It took me months to write it because I had several directions and development I wanted to include and it came to this. This was mostly everything I wanted for them, what might have been, end-wise, post-war, there were so many possibilities. I'll edit the chapters to fix mistakes later, maybe add a little more, but make do with this now because I'm sure people need some love for them with what happened in the anime.

((Ivory Pillars))

((A Hyuuga Affair))

She slept in his quarters one late afternoon.

No one questioned her, a right belonging to the Main House. Her status in the clan rose by the end of the war. Neji was finally acknowledged by the Hyuuga. Not even the Elders rebuked her biddings, not when one of their strongest clansmen revered her. Some suspected their familial bond during the war strengthened and maybe it was a good revelation because among clansmen, the rigid leash on its hierarchy had begun to loosen. So it was not an unusual sight for the Branch family to see the questionable heiress on their grounds and assumed she was too tired to return.

The gossip made her feel guilty, she didn't like taking advantage of their misdirected scrutiny, but it was convenient since her loneliness was erased when she was surrounded by his belongings. She visited his room before everyone settled in the late evening, marking her favor and allowed for her discretion.

Neji was gone for three weeks.

It wasn't long, but the memory before his departure was still fresh in her thoughts. It was an assurance, Hinata told herself, that his room comforted her the same way he embraced her when the Elders pressured her standing in the Hyuuga. It was not a stretch to presume they felt threatened and it amused her, because Hinata of the younger years would never have imagined so. She stretched and curled on his sheets that smelt so familiar of him, that reminded her of many memories. Neji particularly liked finding her beside him in the evenings after a difficult day.

Sometimes she lay awake with his arm over her, tracing lines on his skin, and Neji always slumbered on. The sheets had pooled at her waist, though his heat warmed her from the cold. His face was always turned to hers, and Hinata restrained from brushing away his long strands. Hinata remembered the first time she asked him to stay, Neji was struck speechless. He had stood up after a bout of sex, grabbing his tossed robe until she quietly requested him not to leave.

He was perplexed and it was a long moment until he finally dropped back to the bed. She was on her side to face him, too timid to reach out to him after their lovemaking. It was something she'd never asked before. Neji didn't talk, as she expected. Hinata wasn't sure how to behave accordingly so she clasped the sheets in a tight grip. She bit her lip, wanting to say something, but couldn't quite find the words to encourage discussion. There was a red mark on his shoulder Hinata saw when he shifted that kept her quiet. There was a similar mark on somewhere on her person, she couldn't tell, but Neji was quite fervent that night. The hard planes of his face were soft after he was satisfied, and Hinata admired how handsome he was.

He briefly turned his head to return her gaze. It was a mirror, the canvas white of their eyes. There was something in his guarded stare that made her vulnerable. When she had nothing to say, Neji turned away and closed his eyes to drift off, the space between them cold. Hinata didn't mind, not when it embarrassed her to sleep nude beside him. She slept soon after observing him longer, and it wasn't until the next early evening that Hinata found him in the training grounds.

Hinata rolled to her stomach and clutched the pillow to breathe in his scent. The day exhausted her ability to keep up appearances. There was enough unrest with the emergence of adversaries ambushing Hyuuga members of the Main House outside the village walls, that even the Elders postponed talk of her apparent marriage. She was starting to drift off and established that Kou would most likely carry her back sometime in her sleep. "I did not expect to find you here," a deep voice mused. "I thought it was odd when I did not see you."

She was suddenly very awake. "You're back early," she said faintly, burrowing her head down a little lower. He made no noise. She did not even sense him. Whenever she returned, Neji greeted her with a nod if she found him first and took her away later in the day. It must look strange for him to see her in his quarters in plain sight. Hinata glanced up at him beneath her lashes when the silence lengthened.

"The plan has changed," he said, eyeing her. "I arrived a few hours ago." Hinata would have frowned in dismay that Neji did not inform her, but knew the procedures, so Hinata dismissed it. Neji relaxed, as if sensing it. "I need to retrieve a document for a meeting then I will return."

Neji must have wanted to go to her because he was still stiffly standing by the door. She acknowledged that with a nod and huddled into the sheets. A smile was on her lips. Neji was back. They had time in the evening to properly reunite. Neji didn't move for a long time and Hinata made sure to not display any sign of interest. She heard his heavy steps as he navigated around with ease and with a rustle of papers, it was silent.

It might have disappointed her. She sat up, alone in the room. A stream of sunlight made its way inside. There was a draft coming in, cooling her skin. Neji always attended to her comfort. Though, Hinata wondered about the recent shift in the dynamics of their relationship. Her recent visits weren't for pleasure; not that it was mainly that, but it was what connected her to him from the beginning. She was relieved that Neji bridged the emotional gap over the months. The memory of his proclamation still kept her awake at night.

It reminded her of the days Neji distanced himself. She couldn't understand his moods; when he brooded, she was troubled, when he was distracted, she'd take his attention with a kiss and end up on her back. The next morning, afternoon, and evening, he'd retreat to that blank slate. It kept her uneasy, how easily detached Neji could be. She finally broke his mask that day, saw the layers of his turmoil and realized how deeply Neji struggled to keep what they had.

Hinata tossed the sheets. The sliding door was left open as she ran. He was at a distance, near the empty houses that were used to store weapons. She didn't even think how unusual it was that he took the long route back. Hinata gathered her courage and waited until she was close enough to not draw attention. "Neji," she called.

He stopped immediately. She was closer now and stood on her toes, tugging him down to her mouth. Neji was patient, adhering to her demands. But when she made a move to signal her intentions, he pulled away. "I cannot," he explained, resisting.

"Now," she insisted.

She reached for the zipper, where the fishnet blouse beneath peeked. Neji tensed, locking eyes with her until his attention was drawn down when she moved. Her fingers inched down, his gaze maddeningly following the movement, the swell of her breasts pushing against the fabric made his blood quicken. Hinata reached for him. Neji snapped out of his daze, recovering slowly. "This isn't over," he growled, stalking off.

It embarrassed her, as it always had because she was never usually bold, but Hinata was placated by his response. Before Neji disappeared, he looked over his shoulder with a heated glance and Hinata knew that her advances were always welcomed.

Hinata laid a palm flat on the wall, the other clenched on his arm.

Fingers gripped her thighs, his mouth moving. Hinata jerked, falling forward against the wall, muffling her cries. Her eyes fluttered open in a daze and saw his hard gaze on her; it deliberately traveled up the length of her body, from her thighs that he kept apart, to the curves of her waist, the weight of her breasts and finally to the flushed look on her face.

She was confused the first time when he nudged her hips up further when he lay below her. It was only when her knees were planted by his head did she understand. She tried getting away, but he trapped her legs and moved his mouth closer and then – Hinata shivered.

Later, she was on his lap. She was breathless and he gathered her closer. She didn't see the lazy, pleased look in his eyes. Neji took the time to appreciate the fact Hinata was soft all over, in his arms, content from his touch. It was a dream years ago to even wish for Hinata to look at him the way she looked to Naruto. Neji was grateful for the opportunity to have her reach for him first all those years ago when fear was no longer in her eyes.

It shouldn't surprise him anymore that Hinata strongly reciprocated his love, but it always did. When he finally said the words, Hinata had embraced him for long moments. He was a fool to not have said it earlier, fearful of the consequences that held him back. When her breathing evened, he shifted her so her back pressed against him. "I thought about you," Neji told her. "Wondered if I'd see you when I returned."

Before his departure, she had kissed him sweetly. Then it occurred to him, while he was on watch duty on a starless night, that Hinata must've been assigned to a mission in his absence.

He was startled to find her in his quarters. She was spread on his sheets, hair fanning out like a wave. Neji distinctly remembered how the ends of it touched his knees when she arched above him, shaking in bliss. He wondered if he developed a kind of preference when they were intimate. Hinata hadn't noticed him yet, so he admired the sight of her a little longer. Neji needed to find his bearings afterwards but she surprised him yet again with a stunt that left him more aroused a second time.

She sighed onto his neck. "I'm glad you weren't away for long this time."

"You missed me," he murmured to her.

She nodded, pressing closer. His arm curved around her waist, resting a hand on the underside of a breast. Gods, they were large, he thought squeezing one. "Neji," she reprimanded, squirming. He grasped her chest to kneed the incredibly softness of them. He thoroughly knew her body, but it had been three weeks, so it was time to be reacquainted once more.

