He kissed her slowly, sensually, as he lowered himself to her lips. He groaned on contact, that one sound making her already overheated body feel like it was on fire. She tasted so much better than he had imagined. He bit her lip, taking it between his teeth. She gasped at his action, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into her hot mouth. She tasted like the chocolate he had seen her eat this morning, bitterly sweet and intoxicating. He knew he couldn't get enough of her before, but now he was addicted.

Addicted for life.

He didn't stop, he didn't want to, as he continued to kiss her. In the back of his mind, that one part of him that stood away from the proceedings, he was afraid. Afraid that she would push him away and hate him. Was it an irrational fear? Maybe, maybe not. He knew Zatanna never would abandon him, at least not completely. But so many had left him before, he didn't want that with her.

He kissed her without permission, and in a lust induced haze, he just couldn't hold himself back anymore. Though all of his worries vanished as she moaned into his mouth, her hands travelling up his chest to encircle his neck, bringing him down closer to her. He groaned again as she grabbed fists full of his raven hair, making the kiss rough and desperate.

Every movement, every caress, every word unspoken between them spoke of their need. Hot, pure desire seeped through their veins like hot lava. He tried to be gentle, he really did, but he couldn't help himself as his need for her touch drove him insane. He had always wanted her, so much more than a friend. He wanted to be the reason for her smile, for her laughing.

Because she was the reason for his.

Their tongues clashed together violently, hands desperately clutching to one another. Her fingers were far from idle. They were all over him. On his chest, in his hair, hands balling his shirt almost frustratingly because she just wanted the damn thing off. The thought of his body pressed against her that way...it made an undeniable wetness gather in between her legs. She whimpered as she felt his fingers ghosting lightly on her inner thigh while the other hand tangled itself in her black hair.

Kissing him like this...almost felt so forbidden.

But so fucking tempting.



It was wrong.

It was too soon for that...


But all protestant thoughts vanished from her head as he released her lips and bit down on her neck gently, like how an animal would mark its mate. He licked the wound slowly, soothingly, to erase the pain. She shivered in his hold.

In fact, there was almost no pain at all, if anything, that bite only fueled her desire.

He stared at the mark he made on her, breathing hotly on her skin as he chuckled to himself. Zatanna could feel the vibrations through his chest as she panted for air, cheeks flushed and hot. He felt a wave of ...possessiveness as he looked at her, and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Pentru tine, ca a mea marca" his voice was undeniably rough and husky, but deep and somehow gentle at the same time. She realized he was speaking in Romanian, his native tongue.

She knew what those words meant. She kissed him in response, pulling his hair to bring him closer to her.

To mark you as mine

"Robin" she gasped as his lips came into contact with her neck. He continued to kiss her skin, letting her catch her breath. His tongue dipped into her collarbone, making her gasp again, her breaths coming in fast, shallow pants.

His hand ghosted the skin of her inner thigh, the other tracing her side, the line of her delicate, soft curves. His lips biting down gently on her neck, her jaw, her full plump lips. She whimpered desperately, her breathing erratic and hot against his own face. His hand slipped under her white blouse, skimming over her stomach and brushing his thumb on the underside of her breast.

She moaned. "Tease" she said.

He smirked at her, slow and sexy. "Zatanna" he breathed out hotly, his dark blue eyes boring into hers. His gaze was firm, controlled, though hazed over by dark lust. The predator in him was back, the one she saw before. And, oh fuck, it looked like he wanted to eat her. He brushed his knuckles against one hardened nipple that was visible through her blouse.

"Zatanna" he said again. His eyes were dark blue, lust and desire swirling inside those entrancing orbs. Though, his hold was firm, careful, his temptation in check though already on the verge of breaking loose. "Are you sure?" he breathed slowly.

And there. That look. That look he gave her. She'd seen it before, but it was so much clearer now. He didn't hide it now. He didn't want to. He wouldn't turn his head away or retreat within himself this time.


It almost seemed like...

He loved her.

And as if he had known she had figured out his secret, that she had somehow been able to guess, he spoke it out loud for confirmation. He smiled gently, it was lovely in a way...

He dragged his mouth down her neck and across her shoulder. "I love you"

The words were nothing but a sweet whisper, a gentle caress coming from his lips.

But all the same it filled her ears and rang in her head.

"I love you"

She could feel the tears prickling at her eyes, her vision got blurry and her throat tight. He loved her. God...did..he really? He loved her?

