Sadly, I don't own twilight or Harry Potter!
Previously on A big secret:
Edward was getting frustrated.
The teacher said that Bella was excused and that she could go to her seat. She sat in front of me, between two empty seats, instead of her usual seat next to me. What were those little devils doing to my Bella?
Dickward POV (Sorry to Edward's fans, but I personaly hate him!)
After he excused Bella, the teacher asked the twins to introduce themselves. I wasn't able to listen their minds. When I tried there was nothing. Just like Bella's.
"Hello, I am Fred-
-and I am George. We are from England-
-and we moved here with our friends and-
-family. We love pranks, sports-
-and our beautiful girlfriend.-
-We have 3 more brothers-
-and a little sister"
They said the word girlfriend with so much affection. Wait… THEY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! They have a girlfriend they love. That means that they won't go after my Bella! I looked at her and she had a big smile on her face and she was giggling. Weird. Bella never giggles!
"Okay class, do you have any questions?" The teacher asked.
Many hands raised. The twins picked a boy with blond hair.
" What are your girlfriends' names?"
"Our girlfriend is called Ara."
Wait, they have the same girlfriend?
"You have the same girlfriend?" Lauren asked with obvious jealousy towards the girl. Ara as they said.
"Yeah! Got a problem with that?" asked one of the twins, harsher than necessary.
The teacher understood the harsh tone and told them to pick a seat and sit down. They each took a seat at each side of Bella. She hugged them and kissed both their cheeks.
These kisses looked so intimate and it made me feel jealous. They have a girlfriend. They wouldn't cheat on her and Bella wouldn't cheat on me. Right?
The class ended and I expected to have to wait for Bella, but she was standing up the minute the bell rang. She grabbed the twins' hands and started dragging them out of the classroom without a second glance at me.
I was trailing behind them. I soooooooo wanted to go and rip their arms off, for touching my girlfriend, but I restrained myself.
The black haired boy appeared in front of us and Bella squeeled and run towards him. She jumped on him and he held her tight. I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me.
I couldn't stand those hugs and kisses, so I went to my next class. I would talk to Bella at lunch.
No one's POV
Ara loved her brother with all her heart and she had missed hugging him. The way he held her tight near him.
She had missed Ron, Hermione, Ginny. Most of all she had missed the twins and her bestest friends . They were even better friends than Hermione and Ginny. Can you keep a secret?
Her best friends are Draco Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.
You won't believe it, but they just play the death eaters for not getting killed. Nobody knows except Ara. Drake and her, first became friends at first year, but because he was a Slytherin and she was a Griffindor they kept it a secret.
He hated the way he acted towards her and her brother in public, but she understood that it was necessary. One day he trusted her with his secret.
She met Trixie and they instantly became friends. Ara would often sneak out to go and see Trixie. She trusted her best friends enough to tell them her mark. A secret not even her boyfriends and brother knew about. She didn't want them involved with all of this shit.
She is planning on telling the twins both of the secrets when they return at Hogwarts, but not her brother. She talked with Drake and Trixie and they agreed.
She just hopes that the twins will accept them.
Time Skip *lunch*
Edward thought of Ara the rest of the day and couldn't wait for lunch. He would tell her what he felt and "his Bella" would apologize and would never talk to them again.
On the other hand, Ara had forgotten the existence of the Cullens. She had a great time with her brother, his girlfriend, his best friend and his best friend's girlfriend. When they arrived at the lunch room they went and sat at an empty table.
They started joking around, laughing and the twins were planning pranks with Ara. They were the second generation of Marauders after all!
The Cullens were looking at them. They didn't want "their Bella" sitting with these strangers. They were worried so they started getting up at a slow human pace in order to go there. Ara saw them and she whispered at Feorge to follow her lead. Before the Cullens could make a step, Ara got up, as did Fred and George.
She stepped on her tip toes and kissed passionately Fred. When they were out of breath she pulled away. Then, she kissed George with the same passion. The Cullens were frozen in place. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.
Edward felt heartbroken. His love was cheating on him.
Ara saw the Cullens go into shock and smirked. She never liked them! She pecked her boys one last time on the lips and then they sat down, Bella sitting on George's lap.
The rest of the school day passed in a blur. The Cullens couldn't believe the kisses had truly happened. They wanted explanations.
Ara was at her place packing and her friends were helping her. They were apparting at Hogwarts.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ara run to open the door with the twins following her every step.
She opened the door and saw the people she wanted to se the least.
Fred put a possessive hand over her shoulders and George over her waist. They were giving the "visitors" death glares.
The Cullens were there and she had an explanation to give…
Hey guys! Thank you for the perfect reviews! I hope you review more! I feel great when I read that people like my story! Please review even if you don't like the story. I want to know what you think!
XOXO IsaTheWolfGi