She didn't move away. His hand drifted lower. Hinata knew he was preparing her for the long night. His palm gripped her chin, spanning her throat to make her turn and stared down at her. "You drive me to distraction, Hinata. I think you do not even realize it."

The confession surprised her. "But you... you're the one, nnh..." she pushed his hand away to catch her breath. "I sometimes cannot tell if you comply with my... demands because you feel obligated," Hinata said delicately, because Neji froze and was suddenly eyeing her with awe. It looked as if he was conflicted between incredulity and passion.

He shoved his hand back between her thighs and a soft cry left her lips. "Have I not shown you enough of my desire," he gritted, "to keep you from thinking I do not want you? I do."

Then he ravaged her mouth and Hinata could not say anything more.

Neji definitely desired her, loved her, she was the highest star in his life.

The third night she sought him out, he did not know what to think.

Neji knew what to expect, but it was still unbelievable to him. Hinata, the undecided heiress, first-born of the Main House, his charge, and all other titles from her birth, made it impossible for him to even wish for anything other than a mere glance from her. He could only imagine it, his denied passion building over the years. Had the gods finally granted him a reprieve from the utter misery he had suffered? She wanted him, Neji knew from their brief discretions with hard kisses and unfulfilled passion with the grind of their hips through clothing.

He refrained from taking her again. It was enough that he could touch her freely when they met secretly. Hinata wanted more from their meets and Neji managed to deny her, with the thought that she only asked because he was left hard and unfinished when they parted. He told himself that he was only a tool to satisfy her awakened lust.

The slide of the door escaped his notice.

If Hinata wanted to use him, Neji had no qualms. Only he would not be the dominant one like his fantasies of her lying on his sheets, quivering from pleasure, and shyly opening her body to him. Neji paused, lost in thought. Then a light, feathered touch skimmed down his wrist to call his attention. He was struck speechless when she appeared, hair softly tousled and dressed in light sleepwear.

She came to his room at the dead of night, precisely for what he wanted for years. He didn't utter her name, fearing it would shatter the veil of illusion. But she was real, moving to sit beside him. Neji kept his eyes on her, even when she ducked under his gaze bashfully. He wanted to grip her chin and tilt her face back up towards him. He reined back his urges.

She greeted him quietly and Neji replied politely, feeling bizarre. Was he considered a consort, he mused. She reached for his hand. He eyed the milky white, unscarred hand of hers tracing the callouses of his palm. She was undoubtedly nervous and Neji despairingly wished that her desire was equal to his. He was a man dying of thirst, she his liberator. He willed her to return his stare and she did, drawing strength from his lust.

She let go and Neji lamented at the warmth lost. But then Hinata laid a palm on his shoulder and he moved to lie down as she crawled over him. Though Neji guided her during their first time, he had no confidence if she would reciprocate after. But she did and it always astonished him, so he made her take the first steps if she wanted him again. For a fraction of a second as she considered his unspoken proposal, his world was dark. Her face reddened and when she asked if she could visit him later, he felt powerful. And above that, Neji wanted her to learn him. To let her curiosity be sated with his body. Maybe learn to love him too.

He stroked her hip and she nearly jumped. It was not the first time they've touched each other intimately. Neji recalled her passion; she relied on his desire. He lowered his hand and focused on her mouth. Hinata noticed, brushing her lips against his after a charged silence. Her long hair was soft, falling in waves on his skin as she began to rest her body down to his.

He followed her when she drew away, retreating slyly when her lips came back for more, and relented when she gripped his shoulders. Neji didn't move when she pulled away, berating himself for being wound up from her mere kisses. She blushed so prettily, he distantly noted.

Hinata tensed, wondering how to ask. Neji stared back intently, hardened muscles pressing beneath her. Hinata shut her eyes tightly and tentatively licked his lower lip. He froze. It must have energized him because he responded soon after, his kisses becoming forceful. "Neji?" she murmured when their mouths parted. "This is fine?"

He struggled back to coherency, already drowning. "Are you satisfied yet?" he asked instead. He surely was not, and Hinata had to be aware of it too.

"I like it," she said softly, daring to touch his face. "But..."

"Then do as you please, Hinata-sama."


Jealousy was never a word to associate with them.

There was simply no reason to when their feelings were strongly reinforced . So when Neji walked into his room, fully exhausted, he did not expect a familiar weight to tackle and pin him down. He stared at the ceiling, losing control of his limbs. It had not even been an hour since he last saw her. Their daily training was not scheduled for today. Neji murmured her name in question. Her face appeared and it jolted him, the distress in her eyes. He wanted to take her in his arms, realizing he couldn't.

Hinata towered above him, hair falling like a heavy rain and raw tension emitting from her that Neji was a little captivated. She may have been irate, a rare occurrence given her tolerance and grace. "Do you remember," she said a name and saw him shift through his memories. It made her want to stop him, to refocus his attention back to her. So she rested her hands by his head, a curtain to his view. "I was told that you nearly pursued a relationship with her." She doesn't want to say the name again, never thought that Neji had an interest beyond combat and herself.

It took him a while to recall the name. He didn't tell her neither was interested in a relationship that time, not when their needs were sexual during the war. Neji was vaguely certain it was a nurse tending to him when their team was separated for weeks. So that was how the woman contacted Hinata, he concluded, during her visit the hospital just a while ago. He was relieved it never went that far, seeing Hinata's fierce response.

"I may have considered it once," he admitted because he couldn't lie to her. He didn't flinch when nails dug into skin. "That was before you and I were involved."

Hinata looked down and he would have struggled against the stiffness of his bones to lift her face back up. "So you..." she grappled for words, "and this woman?"


She sounded juvenile, Hinata knew, but it was the first time something irritated her beyond composure. That woman looked all too knowing when asking about Neji. "I – I don't like it."

"I didn't like it when you loved Naruto," he shot back. "I was already... attached to you." He refused to be embarrassed by the words, which was why he found great interest in observing the pattern of ceiling. He told himself it was to ascertain the durability of the room. When she angled herself to his vision, Neji wondered if he should check the floorboards. He finally gave in the urge to return her gaze, found her expectant, so he continued to say, "You should know by now how long I've felt."

"Even before the war?"


She leaned down, pressing her lips on his. He immediately responded. It was slow, drawn out to remind each other that there could be no one else. She felt foolish. While Neji resorted to denial and skirting his jealousy issues, she had physically immobilized him. An apology was on her lips when his tongue slipped in. He never could hold anything against her and she was weak to his dedication.

She pressed her body on him to get more comfortable. He sharply inhaled. Hinata almost forgot his predicament when his muscles tensed beneath her. Hinata drew back and restrained a smile to see the ruffled impatience lining his brow. "So long ago?"

"Yes," he answered, voice a little strained. "Hinata, there is no other," Neji pledged, reminded of an earlier time he'd utter the words. "If you are concerned, let me demonstrate how you entrance me," he murmured. The rise and fall of his chest made her acutely aware of hard muscles pressing back.

She undid the jutsu and braced herself when he pulled her down.

"Oh my god, Hinata, did your breasts get bigger?"

A splash, then, "D-don't look!"

"Hah, mine's still bigger than yours."

The sound of water being hit, then an indignant hiss, "Shut up, Ino!"

Kiba skimmed a nervous glance to the male Hyuuga, who was seemingly not paying attention. Unlike another who was very much listening to the female banter. "So who else wants to peek?" The question rang in the open air of the hot spring. He was lucky an argument erupted between the women. They all stared at the blond whose mischievous grin did not go unnoticed. "Come on, guys, don't be shy!"

Naruto's enthusiasm was met with a blank stare. "I refuse."

"Come on, isn't it time for our youth! This is the test, the test that begins everything!"

Neji eyed him with distaste. "Don't."

Naruto ignored him but continued to say, "I don't expect you of all people to be interested in women. But for us, it's the prime of our youth! " Kiba choked. He was right in assuming so because the man was nothing but a machine in missions. He hadn't known Neji to be so ruthless when he slaughtered. He was a little unnerved, felt the animal in him snarl beneath its human skin.