"I love you" He said again as he took her face in his hands, wiping away a stray tear that rolled down her pretty face.

She smiled up at him, awing him for that one moment. She was so...beautiful.

She wrapped her arms around his neck once more, bringing him down closer to her own heated body. His lips hovered close to hers, his breath hot against her face. "Then love me..." she kissed him slowly, savoring the taste of him on her tongue. "Make love to me" she whispered against his lips.

That was all the permission he needed. He couldn't hold himself back any more.

He took her blouse off, slipping it off her smooth body and leaving her chest bare to him. She flushed hotly under his gaze, but she did not shy away like what he first thought. His hands spanned her slender waist and up her ribs to cup her breasts. He brushed his knuckles over the hardened buds as his lips ghosted over her collarbone. She moaned, that delicious sound reaching his ears and fueling his desire. He took one hardened nipple into his hot mouth, his tongue flicking out teasingly at the hardened flesh. She cried out, arching her back as he suckled her breast and kneaded the other.

One of his hands dragged slowly down her side, the curve of her hip and thigh. He unbuttoned her jeans as he kissed her roughly and passionately on the mouth. Her hands slipped under his shirt, moaning as she felt his strong muscle while his tongue danced ferociously with hers. He tore his mouth away from her, pulling the shirt over his head and once again pressing his body down on hers. His tongue circled the hardened nub before pulling it into his mouth as he sucked it harder than before.

Zatanna cried out loudly, hot jolts of pleasure shooting up her spine and down to her core. "Yes" she moaned softly.

His mouth skimmed down her ribs, spanning over her flat, smooth stomach, leaving a hot, searing trail of open mouth kisses down her skin. He pulled down the zipper using his teeth, its loud scraping sound sounding far away and distant in her ears. He pulled the denim off of her smooth long legs, brushing his fingers on her skin teasingly. Zatanna shook the jeans off, letting them land on the floor. Her stomach felt tight, like a coil ready to be sprung.

"Please" she said. Arousal and anticipation overrode her embarrassment, making her body demand what it couldn't if not for her being drunk on pleasure.

He smirked, sexy but oh so dangerous. He bent down to kiss her eyes, her mouth, her neck and her chest. "Let me worship you, inima mea"

He went down to kiss her knees, then slowly dragging his mouth to her inner thighs, making Zatanna shake with need, whimpering and writhing under him. He took her black underwear off using his teeth, teasing her by taking his sweet time. She groaned with impatience and he internally chuckled but outwardly smirked.

He stared at her naked form, awed. She had flaws, but it made her all the more beautiful to him. It amazed him that she never tried to hide it, her mistakes. He traced a scar on her lower left hip, kissing it with his mouth. He noted another one, a fading pink on her collarbone and kissed that too. He continued on like this for a while, kissing her flaws, her scars, as if he could heal them away. Zatanna blushed under him, loving his gentleness and his soft lips as he kissed her body.

"Your perfect" he said. "I love you" he reminded her.

Before she could respond to his sweet words, he had gone down and between her legs. He licked her pussy, soaking wet and enticingly slick. Her arousal filled his senses with a musky sweetness, making his sex throb with painful hardness. He licked her and sucked her clit in between his teeth. She cried out violently, her body shaking with wild abandon as his hot mouth drove her closer to her climax. He rose before she could cum for him, capturing her mouth in a ferocious kiss. His fingers dove between her legs, diving in her tight entrance. He pressed two fingers to her clit, rubbing her nub in circular motions. Zatanna shook and moaned, she could feel herself coming apart in his hands. He thrusts his two fingers into her, curling them inside her once they were buried deep. He moaned at how tight she was.

She cried out his name. He moaned again at the sound.

He inserted a third finger into her as he bit down on her neck once again. He thrusts them in again harshly, over and over, curling them in a 'come here' gesture.

She screamed his name in pleasure, coming apart in his hands as he pushed her over the edge.

He rose in one swift motion, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss as he let her shaking hands unbutton his jeans. He heard the scrape of his zipper and shivered as her hand brushed against the long, hard column of his sex.

"Zatanna" he breathed her name. He hesitated, Robin knew for a fact Zatanna was a virgin. This was her first. If she wasn't sure she wanted to give away something this important to him, then he wouldn't take it. He wouldn't force her.

