DISCLAIMER: As much as I would love to, I do not, nor do I ever forsee myself, own Oreimo or Sword Art Online. They are the properties of their respective owners. I am just borrowing their works to fulfill my own desires.

A/N: I'll keep this short. Welcome to another story, that who knows if I'll ever complete. This idea popped into my head driving home from work one day, and just wouldn't go away. So, I decided to write it down and share it with you all. I hope you enjoy. Also I apologize if any my Japanese that I use is incorrect. I am slowly trying to learn the language, so most of what I do comes via Google Translate and my own meager understanding of the language.

Title: 私はこのゲームにの中で立ち往生することができない (I Cannot Be Stuck In This Game)

Author: TrowGundam

Chapter: Prologue

Almost two years, that is how long I, Kousaka Kyousuke, and my companions have been stuck in this "death game."

I hated this game so much, but at the same time it has given me some of my most precious, irreplaceable memories. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in the world.

Right now I am lying in my bed next to my beautiful wife of almost a year and a half trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to get to sleep. I have been this way since this cursed game started almost two years ago.

I keep wondering when this whole thing will end, the worse case scenarios are always running endlessly through my head. I know from experience I will eventually fall into a fitful sleep holding my wife close to my body and dream of the past two years, both the good and the not so good. I, luckily, have more good memories in this death game than most, but there have been countless close calls, too many that I wish I could just forget. But, I know I never will, at least not until we are free of this accursed game once and for all.

I can finally feel the exhaustion wash over me. I turn over and pull my wife closer into my chest and let her scent and the faint snores of her and our two companions in the next room finally lull myself into a fitful sleep. And like every night before, I dream of how we came to this point in this death game, otherwise known as Sword Art Online.

A/N: I really short chapter I know, but I wanted to give you a short introduction the story. I hope you enjoy this story. You never know, this might be the one I finally finish. hehe

As always, please read and review!