But Naruto was extremely wrong in deducing his sex life. Not that many knew. Kiba grimaced and pushed the thought away. The last he looked, Naruto was lounging beside him. Now, the blond had tightened his towel and attempted to scale the walls when he yelped and was dragged back down to the water. When he rose, he was confronted with an irritated Hyuuga.

Neji shoved a restraining hand, disturbingly infused with chakra, on his face. "I said," he warned. "Do not attempt to peek into the women's bath. I will not tolerate it."

Naruto sweated. "Neji, t-that's dangerous."

"Try it and I assure you, the hospital will be tending you for weeks."

Naruto sniffed and ripped away from reach. "Sheesh, are you even a man, Neji? It's normal wanting to see naked women."

"Naruto, this circumstance is entirely different from what you define a man," Shikamaru said flatly.

"Hey, Kiba, are you feeling alright?" Naruto asked suddenly. "Is it because your sister got a cat? That must be tough." Kiba growled at him. At their continued silence, Naruto lost patience. He slapped the water. "Come on, guys. It's rare enough we're all here together –"

"Didn't you call us here when you found out Neji–"

"Yeah. Thanks, Neji!" Shikamaru stared at the brooding Hyuuga who had distanced himself from the rest. Neji flicked him a glance and Shikamaru thought about it, then sighed and rested his head back. "Are we all just virgins then?" he mumbled. "The greatest time of our generation and we all have no sex lives. Dammit, we can die anytime and I will not die without knowing a woman's touch!"

"Naruto, it's unfair to group the rest of us with you," Kiba said, stretching his arms to the side. A fang peeked from the curve of his lips. "It's not the same for some of us, you know." Shikamaru hummed in agreement. Sai questionably raised a hand in response and everyone stared.

Naruto sputtered and shot up to stand. They grimaced though Kiba burst out laughing. "Who already had sex and didn't tell me!" He eyed them. "T-that can't be... I can believe Kiba because he's a sex crazed animal–"

"You piece of shit–"

"Shikamaru," he scoffed. "Yeah, yeah. I actually believe that. Really." Shikamaru spread his hands and shrugged. He didn't really want to ask. "Sai," he began disbelievingly. "You–"

"Have a dick, yes."

Naruto shrieked.

"You perverts, we can hear you!" Sakura shouted.

"It's not like we don't talk about it too," a sly voice they recognized as Ino drawled. "Remember that gorgeous nurse–"


"I don't think either side should hear," they heard Tenten say.

Ino snorted. "Even she got more action than you, Sakura."

"Hey, stop it!"

Naruto was wide-eyed, and the others joined. "See, Naruto," Sai began with, what they interpreted, a menacing smile as the yelling increased. "At least you aren't alone." Naruto jumped and pushed his head down.

Kiba snickered, and since it was smothered by the shouting match from across, he said, "It's no wonder you were trying to climb the walls." Then he was tackled roughly into the water, the animal in him roaring immediately at being downed yet again while his human side shuddered in disgust, because goddammit, they were all naked here.

Neji was left undisturbed in the corner. He was inattentive to their child's play, instead, was attuned to the feminine voices. Hinata didn't say anything, not even to placate her fuming friend. Aside from their meeting at the entrance, she was curiously quiet. It took him a while to notice because he avoided interaction, but Neji recognized how upset she was at their dilemma. There was no polite smile on her lips nor was her focus on their companions.

"Women know what they want," Shino said, wanting to join.

"Too bad, Naruto, it's not yet your time."

"You bastard!"

Neji offered nothing to say. The two women were still arguing and he vaguely made out Tenten's pacifying voice, but nothing of Hinata. He remembered her saying last year how a trip would be pleasant. His attempt to fulfill that wish, away from prying eyes, crumbled when Naruto caught him at the gate. And when they arrived, Neji looked away when Hinata gave him an uneasy smile as she was joined by others.

Then his thoughts abruptly ceased when he heard the disturbance of water from across, of someone wading, then the heavy drip of droplets hitting the stone floor, and footfalls fading farther away. From the sound of tackling, a small fight broke out between the women and Tenten frantically stopping it. The men were still distracted with Chouji holding back a seething Naruto, and he was sure Shikamaru drifted to sleep, but it no longer interested him.

He left the water.

"May I paint you?" Sai asked politely one day.

Neji measured the pale man. Hinata questionably stared at him, their first interaction a request. They heard rumors of his strange moments and dubious alliance to the village. "Why?" she asked, noticing how Neji had adjusted his position to her front.

"The Hyuuga have beautiful movements when you perform taijutsu. I'd like to immortalize that." He smiled, knowing the custom should lessen the discomfort. "It would be good if you'd agreed."

A burst of noise interrupted them. They were standing in front of a shop and Neji touched her elbow to navigate her to the side as people exited. Sai took note of the gesture, eyeing the people and pathway. "Thank you," she said in a voice Sai recognized as gratitude. He stared, wondering how to direct that appreciation towards him.

Neji shot him a look. He ignored the Hyuuga's wary gaze to observe an opportunity. He couldn't multitask in conversations well but a chance presented itself just as Hinata shifted to leave. Another group of people were pushing their way through the crowd and his hand shot out to grip her shoulder, pulling her away. Hinata stumbled. Sai straightened her. Her eyes were wide, startled.

Neji stiffened. His eyes instantly darted to the foreign hand on her. "Remove your hand at once," he said tautly. Sai was slow to react, but Hinata stepped away.

Sai smiled. "I apologize if I startled you."

The silvery white of his eyes were hard with irritation. Hinata clasped her hands, a little unnerved. Neji was ready to refuse. "That's fine," she said, always easing the tension. "I will have to reject your offer. I'm sorry, but you just asked so suddenly," she spoke before Neji escorted her away. Sai looked ready to persuade her and she wasn't sure if Neji's tolerance would last. "I'm not sure I will feel comfortable."

"I won't be interfering with your training," Sai began. "Just allow me to attend one session."

"That's not possible," Neji said firmly.

Sai dragged his eyes to the pale whites of Hinata's like a plea. He quickly returned it to the male Hyuuga, feeling the sudden spike of tension and didn't understand why. He was certain Hinata held the highest power above him in the Hyuuga clan. Neji took a step when Sai reached behind him. Now Sai understood. Neji Hyuuga was considered a protector in the family. "I do not intend to expose your clan's secrets," he explained, easing his hands forward. "It is merely art. And so you see –" Neji looked unconvinced and Hinata remaining silent affirmed her agreement.

"What's going on?" an annoyingly familiar voice blurted out. Neji felt the beginnings of a headache manifest. Beside him, Hinata slid her gaze to his profile. "I see," Naruto said when Sai explained. "Here, let's sit down and talk it out."

They were to be persuaded by Naruto. He respected the man, but drew the line when it involved decisions involving Hinata. Neji looked to her, perplexed, but the curiosity in her eyes stayed him from leaving. Something in him knotted but Neji shoved it away. They were ushered to a lone bench and Neji waited until Hinata sat did he lower himself beside her.

Naruto was the first to speak, leaning forward past Sai. "So what's the big deal? You guys just have to bear with it a little while."

He sat between them like a wall, hands placed on knees imposingly and body shifted to face him, subtly blocking Hinata from view. "Unfortunately, we're not used to that. It's out of the question."

"It can be fun, you know?"

"No, it's just..." Hinata trailed off, touching her hands below her collarbone. She felt Neji's agitation, the rigidity of his body. "It's not a right time to ask such a thing when we don't know him well."

"Then now's the perfect opportunity to get to know him and do both!" Naruto proclaimed like it was the solution.

"Please," Sai added, bowing his head and met Hinata's eyes. She was kind, Sai thought, but she already rejected him once. Sai redirected his gaze to other Hyuuga, understanding the underlying tension. Perhaps she didn't mind his request, but it seemed important that Neji had a say. Who was to be her partner when she performed Juho Soshiken? Sai wanted both to participate.

"It's not going to hurt you guys or anything."

It vexed him. His day off finally coincided with Hinata's and it needed to be spent with another man invading their privacy, eyeing the lines of her body to etch the perfection of her movements on paper. Hinata laid a palm on his arm and he forced himself to relax. "Under normal circumstances, I would not agree." Her hand fell and Hinata smiled as he continued, "It won't matter if you haven't finished," he stated. "Once we are done, you will make do with what you have."

"Of course. Thank you."