As if she could see his inner turmoil, she smiled up gently at him. Her hands rose to cup his face, bringing him down to kiss him slowly, gently, as if they hadn't just done what they did and that this was their first kiss. She blushed. "I want this" she wrapped her arms around his neck, marveling at how his eyes regarded her just then. He looked at her as if she was something so unearthly beautiful, like an angel, like a deity he would worship. "I want you" she whispered in his ear.

He breathed out a harsh sigh as if to control himself. "Are you sure?" he asked.

She felt a surge of something then.

Something so profound and powerful and...alien. Something he made her realize.

It was something like...love.

"Make me yours" Zatanna whispered.

He kissed her mouth briefly then proceeded to discard his jeans in one swift move. He lavished her neck and chest with kisses as his fingers dug into the soft swell of her hips. She bucked her hips, already desperate for his touch. He stared into her eyes, opening her legs slowly as if giving her time to stop him and retreat...but she did not. He thrust into her quickly, breaking her virgin wall and claiming her as his. He silenced her pained cries with a kiss, already regretting whatever pain he had given her.

The pain, as Zatanna knew would come, was hot and searing. Her lower half was on fire, but as her sweet lover kissed her neck, her chest, hands tangling in her hair and caressing her hip, the pain slowly ebbed away to leave a small ache. She realized just how big he was then, long and hard and throbbing inside of her. He filled and stretched her, and it felt so...good.

She moaned. "Move" she commanded silently.

He began thrusting into her, slowly at first but gaining rythym and speed at every moan she let escape.

Her nails scraped his back harshly as she bucked her hips to meet his hard thrusts, he moaned, he was sure that this would surely leave marks on both of them. She rolled her hips with his thrusts and cried out loudly. He buried his face against her neck and cursed, using his hands to support himself so he wouldn't collapse on her.

He found out, and loved the fact, that Zatanna was very vocal. Her cries and moans of pleasure made him want her all the more, kissing her breasts, her mouth, her neck, doing anything to make her release those sounds again.

He nuzzled her neck, finding her warm pulse point and sucking on it, loving her unique scent, her taste, the feel of her soft skin against his mouth. Her breathing got labored as his thrusts grew harder, deeper, beckoning her closer and closer to yet another orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure raked through her body, making her scream and moan his name as his hands gripped the swell of her hips harshly.

"Come for me" he growled in her ear. And as though it was an order sent straight to her body, she cummed, her scream of pleasure filling the expanse of the room. Robin moaned, and with one final claiming thrust, came inside her as well.

"I love you" she said, the words reaching his surprised ears and his guarded heart.

He stared at her in disbelief, eyes clouded over in thought as he looked into her honest blue eyes. Her eyes, bright blue, conveyed love and...truth. For him.

That look was for him.

She could sense his doubt, and to erase it, she brought him down to her and kissed his cheek, his forehead then his lips. He cupped her face with one hand and she turned her head to kiss his scarred palm. "I love you" she whispered.

He kissed her forehead. "Te iubesc"

She cried, holding his hand tightly to her face, a single tear rolling down her pretty face.

But she wasn't sad or angry, far from that actually. Cause she knew what those words meant.

I love you

Authors Note: I am back people! wohooo!

Okay, to explain where the heck I have been:
As some of you may know, I just recently moved countries. I havent been able to use my computer lately because I have finally visited my family after not seeing them for eight years. I was very upset that I had to move, it was one of the reasons I had no will to write. Another thing was that I was just busy, I didnt have internet connection either so I couldnt exactly post stories. I really am sorry, I was very upset for a long time.

The good news is, I was finally able to see my family, like my grandparents and cousins, the house I now live in is very beautiful and big, and best of all I was able to bring along my best friend, who his parents let move with me. I am very glad and very thankful, though perhaps also very sad for the things I left behind. But memories are forever, right?

and so to my dear faithful readers, you have my thanks and my gratitude, nothing warms the heart of this writer more than your knd words and encouragement.

If you guys like the story, (this is my first time writing a lemon, I don have any experience with this type of stuff) I would absolutely appreciate a review and a to hear your favorite part or what you liked.

This story is different from other lemons out there. Maybe its not as hot but I didnt want to make it that way. I wanted to make it sorta sweet since it was their first time and they were best friends who were secretly in love. It wasnt just some mindless fucking like as if they were friends with benefits. *chuckles*

until next time,
