engaged. Not that I don't think my Katie is special. That's the problem she is, so very much. Katie's light shines bright, most people need sunglasses to deal with it. When I look at Rick, I can see he basks in her light, almost thrives on it."

Beckett looked down at the man her father was talking about. He was smiling at her, the shine off his teeth almost blinding. She reached down and took the cup out of his hand so she could clasp it.

"Katie and Rick. Marriage won't always be easy, but I can guarantee you it will always be worth it. Here's to you."

Those who weren't holding filled cups clapped at Jim's speech. Castle and Beckett looked at each other and grinned. It was clear that their friends and family were just as delighted with their engagement.

"I'd like to propose a toast," Castle announced.

Beckett released his hand and put his cup back in it.

"To my future wife. If I wasn't laying prone in this bed right now, I would get down on my knees and thank you for saying yes,"

Beckett rolled her eyes while trying hold down the urge not to skip around the bed. Castle was thanking her for saying yes. Apart from a few smart ass remarks when they first met, Castle had always treated her with the utmost dignity and respect. He loved her, and had worshipped her body and soul on a daily basis since they had started dating. Her soul even before that. Yet here he was standing or rather laying in front of her father, his mother and daughter, and their friends saying thank you for that privilege.

"I love you Kate, I am looking forward to devoting the rest of my life doing just that," Castle lifted his cup to drink to their engagement.

Beckett blinked a few times. Damn that air conditioning. She stared down at her cup of fake champagne and watched the bubbles burst. Her bubble had burst yesterday when she had seen the prone pale figure of the man she loved laying on the ground.

Her bubble had burst in an instant.


Bang. Bang Bang.


Gone with no evidence of it even existing. It was as if her life no longer existed. He had helped create that big wonderful shiny bubble, then suddenly in a matter of seconds it was taken from her.

"Rick, you make me want to blow bubbles. Thousands and thousands of bubbles. Blow them into the sky and chase after them with such joy and wonderment. Even if the bubbles burst it will be ok, there will always be more to chase as long as I am with you."

Beckett looked up and surveyed the silent people before her. The air-conditioning was really working overtime today. Everyone was wiping at their eyes.

"I love you all so very much. Thank you so much for being here and sharing in this new journey with us. Cheers."

"Cheers," the people in the room echoed.

The end.

Authors Note:

Thank you so much to

Annem57: For editing this story for me. People can now focus on my creative talent rather than my bad editing/grammar skills : )

LittleLittieZentara: For being a great friend and someone to bounce my 'Crazy Castle' type theory' story ideas off of. Our skype sessions give me a chance to voice to someone other than the wall and figure out exactly where I want to take my stories.

All those who have read this story but especially those who have fav'd or given a review: I was so nervous about positing this story. I was worried I'd get flamed for it. I even took days to read the reviews because I was so scared about everyone's reaction. So thank you for the mostly positive reviews. But also to those who have said what they feel in reviews even when it goes against everyone else. That takes guts. Although those of you who are guests don't be afraid to get an account. I like contacting my fans not to argue back or get angry with them. I simply like to hear different points of view. It helps grow my writing so I can see things from a different point of view and write that view to . : )

Please add me to your alerts. I'll have another Watershed story up soon. Please PM me if you want to know some spoilers for it : ) I don't have a title or summary so maybe you can help with that.

Love Ya's