Neji left without another word. Hinata stood and Sai immediately rose. "Let's try this," she said kindly. It was supposed to relax him, Sai thought. "I wonder if this will go well," she murmured, watching Neji's retreating figure. Something unsettled her; she understood Neji's discomfort, but he was unusually aggressive.

He dealt with irritation by blunt honesty or dismissing them from sight. Or when the recipient bothered him enough, Hinata was certain Neji went ahead to physically release his aggression in the training grounds before they arrived. Hinata wondered if she was going to be alone with Sai. Then banished the notion because Neji disliked the man and would never leave her alone in his presence. But still, she sensed his growing anger. It was not jealousy but she couldn't quite pin it.

Naruto's sudden proclamation shocked her. "It will!" Naruto shouted, rising in a jump. "You guys have fun! Sai, try not to be a dick. Neji might actually kill you," he said nervously. He thought about it then clapped him on the shoulder. "No, wait. Be yourself around him. Just watch your mouth around Hinata, okay? She's a lady."

He was already fascinated at the coloring of red hue on the pale white of her skin. "I will. Thank you for this opportunity, Hinata Hyuuga."

The sleeves fell to the points of her shoulder, parting to show her large breasts and it never failed to get his heart racing. He abandoned the fascination with her body and went for her mouth. He dragged the clothing off her, throwing his own soon after. They lay entwined and Hinata denied him when he tried getting the dominant position.

It was going to be one of those nights, Neji thought distantly as he eased back. He watched as she sat up, pushing back her hair. She glanced at him beneath her lashes, then leaned closer and met his lips for a slow kiss, pressing her body fully down on his firm abdomen. His heart pounded hard against her chest and Hinata exhaled, feeling cherished by this man who would give her the world. She broke away and found his fierce eyes intensely trained on hers. "Neji," she said. A hand swept past her hips to touch her hair. "You aren't angry?"


"He was kinder than I expected," she mumbled. As promised, Sai had blended to the shadows of trees, completely suppressing his presence. Hinata no longer noticed him when sweat coated her skin, and it jolted her when he appeared, bowing, and thanked them for their participation. Neji hadn't said a word to him.

She was tracing his mouth as he frowned. "Don't think of anyone else," he chided, biting her fingers. "Or even think to go to that man alone."

"Neji, it was a good opportunity to get to know our acquaintances."

It didn't matter to him. At the end of the day, she was in his arms. But he was displeased at the interference. Yet again their time in public was dissuaded from meddling colleagues. He preferred their time spent the way they always did, though it was a greedy choice. Neji lifted himself, keeping an arm around her waist. "I disagree," he said. "My plans were disregarded at his request. You did not think of me, did you, Hinata?" Under his gaze, she felt remorseful and mumbled an apology. Neji thought about it and decided to be selfish. "Make it up to me."

Her head lifted. "Neji?"

He never repeated himself. "I was going to have you on my bed. On the floor or against the wall if I was impatient. It didn't matter. We were disturbed. What will you do to appease me?"

"I –" she began, clutching his shoulders as he came over her. "W-What... you wanted to do," she said, lowering her head shyly.

His mouth brushed the side of her lips. "I'm afraid I don't understand." His hands ran up her body, loving the way their skin touched. "What do you want me to do?" Hinata opened her mouth and told him just what he wanted to hear.

They were gradually noticed.

It was the smallest things that people began thinking twice of their interactions. It wasn't intentional on their part; they were merely accustomed to such contact, a shadow of their daily intimacy. More often than not, they were apart during the day. The Hyuuga clan valued hierarchy and it was curious for people to note that Neji no longer used a title when addressing Hinata. It slipped naturally over the long months. The war abolished the barrier, they inwardly concluded and went on their day.

The women of Konoha picked up on it sooner. "We are equals," Hinata replied simply when Sakura asked.

"It was a bit strange," Sakura continued. "I would be embarrassed if someone called me with such respect each time."

"It's normal to be addressed by someone whose birth is ranked lower in the Hyuuga clan regardless of age. I bet it's the same with the Inuzuka clan," Ino added.

"It's not in your family, Ino?"

"Nope. "

"Wait, so what do you call Neji now then?"

"By his name," Hinata said with a disarming smile that made Sakura drop the inquiry once and for all.

Hinata had no qualms about it though Neji held reservations; he disliked any speculation centered on them. He was used to the shadows where no one minded his presence unless his talents were needed. Even then, he was away from the village to consider rumors. Petty talk never interested him even when his name was being spread with gossip. Now that Hinata was involved, his ire rose a notch. He supposed it was a good thing that they only suspected familial bond given his coldness years ago. Still, he didn't like their companions gauging for his amiable disposition when she was around.

It reached a fever pitch while Hinata was out shopping for materials. It angered him that someone dared to confront her without courtesy of her position. He was heading towards the scene, from what was grudgingly relayed to him by Kiba, when the voices reached him. His steps slowed. It was Naruto, why was it always him, beside Shikamaru and whatever was said flustered Hinata.

Shikamaru sensed the dreaded question form Naruto's lips and could do nothing to stop it. "Hey, did you like me before?"

A flush reddened her cheeks. "Why are you asking?" she asked instead.

Naruto crossed his arms and hummed. "No reason. I don't pay much attention to stuff like this but I heard some stuff, then it got me thinking."

"Not a good thing to do," Shikamaru said.

Naruto shot him a look. "And I thought of the people who loved me for the past few years. I never thought anyone could, really, so spoil me a bit, alright?" It was definitely not alright, Shikamaru thought when Naruto didn't notice a spike of chakra approach. "Well? Did you like me or what?"


He blinked. "Neji!"

The male Hyuuga sidled beside her, eyes trained on him. "What are you asking?"

"Hey, you're close to Hinata, right?" He couldn't read the look in his eyes, but it was probably a yes so Naruto forged on. "Did Hinata like me?"

It was weird, Naruto thought. Neji was always indifferent, absolute in his principles, so very composed that Naruto was sure nothing could make him blink. But he was fast enough to watch Neji take a split second to consider his question. "Excuse me?" he said blankly, but it didn't sound like a question.

He forgot how strict their clan was to consider outsiders. Naruto had once tried to break into their compound months ago when the moon was high, at the urging of Kakashi's impossible tests, damn the man, and was caught red-handed by some Hyuuga members who burst out from the shadows to restrain him. Apparently, they were on high alert. He sweated, there were weapons on them, and didn't the Hyuuga clan specialize in taijutsu? Even more strange was that Neji was nowhere to be seen that night.

Naruto swept a quick glance, saw that Shikamaru lazed in a bench far, far away, and decided that wasn't a good thing because it meant he was the only one within striking distance. He braced himself. "Uh," he said instead.

"You are special to us, Naruto-kun," Hinata interjected. Again, Naruto saw momentarily how the response bewildered him.

"That's all I needed to know!" Naruto said excitedly. "I thought people hated me back then. I guess some people were too afraid to say anything to outsiders."

"Leave it be," Hinata told him afterwards when they entered the forest behind the compound. She must have sensed his frustration because she suggested soon after, "Should I keep away from you until then?" Neji refused. Hinata calmly fixed her sandals. "They will soon lose interest," she gently assured.

Hinata made a decision and Neji struggled to release the frustration. Though Neji wanted to confront the rumors, he told himself incidents like this should be ignored. "As you say, Hinata," Neji said because she was watching at him attentively.

"Thank you." She laid a palm on his arm to stroke its contained fury. "I'm a bit glad about it though." Neji was blank. "At least people recognize what you are to me. You are not a servant to the Main House nor just a Branch member assigned to watch me."

And that was the end of that.

So Neji moved onto other urgent matters. Hinata recognized the desire in his eyes and reached for him.

There was a rope wrapped around his heart. It squeezed hard whenever Hinata looked his way. Neji was not affectionate. Hinata understood that, knew it was his desire that spoke of his love. It bothered him when she romanticized that sentiment. No, she already knew the depth of his love even if it was unspoken. She was a passionate lover, a fact Neji appreciated very much. But it was drawn out of her with his touches, his love, with his mouth that persisted to hear the words from her. He could not tire of hearing it from her lips.

She came to him first, a routine that continued into the night. She left her kisses so lightly on his lips. Sometimes he does not even register the feel of them. He craved her passion. He needed her urgency. He wanted her lips to speak more of him. He wanted the pain and pleasure of her nails digging in, her loss of control as she looked at him in need.

