AN: Alright, so this update is much later than overdue, but I had some encouragement to get this story going again. I hope you enjoy the latest addition to this story.

Disclaimer: Do not read until after you have read Truth and Reconciliation!

I give you:

The Whole Truth

Safe and Sounds

My day had been one of wonders, one of discoveries, and one of remembrance. The one wish that I could have ever craved, had been fulfilled. I would never be able to repay the being that made my heart's desire achieved. Hiccup, the one who had completely changed my life, completely altered my destiny, and completed my heart, was in reach. I was no longer in the dark, I was no longer a silent protector, and I was no longer kept from vocalizing each and every one of my thoughts, to the person in which I cared most for.

My day couldn't have been made any better. I was perfectly content with living the rest of my life with this human, rather than attempting to fulfill the destiny in which I was slated for. It was the greatest day in my existence; finally being able to speak with my human.

I watched as Hiccup got up from my side and walked over to his basket. The slight swing in his step amused me; he had the mindset of a youngling. Naive and happy-go-lucky, as if to say. His mind was filled with happy and hopeful thoughts, never once considering the depressing or hopeless sides of consciousness to be above his nature. It seemed like whenever I was with him, which was almost always now, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was appealing to my gaze. He almost always had a little skip to his walking; he was a sign of joy. Someone who was not acute of the world's horridness, but never felt the need to let it bring him down. I couldn't explain the elation and joy that was bestowed over me when he was around me.

Even if he just glanced into my eyes with those perfect replicas of my own for a split of a second, it would last for eternity. I could spend the rest of my days peering into those emerald eyes; like nature itself, they were flawless. I looked into those eyes and I saw more and more of his life. I could see his emotion that poured from him, directly into me; his caring, his curiosity, his loyalty, his love.

I've never had this kind of relationship before; sure, I've gained acquaintances over the several winters that have passed in my life, but nothing could compare to what I now shared with Hiccup. I had never met someone who was as selfless as him. He was willing to do anything for me, and he never meant anything for me that was for himself. He gave me a new tailfin, not because he wanted me to repay him in some way, but because he saw that I was injured, and wanted to make me whole again; simple as that. And it's the selfless that achieve the highest; he gave me a new life; a life that I wanted to spend every last second, with him.

I don't think he realized how ecstatic I was that he could finally understand me. Even now; as he was rummaging through those belongings, I could relay that what he was preparing to do was pointless.

The silly human walked in front of me and knelt down across the fire. Amid the warmth from his heart and the balminess from the fire, his body shivered ever so slightly as he hugged himself gently, his arms embracing himself as he worked in the search to stay warm. I knew what he was doing; he was making a place to sleep for himself. It made my heart soar even higher, knowing that he cared enough for me, that he would sleep in the cold; just for me to be comfortable.

But that wasn't going to happen. I would never let that happen. He was my human now, he fell under my protection, and that meant he shall never stay out in the bitterness cold. Someone who has a mind that is willing to shiver for one's comfort, should be awarded with the coziest of warmth, the most welcoming of intimacy.

He patted the grass down, the dead plants ruffling about unceremoniously. No one of his status deserved to sleep on such a useless bed. It was going to irritate his skin, and it did not as much as disturb the fact that he would be freezing from the frigid anyway. He placed his shirt down as a makeshift pillow. Snorting at the human's futile ways of trying to comfort his sleeping grounds, I approached him slowly.

|| What the hell do you think you're doing? || I asked, staring at that bed of grass and wondering if I should abolish it out of pity; which was something I usually did not preserve in my thoughts, but for him, I did.

He looked up at me with those curious green eyes as if I had said something preposterous. "What did you say?"

O, my ignorant human; you know exactly what I said. There's no need to be polite my young hatchling; you may sleep next to me. You must sleep next to me.

I snorted and rolled my eyes to show my irritation. He could never truly irritate me though; he was simply too wonderful, with his aware curiosity and acute innocence.

|| I said, 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' ||

I had to give him a hard time; who else was going to now? I struggled to keep the laughter within. I'm pretty sure he noticed my persistent effort, but he went along with it anyway. He was so amusing when he tried to defend himself. "I'm making a bed. What's wrong with that?"

I growled. Maybe his innocence was irritating.

|| You know exactly what's wrong with that. You sleep at my side, and nowhere else. What's wrong with sleeping at my side? ||

Damn that reflex of comedy! It took nearly every one of my face muscles to stay calm. Who couldn't laugh at such a weakly determined face such as his? He must have had thoughts of sleeping next to me for warmth, but he was just so stubborn when it came to caring about my comfort. But I knew that he wanted to sleep next to me: his shivering body gave everything away.

"I thought it might have bothered you with me sleeping on you every night." He gave me a little shrug to show that he cared, but cared too much for the wrong person. He was himself, and it was himself that he needed to care for, not my already thick scales that nothing could penetrate.

I shook my head, slightly let down. Did he really think I would be that self-centered? You could never bother me, my human; you are far too perfect. It was a fact that I knew from the edge of my snout to the tip of my tail; this human, and his easy life, always thought about others before himself, and was always worried that he would irritate other because of his presence. I did not blame him, the foolish little boy; his stories gave me too much about his village, the neglect that had built up through the years. But what he did not know, was that I was not one of them. I was not an ignorant villager who saw Hiccup as not being worthy of my time, as being useless. To me, he was someone very well worth the pains and tears, the fights and hates. He deserved the leisure of life that had long since been ripped away from him; he needed to know that he could put all his burdens on me, and I would uphold them all for him. He need not fear for my discomfort, for I was willing to do anything for his sake.

What had I done to cause him to think this way? I would make sure he never wanted to sleep away from me again.

|| You better get that scrawny ass of yours over here before I light it on fire! ||

I watched his emotions with amusement as he first gave me a shocked look, then a frown, then a sigh of defeat.

My human got up from the ground across from me and started to walk back towards my side. "Ok, ok…. So much for trying to think about others for a change."

I smiled as he laid next to me, his body curled up into a ball as he leaned to the side. It was true that he trusted everyone he met, and always wished the best for them. And the fact that he didn't even know it, made me feel even happier. Of course, his trust could go both ways. If he had trusted the wrong people, he would have been so easy to manipulate. If I ever had second thoughts, animalistic thoughts about him, like when I had first met him, he would have been dead meat the second he came in range of my claws. But I too had second thoughts, ones that gave him a chance to live, and with that life, he had given me a new one.

A life that I was willing to give, to him.


AN: So, what did you think? I'll be completely honest here, this was not a solo effort by any means. An anonymous person played the biggest part while writing this portion. They changed what was an awful first draft, into the completed copy you now see. I greatly appreciate their efforts and would like to give credit where credit is due.

Please take a look at the latest of Truth and Reconciliation and A Fury's Tribulation.

Please leave a reviews! I love reading them.
