Hello, hello! I love you all my dear readers. So much so that I have taken time out of my busy schedule to write the next chapter. Yay!

You will enjoy, I guarantee.

Axel was sure that if he could feel worry, he would have at that moment.

"You went berserk?" Axel asked. Roxas nodded, a wide grin on his face.

"Sure did!" Roxas replied. Axel took a bite and his ice-cream and let it melt inside his mouth for a bit before swallowing.

"...And you enjoyed it?" Axel asked. Roxas nodded.

"Yeah! I felt so powerful. It was especially cool when I tore those heartless into pieces." Roxas said.

"Right..." Axel said. Deciding to change the subject, he said, "So, Xion, how did your mission go?"

Xion slumped and made a face.

"Ugh! It was so horrible. Marluxia did nothing but ask me to 'show the power of my keyblade,' whatever that meant." Xion said. "I actually think it was a way for him to say, 'Do all the work for me'."

Axel had a sneaking suspicion that Marluxia's motive for wanting to see her ability to use the keyblade was far more sinister than that. He wasn't about to announce that out-loud though.

"Could be." Axel said, taking another bite out of his ice-cream.

"How did your mission with Larxene go?" Xion asked Axel with a smile.

"As good as it could while hanging out with a jerk." Axel replied. Xion nodded sympathetically. Meanwhile, Roxas took a huge chunk out of his ice-cream.

"I hope I never have to be partners with Demyx again." Roxas mumbled, remembering how he almost died that day because of Demyx's cowardice.

"You wish for me to partner you up with Roxas for the rest of the week?"

"Yep." Demyx said. Saïx just stared at the Melodious Nocturne with dead eyes.

"Why would I do that?" Saïx asked. Demyx began to sweat, trying to think of an excuse.

"Because, you know I'm not a really strong fighter. So, now that I have different powers, I'll be even worse. With Roxas, I'll be able to get work done." Demyx said. Saïx just stared at him.

"Very well." Saïx finally said, looking down at his papers. Demyx's jaw dropped. That was it? Saïx actually believed that? That would be the first time Saïx had ever given in so willing to one of Demyx's ideas.

"Really?!" Demyx said. Then, noticing how surprised he sounded, he tried to cover it up. "I-I mean, great! Thanks for understanding bro."

Saïx said nothing. He just began scribbling down some notes on a piece of paper. Demyx stood there, unsure of what to do with himself. Was he dismissed?

"Is that all you needed?" Saïx asked. Demyx nodded but, realizing that Saïx wouldn't be able to see while looking at his papers, Demyx replied.

"Yes sir." Demyx said.

"You may excuse yourself then." Saïx said. Yep, he was being dismissed. Demyx practically danced to the door, still not believing his good fortune. After he had left and closed the door, Saïx set his papers down. Saïx shook his head. The fool actually believed that he had convinced him to say yes. The only reason Saïx had said yes was because he wanted to. He had read Roxas' report and knew he had gone berserk.

And no one knew how dangerous it was to be near a berserk person than Saïx.

"If I have had this ability for ten years and can barely control it then Roxas should be miles worse." Saïx thought to himself. "And what a shame it would be if, in his rage, he accidentally killed Demyx."

Saïx grinned ferally.

Yes, it would be a shame indeed.

"I have a special mission for you." Xemnas said to the Nobodies that had gathered.

"What is it, sir?" Zexion asked. Lexaeus stood silently, a few feet behind the Cloaked Schemer. He was going to let Zexion do all the talking.

Instead of answering, Xemnas asked, "Your father was a necromancer, yes?"

"Yes and a Thanatologist." Zexion replied. He wondered what his dead father had to do with anything. At that moment, he was thankful for his lack of heart. When he still a kid with a heart, he'd just about panic whenever he remembered his parents and— inevitably —their death.

"So, do you know anything about ghosts?" Xemnas asked. Well, this was interesting.

"Not quite as much as my father did but I can confidently say that I know more than any of the other members do." Zexion said. Xemnas nodded as if he had expected as much.

"I need you to investigate worlds where someone is using malevolent spirits to kill the locals." Xemnas said. Zexion felt like an ice cold hand was gripping his heart. Fear. He had always been surprised that out of all the emotions Nobodies didn't feel, fear was not one of them. He assumed it was because it wasn't an emotion alone— it was a survival instinct. Even animals experienced it. Still, he wasn't to going to let fear stop him from completing his mission.

"Of course sir. I will get right on it." Zexion said coolly. Xemnas handed him some papers that listed the worlds where the incidents had occurred. Zexion studied it. Part of him wondered why it was so important to stop a rogue necromancer from killing people. It didn't affect the Organization in any way as far as Zexion could tell. He wasn't going to voice that thought though. Not yet anyways.

"You are dismissed." Xemnas said. Zexion and Lexaeus nodded and left.

Larxene held up a knife and giggled.

"Poor thing. You don't want to be stabbed? Too bad!" Larxene said. She stabbed the knife into her latest victim. Then she dislodged it, licking the contents off her knife. "Mmm... you taste so good. It's criminal, really. Still, I can't wait to cut you into perfect little slices, then devour you... oh yes. Once I do, you'll finally be inside of me. Tee hee!"

"Larxene." Marluxia said, walking up to her. "Why are you talking to the brownies again?"

Larxene frowned. "I'm suffering from homicidal withdrawal. I have to threaten something."

"Right." Marluxia said with a snort. Honestly, he sometimes questioned the logic in his decision for recruiting Larxene for his coup. Larxene rolled her eyes and began cutting the brownies into squares. After she had finished, she picked up one and took a bite out of it.

"Mmm." Larxene said. Marluxia smirked.

"Don't I get one?" Marluxia asked.

"Only if you decide not to be a lazy ass and get one yourself!" Larxene said. Marluxia's smirk widened. It was cute when Larxene snapped at people. Like a little child lashing out. So immature.

"But of course," Marluxia said, picking up a brownie for himself. Instead of eating it though, he continued to speak. "I'm starting to think that Xion may hold as much value as Roxas, perhaps more."

"Please, it's not even a real member. Just a tool." Larxene said, taking another bite.

"Yes, but a very powerful tool." Marluxia said. "And, if I'm not mistaken, a very easily manipulated tool."

"So, what? We gonna ditch the plan to use Roxas?" Larxene asked. Marluxia shook his head.

"No... that would not be beneficial on our part." Marluxia said. "I'm just suggesting that we might not need to kill Xion. We could us both of them."

Larxene raised a brow. "Both?"

"Of course. They are both loyal to Axel and he is loyal to me. I simply need to get him to convince them to join us." Marluxia said.

"That simple, huh?" Larxene asked.

"Not quite. We will need to be cautious with how we deal with them from now on." Marluxia said. He turned around. "Well, I have a mission report to be writing. I'll see you later, Number XII."

"See you, pansy." Larxene said, finishing off her brownie. Marluxia walked to the door but paused once he got there.

"Tell me, who's powers did you get?" Marluxia asked. Larxene grinned.

"It happens to be yours. Funny that." Larxene said. Marluxia felt a slow smile spread across his face.

That was good news indeed.

Alright and that's chapter 6. Right? We are on chapter 6?

I don't know. Some chapter.

Hope you enjoyed.