He was twisted in his deep devotion to her, the wild itching beneath his skin lashed out violently whenever she was near. Neji inhaled deeply. He kept it hidden for years and it was slowly becoming known to her. It relieved him immensely when Hinata responded just as passionately. But he wanted it always, not just in their intimate moments. It was always harshly restrained whenever she looked towards him in naivety before, but now it was possible for him to reach out to her, as she did to him, and if Hinata noticed how frequent their lovemaking was recently, then she was ready to confront him before he found another way to divert it.

"Neji." Her call immediately leashed his attention. That hard, white gaze intently trained on hers. "I love you." He did not waver. She might have smiled but he was suddenly there, so close. His hands held her face. She wanted to shut her eyes, to shield from the piercing intensity of his stare, but it was rare sight so she kept looking. Her hands rose to touch his broad back, up to his shoulders, and finally to lock around his neck.

His eyes fell to half-mast. "Hinata," he rumbled. He had a deep voice, one that was made to command. But the words he spoke were always equal to her, submissive even early in their trysts. "What has you thinking so deeply?"

She pressed her lips to his. It was over before he could even respond. Neji patiently awaited her movements. She adjusted so that she could climb comfortably on his lap. Once she was settled, the soft look was back in his eyes from the darkness she'd seen a while ago. "You love me," she said simply. He tangled a hand in her hair and pressed her closer. "Am I wrong?"


His hands squeezed her hips when she moved away. "You – You won't leave me." Neji did not answer immediately. He held her gaze. He would usually grab her back to him, the obsession and need to have her close was something Hinata discovered after she was satisfied in their lovemaking earlier on. Hinata could see the strain in him to resist.

Her hand touched his cheek. She did not realize Neji had observed the same. Hinata valued skinship, that it reassured her through touch that he was alive. He knew this the first time they were comfortable with each other in the war. He'd awaken to her tender touches while he laid in the recovery unit and even now when she awoke before him. "I won't." She smiled and it was ridiculous, Neji thought, feeling the same pleasure. "If I marry another woman," he suddenly said with a bitter smile. "I will not allow you to risk your reputation by consorting with me."

"If you marry another woman..." Hinata drifted. "Even if I have to marry another, you will still consider marriage?"

It struck her that it was selfish of her to ask. Neji didn't seem to mind. "No. Yet I have heard talk of the Elders arranging my own engagement. They will not allow my blood to perish with me." The distance between them felt like miles. "It is too early to consider these matters, Hinata," he said tiredly.

"It's not," she said sharply. "You know what will be happening in the meeting."

"I am unaware."

"The decision of my marriage." His fists clenched and Neji swiftly contained the violence in him before Hinata could see. "I will be the clan Head," she said firmly. "And I will only take you as my husband." It was difficult for him to respond. The panic was rattling beneath his nerves. He disliked talk of the uncertainty of their future. Instead, his hand rose to her chest and felt her heartbeat. Hinata moved away. "No, Neji. We need to talk about this."

"It will happen eventually. I only want you, Hinata."

"Wait..." He did. His muscles were tense, hard with frustration. Neji forced himself to relax. "I will not marry so soon. Stop this talk of marriage. The Elders just need to accept my decision."

"They will not accept a Branch member into the Main House."

She was defiant despite her delicate appearance and Neji was reminded once again why he fell for her all those years go. "They may have influence, but it is my father who will approve of this. I won't accept anyone else."

Neji flinched. "Hiashi-sama suspects something."

"Father would have said something had he known." Hinata thought about it. He might have had a notion. "Did he say anything to you?" she asked softly.

Neji wasn't listening. He pondered over something and Hinata waited patiently as his gaze went distant. "Nothing that I didn't know," he finally said, and brought her closer.

It was rougher than usual.

She's on her hands and knees, Neji lunging powerfully behind her. An arm wrapped around her waist to grip the front of her shoulder to keep her bound to him. He was breathing heavily by her neck but she couldn't think beyond, couldn't feel anything other than the intense pressure coiling between them. There were some strange sounds, from her mouth she realized as she fell to her front, Neji following her down. The rhythm was hard, her head clouded with pleasure. She could vaguely hear herself uttering his name, words strung together brokenly.

"Hinata," he answered with a hard grunt. The push of his hips slowed until he remained motionless, but knowing his stamina, it was far from over. Hinata took a moment to regain clarity. His fingers tangled with hers, breaking away from the sheets as he stroked her to relaxation. She slumped, catching her breath while he petted her, running long fingers through her hair. Hinata smiled, basking in his affection. Neji was murmuring her name and she sighed. "Neji," she shivered when his teeth nibbled her ear. "That's – nngh." He leaned back, pulling her with him.

He didn't give her time to make sense of it again. He asked her name in a question, stimulating her with skilled fingers. She heard the plea in his voice and did what he wanted. Neji looked down the length of her body as she followed, her long hair brushing his face.

It was too embarrassing how they made love so fiercely, the risqué words he murmured by her ear arousing. She would've felt embarrassed but there was none of that as Neji pushed her towards climax, praising her everything. Her hand reached out blindly to grasp his palm, needing his assurance.

With a smooth movement, he pulled away to position her back on the bed. He pushed between her legs to kiss her deeply. He leisurely surged inside, purposely slowing their ache. She was getting exhausted after a long foreplay and how passionately he took her so Neji settled for a slower place. She was making soft, keening noises beneath him. He pushed away her bangs, cupping her cheek. "Good?" he asked huskily.

"I – I like it," she stammered, trying to respond through needy gasps. He jerked, locking eyes with her as the words fell from her mouth. "Neji –" Almost instantly, like a switch, Neji drove inside relentlessly and nothing but her cries filled the air.

"You drive me mad," he gritted, stroking her until she arched, entranced by his passionate confession. "Ever since your defiant eyes fought for your place in the clan, against me, gods, you don't know, Hinata. You don't know how long I've –" his breath caught when she strained against him. "I won't let you go," he vowed with such intensity that Hinata gazed back with wide eyes. "It's too late to turn back. You chose me. I'll have you –"

She was gone before he woke. Neji sat up, skin throbbing and examined the marks left on him. She lost herself in their lovemaking and he took pride in that from her nails digging in his back, how she gasped and shook beneath him. She might have pulled his hair too hard, Neji thought, running a hand through the long strands, but that was okay, because she must be aching as well. He rose, donning a robe. A quick glance at the closet confirmed that she took the spare robe on her way back. A black bra ruffled in the sheets took his attention.

He must have slept on it. He could imagine Hinata navigating in the dark, deciding whether to push his weight to look for it. Neji stored it deep in his dresser in case of emergency. It happened before. Hinata had led him away from a gathering once and took him in a dark room. In the glory of her femininity, clothed in the finest silk and carrying herself with utter grace, Neji had surrendered to their desires. It was frantic, rushed and chaotic.

He took care in not ruining her appearance, difficult as it was when she was lost in pleasure. Her hair nearly unwind from its neatly coiled style, her lips smudged red with his hard kisses, traditional robes nearly crumpled from their frantic movements. He was grateful that Hinata climbed over him instead. He tried keeping watch over her shoulder for shadows in the hall but it was impossible. She slumped against him when she was satisfied and it took all Neji had not to bring her to his quarters. "Hinata-sama," he'd murmured. "Are you alright?"

She opened her eyes after a long moment. "Yes."

"We must return soon."

"But Neji..."

"Do not concern yourself." She was referring to his arousal, still hard beneath her. Neji tied the robes, but it was still noticeably apparent. "Please go ahead, Hinata-sama." His voice was strangled. "I will return shortly." But he didn't and the next day he left the village for a brief mission. When Hinata finally found him, she managed to coerce him to stay after their tryst. He was beginning to get a clearer insight on her comings and goings back then, that it was because he never said anything and it made her fret and sought the only connection she had with him.

He found her near the monuments with Tenten. She was smiling, harboring a secret like she was pleased. The marks on his skin ached. He regulated his breathing, the hints of despair flowing in his veins dissipating. She now knew the depths of his desire, how extreme his love for her was. He had uttered the words under duress, for her assurance as the day loomed closer. Neji steeled his nerves. "Hinata," he greeted.

