God, guys.

It's been so long. I swear, I don't know even how to begin.

First off, I know this isn't that big of a deal; like, it's a fanfiction on a group of gay, unfortunate Japanese magical girls in a marching band universe setting. It's so ridiculous I can't even say it out loud. Kind of. Uh, that wasn't a knock against anyone. I think. Maybe me.

But despite its apparent insignificance, to me, this kinda was (IS) a big deal. It was going to be my first big project, first really fleshed out AU adaption or whatever, that I was going to update regularly and by now it should be about 50 chapters long. Who would read that? 50 chapters. Obviously, I would, and probably somebody out there.

But the usual excuse is all I've got; too much going on. Thank God most of the writers on this site do have lives to go back to, and I'm one of them. But I made a commitment on this useless site, and I've got to keep moving. So, hopefully I'll get these scribbles and random situations organized enough for the next chapter pretty soon.

But the biggest thing is I've been writing for months now. I've got so many stories on my computer that I think are ready to be published, and they don't pertain to this. So if you see me update something, and you get all excited (or mildly curious?) and it isn't magical musicus or whatever, it's my way of getting rid of this dumb writer's block. Usually starting something else helps me finish anything in the mental queue. Different fandom, different style, different breath of air. You know how that works.

So just know I haven't abandoned this. Not for a long shot. And I know this is bs and I can't really just make this an author's note, so have a bit of the next chapter!

Thanks guys. I promise, more to come soon enough.

"And one more! Come on, fix that pitch! Use your ears!"

Mami physically had to restrain herself from sighing, but continued to adjust her trombone slide to match the drone*. Why they were tuning to a B natural in the first place…she could not begin to fathom.

"I hear wobbles! I hear many, many wobbles!" Albert Richards continued pacing along the front of the occupied chairs. Dark bags etched themselves beneath his dull eyes, and his walk had a noticeable limp to it, but he did not lose a beat in reprimanding Dirk immediately.

"WOBBLES!" He bellowed into the younger boy's ear. Mami winced. How rude.

"When we perform," Richards heaved himself from the lowered position, placing his hands firmly on his hips and staring at each of the underclassmen in turn, "we cannot afford to have a single note out of tune! How many B natural's do we have in the first piece?!"

"None." Mami answered quietly. The girl next to her leaned back in her chair, completely defeated.

"Precisely!" Richards continued. "We do not have a single B natural in the entire piece! So why, why oh why, would I tune this note? Can anyone tell me?"

This time, not a single person responded. Even Mami was at a complete loss.

"Because we have an A sharp!"

This time, a thousand section leaders could not stop Mami from sighing.

"That's two in a row!" Hitomi looked up incredulously from her book as Mami trudged in through the doorway, shaking her head with disbelief.

"I cannot believe that man." Mami hung up her music bag on the hook and placed her trombone case beside her bed. "I simply cannot. I would rekindle my wholehearted trust in Santa Claus before I believed in my own section leader." She collapsed into her favorite orange chair; with incredible grace, Hitomi noted respectfully.

Mami closed her eyes. "And freshmen orientation begins tomorrow. An entire week devoted to nothing but marching. Marching. Marching."


"Marching." Mami opened a scrutinizing eye. "You are fortunate, Shizuki-san. Your orientation is not for another week."

"Fortunate, perhaps." Hitomi resumed reading. "I will be in want of something to do for quite a bit, though."

"You must savor that time."

"I will."

Silence lapsed upon the two. Mami found herself quite bemused at how lax her appearance had become around her new companion; not completely disheveled, but truth be told, she almost felt…relaxed. Their first encounter had been polite and well-orchestrated. Hitomi had immediately put her things away and told Mami the bare minimum she needed to know; Mami had done the same. Her former roommate had been forced to evict herself in the middle of the previous year, but the powers that be had dismissed the need for a replacement; until Hitomi had appeared on her figurative doorstep, only two days ago.

"How is it that you came to be my roommate?" Mami's voice was soft. Hitomi tensed, although her face remained unreadable.

"Are you asking how or why?"

Mami sat up, moving to release her ponytail from its binds. Her sparkling, curly blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders. Once again, Hitomi made a respectful note as Mami ran her fingers through her hair.


Hitomi appeared to think for a second. "Well…I requested someone older than myself to begin with."

"Then there is no wonder your request was fulfilled."

"Indeed." Hitomi smiled thinly. "And as for how, I cannot say."

"Hm." Mami hummed to herself, standing up. She walked into the bathroom, singing a tune Hitomi did not recognize…which was quite a feat in itself, really. She prided herself on her knowledge of all genres of music.

"What are you singing?" Hitomi asked before she could stop herself.

Mami laughed from inside the bathroom. "Do you not recognize it?"

"I don't." Hitomi's frown deepened. "Should I?"

"If you did, I'd be very impressed. It's a composition I've been working on for a bit now."


Hitomi's frown curved into a small smile.

Glad to see some people are actually getting along!