She met his eyes and gave him a smile, one that always stopped his heart. She reached to touch his wrist and need instantly ran through him in a rush. "Everyone is at the Hokage Monument for a special exercise. We must hurry if we want to join them."

"As you want," he said, ever indulgent.

And Tenten led them from the front, maybe she knew something, but it gave him the reprieve of joining the conversation because his attention was solely centered on Hinata.


Something woke him up and he went to investigate.

Neji looked outside where the trees bent from the force of the winds. The Hokage hadn't assigned him to any missions for the last weeks, citing lack of emergencies. Neji had a feeling Hiashi had a say. He saw Kou yesterday and was surprised at the availability of many able-bodied men present in the compound. Except Hinata was still gone for months. The disquiet in the compound hadn't yet clawed at him.

The longest they'd been apart was no more than half a year. During then, Neji had returned from a long-term mission and learned that Hinata was away for the last three weeks. He didn't ask when her team was scheduled to return. The following two months might have questioned his sanity because at least during work, he was preoccupied.

He stepped outside, touching wooden floors. Neji had distinct memories of this hallway. They'd run into each other after weeks of their first sexual encounter. She was bashful, avoiding his gaze. Neji had attempted to leave to ease her discomfort but was surprised when Hinata stepped in the way. "Hinata-sama," he finally said. "May I assist you in any way?"

She flushed in response and Neji was bewildered, maybe a bit aroused. Hinata bit her lip, trying to gather words. "When you are not busy," she had begun demurely, "I – I'd like your company this evening." The silence followed shortly. It took him a moment to respond, but it was long enough for Hinata to stammer an excuse to leave.

Neji blinked, dumbfounded. "Wait." She halted, avoiding his eyes. "I will find you when my duties are fulfilled, Hinata-sama." Hinata hurried past him, cheeks reddened and Neji stayed, deducing that Hinata had successfully seduced him.

A strong breeze rumpled his clothes. He was getting impatient when Hinata hadn't return for another month. The nights agitated him. The source of releasing his frustration was withheld by the Hokage and Neji ignored the violent impulses surging past his defense.

He was certain the nins he had slaughtered months ago tempered the impulses for the time. But he did not consider Hinata's absence for this long and Neji found that he severely lacked fortitude, spoiled by her attention that he struggled to push away the listlessness beneath his skin. It was clawing at him, driving him to the decision that he'd accept Lee's invitation tomorrow for a very, very brutal match. With that, Neji focused on ridding that unsettled feeling when he awoke.

Neji turned the corner. A movement caught his attention and the world narrowed, his body winded in preparation. A flicker of darkness and flowing indigo but nothing could mistake the canvas white of her eyes. Something in his chest tightened at the sight of his world returning. It was Hinata, jumping down from the compound walls. She was impassive to her surroundings, to him, still shaking off the adrenaline.

Hinata must have sensed him. But did nothing as she made her way back to the Main House. Fatigue never weighed down her shoulders but tension marred the lines of her mouth. Neji caught himself before moving forward. Hinata appeared exhausted and that meant her sole priority was to rest. It meant that he wasn't to disturb her.

Unless he was needed. It dawned on him that their time spent was through Hinata's wishes but that was then, not now. He also sought her when the moon rose, when the afternoon sun slowed down the household, and all those times they were away from the prying eyes. Even after months of absence, his devotion likely outweighed hers.

It didn't bother him yet because it was years of yearning for Hinata to accept him compared to her discovery two years ago. He didn't move even when she was almost out of sight, thinking he could survive one more restless night. Hinata was finally back, alive, within reach, and Neji had a brief urge to trap her in his room for days. Then her eyes flicked towards him, her movements faltered and missed a step.

When their eyes met, air came back rushing in his lungs. Hinata smiled. Rationality left him then. He could take care of her needs before sunrise. It didn't matter if he didn't get any relief as long as Hinata allowed him to cement his connection to her once again.

His intentions must have been apparent because Hinata suddenly turned towards him. She passed him and Neji tried to lock in place when their hands touched. She made her way to his room and he followed closely. He shut the slides. Hinata faced him, dropping her bag. Neji charged straight for her. He lifted Hinata off the ground and took her mouth. She knew what Neji wanted after months of abstinence. She parted her lips for him, her hips pressing to his, telling him it was okay.

"Too long," he harshly rasped. To his surprise, she pushed his shoulders. His back hit the floor. Hinata used her soft body to pin him and that was fine because she was just as needy. "Hinata," he said urgently, sweeping his hands over her body.

He dragged down her uniform pants, ignoring everything else. Hinata understood, shakily unfastening the draws of his robe because his fingers were suddenly occupied and his mouth took hers in a searing kiss. Hinata had to pull away to muffle a cry when their skins touched. Neji hoisted her leg over his hip, forcibly jerking her closer. Neji didn't even take a moment to kiss her as he always did when they joined. Not that they could, because she was grinding down on him and he was surging roughly in her, a matched rhythm to get off months of repressed sexual needs.

It felt dizzyingly good, the aggressiveness in him. Hinata was certain she was going to be sore in the morning. But couldn't find the words to tell him, wait, it's too much, because it was months without him, his touch and he felt the same from the way he readily took her. His eyes were closed, guttural noises from his throat that told Hinata how badly he needed her.

She could only latch onto his shoulders.

Their desire was mutual. Hinata may have been the one to initiate their lovemaking earlier on; it was he who fully drew out her passion. He couldn't get enough of her. Hinata didn't mean to, but she still dug nails into his skin when pleasure overwhelmed her and bit his fingers when he's touching her tenderly while she's falling apart in climax. Neji remembered. She was too far gone now, just as he wanted.

Sometimes he does not want her to leave. There's a dark desire to keep Hinata with him longer. So when he's the one actively pleasuring her, when she's on her back and he's grinding between her legs, Neji made sure she was in a haze. He drew it out a little longer and a little harder so she's exhausted after and Neji wakes up to see her tangled in his sheets, soft and asleep.

He wanted to see it again this morning after. When she gasped, he did it a little harder. When she couldn't talk anymore and needed release, he shoved her to her side, spread her wider and pushed back into her. The sounds from her lips destroyed his ability to think rationality. Sweat slid down his jaw. Whatever control Neji had right then was purely instinctual and it took Hinata all coherency she had left to ask between gasps, "What am I to you?"

He didn't even think. "My world."

Hiashi Hyuuga stood beneath the shaded trees. "Hinata," he greeted, back turned. A dark haori draped over his shoulders kept him warm against the howling winds.

"Good evening, father," she returned. "I'm glad you returned safely." A faint smile might have crossed his lips. Hiashi was not an affectionate father. His standing as the clan Head of the Hyuuga demanded absolute political cunningness. Early training when she was a child proved the heavy responsibilities. She was beaten and verbally thrashed for the worth she was until Hanabi was born.

But his forgotten nieces and nephews bore the burden of protecting the Main Family. Hinata could never forget the agony of Neji's cries as she witnessed the placement of his mark. She endured their hatred and the disappointment in her adolescence. But it all changed, gradually like the seasons, when Neji agreed to oversee her training. Hiashi stood tall, never inching from his place. "Yes, it is fortunate Hanabi and I returned unharmed."

"I have spoken with her. Our enemies are persistent." And Hinata mourned the loss of another Branch member who died in their place. "We will draw the ire of the Hokage if we act independently," she said tentatively.

Hiashi observed her with the air of a strategist measuring what pawn she played. "I am well aware." His arms crossed, undaunted by the strong winds. "We have extracted data from the few that remained. I am sending a team to terminate their base."

Hinata immediately knew that the team was to be composed of the Branch family. That meant Neji could possibly be sent. "The Hokage approves of this?"

"She is informed." Hinata knew the topic ended the moment he stepped away from the path. He hadn't dismissed her yet so she patiently waited. "Hanabi has shown considerable growth. It seems she has not grasped what she must do with her strength."

"Yes," Hinata answered softly. "I cannot lead her to that. Father, I still intend to fight to inherit the position of clan Head."

"Forgive your father for baiting you against another," Hiashi said. Hinata didn't know how to respond. He took in her silence and thought her to be too kind. Just like her mother. A breeze swayed their hair. He may not have been the ideal husband and father, but his family understood. "Have you prepared?"

She clasped her hands. "I did."

"It is time to remind the Elders of their place," he murmured, watching a bird abandon its empty nest. "They sense the emergence of the next generation and repress it. I rule the Hyuuga still yet they undermine my authority."

"Father, perhaps the foundations of their principles has been proven right and unchallenged."

"I suspect my daughters will have to prove them otherwise."

"You are a strong leader," Hinata said. "I know you strive to protect our best interests. Uncle thought so, too."

Hiashi did not speak and Hinata maintained the silence. He finally faced her, bringing his hands together. "Is Neji well?"

She met his unwavering stare. "He is."

"My brother would not have forgiven me if he died in the war."

Hinata repressed the onslaught of guilt. It haunted her for days when she found him among the still bodies. Tears had flooded her eyes while other nins walked with stoned acceptance. A multiple of chirps brought her attention back. "He protected the future of Konoha. Without him, we would have lost Naruto-kun and the war."

"It would have taken my daughter as well." Hinata managed a small smile. "I would not have forgiven him if anything happened to you."


"We, Hyuuga, protect the interests of Konoha first. I suppose my brother and I sought for irrational wishes."


The Hyuuga clan gathered.

The Main House sat opposite of the Branch family, whom most marks was covered by the Konoha headband. Sitting right at the side of Hiashi, ahead of all other members was Hinata Hyuuga. On his left was Hanabi Hyuuga, rumored to be vying for leadership. A disciplined silence fell over the clansmen as their leader took a sip of tea.

It began once the cup touched the floor. "The war has strengthened our alliances and the Hyuuga clan gained prestige. But we are not gathered here for celebration. It seems there's discord about my retirement," he said deeply, crossing his arms. Some shifted uncomfortably. "I confirm that I will continue to do so for the following years. I may be growing old, but my children still have room to learn." They eyed Hinata, who resolutely kept her eyes forward. "Now, onto other matters." He eyed the clan, disgruntled some would say, but they would never admit it. "I formally announce Hinata's candidacy as my heir. I will give them a few more years to accomplish what I expect of them." The Elders grunted. "Now, what is this talk of marriage with my eldest? Do the Elders have a reason for pushing her marriage?"

One older Hyuuga nodded. "Whilst Hinata-sama may be stronger, Hanabi-sama's strength is unparalleled to other young trainees. I merely present an alternative for Hinata-sama; this opportunity also strengthens our ties to other clans had she chosen another."

"Outsiders," they hissed. "That is not an option." None agreed with the invasion of foreign blood.

"You seem to forget," Hiashi said tersely, drawing their attention back. "While it may seem in the good interest of Hinata, I have not approved of this. We do not need outsiders involved in our matters. The candidates presented have not enticed her attention nor caught mine," he rumbled and some bowed their heads. "Is my first-born worth a hasty marriage?" The hall darkened and everyone felt his displeasure. "Hinata," he addressed. "What is your say?"

"I refuse any arrangement for my marriage." Hinata addressed the Elders. "I thank you for your good will but the matter of my marriage will not require your assistance."

"Hinata-sama, you are born by the clan Head of the Hyuuga. We must ensure the purity of the bloodline."

"Your judgement displeases me."

They lowered their heads, but it rose the second they spoke. "Think of your ancestors."

"The time of their rule have passed," Hiashi put in apathetically with crossed arms. "That is no longer a basis." Hinata took in his support with surprise but masked it the second the Elders barraged her with questions.

"You will eventually marry, Hinata-sama. Who will be your groom?" they stressed. "Naruto Uzumaki held your interest for years. Do you plan on breaking tradition?"

"That is long over," Hinata said lightly, knowing Neji disliked the reminder. "It will not be the first time traditions have been broken." The Elders had protested to Hiashi when he taught the techniques of the Main House to Neji. There was truly nothing they could do against their clan Head's will.

"We will ask again," they said with the fortitude of their age. "Who will be your groom?"

Hinata clasped her hands to keep from shaking. Her father was beside her, awaiting her announcement with a collectiveness that she envied. Hanabi watched her with wide eyes. In the gathering of the Hyuuga, she could only see him. "Neji will be my husband," Hinata said firmly.

A split second of silence then, "Neji Hyuuga?" they exclaimed. "Hizashi's son!"

"He is from the Branch family."

"We do not agree."

"A servant marrying into the Main House. We will not have this!"

Neji met her eyes evenly. He was completely shut in and indifferent as if he'd expected and accepted it in the wake of realization being said aloud. Her heart sank. In his quarters that one afternoon, Neji had declared his intentions of their future. It was the first time he had uttered the words and made her happy for the following weeks.

"Hiashi-sama, your thoughts on the matter."

Hiashi measured Neji from his place. Neji steadily met his stare. Neji, his brother's son, was one of the strongest clansman. His achievements were immeasurable. He suspected something, but thought Neji was too disciplined to act on it.

Neji's eyes slid to Hinata's briefly as if drawn by a call. "He is a capable man," he finally said then turned his attention to Hinata. "I should say it surprised me, but Hinata chooses well."

Hanabi sat up a little straighter, taking cue from her sister's composure in the unrest. "Neji-niisan?" she murmured. Her sister ignored her, unintentionally, Hanabi mused when Hinata faced the clan with eerie serenity.

"His blood is almost pure as yours," Hiashi said. "His skin is touched by the seal but his ancestor's blood originates from the Main House."

"If Hinata-sama marries him, she loses the right as heir!"

Neji almost rose in retaliation, furious. Hiashi raised a hand and he locked his muscles in place. "Enough." Hiashi commanded the room with suffocating force. "I will remind the council once again that your power has no place in deciding my heir. Neji defended the Hyuuga name for years. He led our clan in the front lines of battle. He nearly died defending Naruto and most importantly, Hinata."

"He is still a Branch member and has the gall to seek entry into the Main House."

"This constitutes as a crime."

"We agree."

Hinata protested, "He has committed no crime–"

"Neji," Hiashi commanded. Neji glanced at Hinata to quiet her and rose to seat himself in front of them. He untied the headband and properly folded it beside him. He bowed his head, hands laid flat on the floor. "You need to face consequences." Neji stoically took it in. He must have imagined the apology in the Head's eyes. It was not the first time the seal was used to punish him.

Heat rapidly slithered outwards. His body convulsed but Neji held himself down. But he must have been shaking harder than he realized because then his robe slipped free and the large scars embedded on his back were bare for all to see. The skin was puckered, with jagged indents in ugly lines, the very wounds he sustained from protecting Hinata and Naruto when Obito Uchiha launched those spikes. It nearly caused his death.

There might have been a gasp but Neji was too far gone to pay attention. Veins rose insistently against the scars and he strained from the inflictions as the cursed mark heated his soul. His head swarmed with heavy pressure, squeezing and an explosion of pain lowered him to the floor. His vision flickered instinctively to active the Byakugan but it felt like the chakra was being drained out of him.

His fists clenched. He could handle pain. Death could not reach him yet, not when Hinata was finally with him. He survived the war. There was nothing he could say to convince them to allow their marriage but this pain, this humiliation that reminded of his lowly status, he could take until they were satisfied. Hinata needed no more abiding of their wishes. This stand defied their authority. His skin burned, punishing him for the thought. Death, death, death, whispers reached him as it reached a breaking point. Neji managed to not clutch his head, not matter how much it killed him.

His spine riddled with pinpricks of pain until it abruptly shot down to his organs and Neji muffled a groan, gritting his teeth hard to keep from shouting. His legs shook, crippled from the waves of pain invading the very bones and muscles. Bolts of spasms wrecked his body. He didn't know how long it lasted, but the world disappeared. It was killing him. He was going to be killed.

"That's enough," he heard distantly. His vision wavered. It began fading in small ounces. It raced back up, leaving his legs and body, returning to its seal. One last lick of agony raced through his veins before fading away. Neji collapsed to the floor. His breathing was labored, and Hinata nearly broke from her place to support him.

Hiashi stopped her with a look and commanded him, "Stand, Neji." He didn't respond. "Do not disobey this order. Stand now." His head shifted. The tips of his fingers dragged against the floor. Neji tried not to struggle. He banished the throbbing pain to stand on his feet before them. He could not lift his head. Something moist stained the floors. Neji fixed his gaze, recognizing blood. "You understand your crime?"

He had no energy to fight them. "As the Elders deemed it," he rasped.

"This won't happen again," Hiashi announced harshly, his gaze to the Elders. Hinata stood beside him as did Hanabi, the family who ruled the Hyuuga. "If Hinata chooses you, so be it."

His voice scraped against his throat. "Yes, Hiashi-sama."

"I formally announce their engagement." Hiashi stood, ending the gathering. Hinata rushed to support him. Neji tried not to lean heavily on her. "What child comes of your union will be untouched by the mark," her father said from behind. His heart weighed heavily. His brother had died for him, for his family and his freedom. He almost broke their promise when Neji lay bloodied in the battlefield. "My daughter," he started. But Hinata did not hear him as she frantically tended to Neji. It was clear that his daughter did not want his apology.

A few older members grumbled. Most observed Neji, who was heavily panting, with detached interest and stood to leave. "The Hyuuga bloodline is in good hands," one senior elder said in passing.

"Neji has proven his worth these past years. It is a pity he was born from the Branch family."

"I have no objections to their union," another said as they left. Finally, the Branch members stood to leave and passed them; nodding towards Hinata, the possible future Head or it might have been to Neji, who had once again proven his strength.

Hinata tended to him as he coughed. "Not here."

"Neji, don't talk. Let me–"

"Hinata," he said deeply. "Not here." Hinata looked around. The gathering area was cold, colorless and devoid of any sympathy. Where the Main House gathered and looked down on the Branch family, where they vehemently opposed their engagement, where Neji was punished for it. Hinata quietly hosted him under the shoulders and went towards his room. A shadow followed them back, Kou, Hinata sensed as the news quietly spread.

She stripped off his clothing and dabbed a wet cloth on his skin. She imagined the mark on his forehead was still sensitive and focused her efforts elsewhere. There was an occasional convulsion from him as he sweated. Hinata flinched, knew that every touch pained him. She gathered the clothes. All wounds were internal, but the pain inflicted lasted more than his body could tolerate. Hinata stood up, retreated to his dresser, and wondered if she should stay the night.

It no longer mattered. Everyone knew about their engagement. Indignation crept in when she heard them realize that the shock was rooted in the fact Hinata took advantage, is what was said, of Neji's devotion. By then, everyone knew of his remarkable loyalty. And they knew his strength in the coming years could rival the Elders. Hinata supposed she had to deal with the rumors, finding peace that the attention on Neji was now targeted to her.

A low groan and rustle of sheets drew her attention back. Hinata lowered herself to the floor beside him. "You can rest well now, Neji," she murmured. His breathing slowed after a while and Hinata followed the rhythm and fell into a deep sleep.

The door slid open. His eyes were trained blankly on the ceiling. She quietly shut it close and made her way to him. "Hinata," he said. He tiredly looked to the side and once he saw her, visibly relaxed. "You are still here?" He vaguely recalled her mentioning a mission a few days ago.

"I was reassigned," she said. Neji closed his eyes. Her voice never rose in volume nor quieted in any given situation. He spent all night several times listening to her voice till he slumbered. "Would you like tea?"

He observed the tray of medicinal mix near the brew. "Yes."

"It's good you are regaining your strength," Hinata said, pouring a cup. "I feared you would leave before recovering from the effects of the seal."

He took the tea she offered. "I will not leave my betrothed soon after our engagement," Neji said, eyeing her over the rim of the cup. "Though I suppose you and I have known our future would be tied. I have yet to celebrate."

Hinata flushed. His arm curved around her waist and pulled her to his body. "You aren't well yet," she protested, staying a hand on his shoulder. "I'll find you when you are," she added with a charming smile that made Neji pause. She slipped out of his reach, heard his growl, and distanced herself to the door.

The next few hours, she found him awake and alert. Hinata approached him. He was sitting on the futon, head tilted up to keep her in view as she came closer. She sat before him, legs folding gracefully beneath her. "Does it still hurt?" she asked softly, flicking her eyes at the exposed seal. He was looking at her like nothing else mattered except her existence. Neji probably did not even hear her. "Neji?" The tense slant in his brows was removed by the wonder in his eyes.

He maddeningly crushed her lips to him, hands digging into her robe. Hinata was slow to react, even as Neji flicked his tongue persistently in her mouth, even when she was roughly pushed to the floor, even when his hands were suddenly everywhere, touching and groping fervently. She pulled away, trying to breathe but he followed her closely, pushing his mouth on hers once again.

She gripped his shoulders, trying to rise. Neji resisted, breathing hard against her skin. Hinata paused. She looked at him, felt his lust and desperation. She touched his mouth. Neji raised his head to hers. Hinata moved back only a little, but it was enough for him to realize Hinata, his fiancée, his wife to be, would always understand what he needed.

But then nothing mattered anymore because Hinata was drawing him back and that was all Neji wished for.

The next week, Neji returned from a briefing. He adjusted the bands of his vest, pocketing a rolled note. Hinata came by in her tights and loose shirt that signaled she was going to retire for the day. She held out a hand and Neji crossed the space between them to lift her off the ground by the waist. Hinata smiled, leaning down to his upturned face. He looked at her as a woman, one whom took his attention whenever they were close. "To me," he murmured, brushing her lips. "You are simply Hinata."

A week after the announcement, the whole village heard about their relationship.

To no one's surprise, they were not affectionate in public. Neji did not want anyone to witness their intimacy at any level. Hinata valued privacy, although it was good to be reminded that Neji did not tolerate other male advances. Accompanying her everywhere in public or finding her first after a shared mission was enough for everyone to know that his entire world centered on her.

Eight months later, they shared a room in the Main House.


Hinata stirred from sleep. Neji had returned, quietly putting away his gear. He watched her half-lidded eyes flutter in an attempt to wait for him. He abandoned his task to head toward her. The back of his hand touched her cheek and he leaned down to kiss her lips in greeting. "You should not await my return," he told her. "I may not be back until the morning light."

"I missed you," she mumbled, because Neji was coercing her back to sleep without retiring beside her.

He returned the sentiment with another kiss. "Were the Elders difficult?"

"Nothing that I can't handle." His eyes glinted, the barest tug of his lips at the corner showed his approval at the authority in her voice. "Welcome back," she whispered.

A year after the Hyuuga clan accepted him to be Hinata's groom, Neji slipped a ring on her finger.

She was teary and he was finally relieved. "Missions will require you to leave it behind," he began, "but I will always put it back on when you return."

Hinata gripped him by the waist and whispered her love.

It was three years later that Hinata was chosen to succeed the Hyuuga clan after Hiashi's predicted retirement in the coming years.

In the aftermath of the war, the Kages of the land arranged yearly meetings between selected clans to monitor unusual movements. The week before the scheduled assembly, Hinata visited her father's quarters. "Good evening," Hinata greeted by the entryway. Hiashi was lounging by the edge of the window with crossed arms. "Father, may I accompany you to the meeting?"

"You may," he rumbled. "I won't disagree if Neji joins."

She smiled. Hiashi momentarily basked in the fact his daughter was happy. "No, he says he will remain here."

"Hanabi will accompany us. I want my daughters to be able to support each other when the clan is in disarray." A white bird nested nearby with a chirp to its offspring. "Our ancestors must be pleased with how the clan has flourished since their time."

And six months after, they exchanged vows. And everything was how it always was to them.

She tried waiting for him again.

He disposed of his weapons and garments. He quietly shut the armory storage where her equipment was rarely used for the past few months. Neji made his way to their bed, noticing the blankets were stubbornly kicked to her feet in the summer air. The changes in the season must have agitated her body, Neji mused. And maybe his wife was restless waiting for his return.

Neji carefully lay beside her, sweeping away tendrils of hair tangled by her face. His eyes followed down to her body.

He tentatively touched her belly, waiting for their child to be born.


Time-skip, because guys, I cannot see them moving onto marriage soon after their relationship came to light. I was planning for both to die, but I wrote this ending before I finished the chapter so it fits. I'm so happy I wrote another possibility for this pairing, and you readers are just as amazing! I've uploaded a sort of prequel to this, during the Shinobi War and their time together before it evolved into the opening of this fic. It's called Calendar of Venus, mainly because it's Neji relying on Hinata's capricious nature during the war for their rather close, if not questionable, moments.