Despite her previous doubts about the 'better tomorrow', Kira found things actually did seem better this day.

Ratchet and Nurse Darby had been talking to her, explaining that there was no way to remove the robotic part of Kira's face safely. So Ratchet presented another option.

"I have created this faceplate that could cover the exposed side of your face," the Autobot medic explained as he held up a piece of dark gray metal.

"It can be painted skin color so that it's not so obvious," June added.

After a good night's rest, Kira found that she actually didn't mind being part Transformer. She didn't know why she felt that way, but she liked the fact that she was not entirely human, not entirely robot. She had never belonged anywhere but the Autobots' home, and it almost felt…right.

"Just leave it gray," Kira said. "I don't mind looking like one of you." She smiled up at Ratchet. I am more like my father than I realized, Kira thought. I embrace the technology, rather than despise it.

For Knock Out's operation had not been all bad. Kira could now spot the slightest object or movement with her new optic, and she could think at twice the normal speed of a human. Her memory had also become very sharp, though the memories of the Decepticon Nemesis were still very vague, as if they were pieces of translucent paper blowing in the wind. All of this was because Knock Out had given her some sort of processor that was fused with her brain.

The downsides were obvious though. Because of her glowing red optic, Kira would be unable to walk among other humans as one of them. Forever she would be branded an Autobot. In addition to that, Kira now had to take small doses of energon to keep her mini-processor and optic running smoothly.

"Okay," Ratchet replied.

"When are you going to weld it on?" Kira inquired, referring to the faceplate.

"Whenever you're ready," Ratchet replied.

"I'm ready now."

June looked startled. "Are you sure, Kira? Don't you want to rest for a few more days?"

Kira shook her head. "I want to show the other Autobots that I'm okay, and I need the faceplate for that."

June still looked unconvinced, but Ratchet quickly reassured her that Kira had recovered and was strong enough to handle the procedure.

"Now, I'm going to give you some sedation so that you don't feel anything," Ratchet explained.

Kira looked up at Ratchet, fear flicking in her mismatched eyes. "No, don't put me under," she begged. Ratchet glanced at his human partner in surprise.

"It's just standard procedure," he explained. "This will hurt unless I give you something for the pain."

"Use local anesthetic," Kira suggested. "Just please don't put me under!"

Her eyes were wide with fear, and Ratchet realized that this situation was all too familiar to Kira right now. Of course she didn't want to be unconscious during the procedure, as Knock Out had tampered with half of her face and Kira hadn't even known. She was afraid of the unknown, and that was perfectly normal given all that she had been through.

"Okay," Ratchet said. "I'll give you local anesthetic then."

After the operation, Kira admired her face in the piece of shiny metal that Ratchet had given her. The right side of her face was perfectly normal, perfectly human. The left side was definitely robot, with the glowing optic and the smooth gray faceplate.

Kira had asked Ratchet if he could change the color of the optic, but he had told her that the optic was too small to attempt to change the color. Kira didn't mind too much, though she felt disappointed that she couldn't look more like her Autobot friends.

"What do you think?" Ratchet asked, sounding uncertain, as if afraid that Kira wouldn't like her new look.

"I like it," Kira replied. "It kind of reminds me of your faceplate."

Ratchet harrumphed, feeling embarrassed that Kira would make such a sweet comparison between him and her.

"So can I go see the others now?" Kira asked hopefully.

"Well, I should probably check these readings," Ratchet trailed off as he turned to a monitor.


Ratchet grinned. "Of course you can," he said as he offered his hand to Kira, who eagerly jumped in it.

They walked out to where all the Autobots and their humans were waiting.

Ratchet set Kira down on the ground at her request.

Miko jumped off of the ground where she had been sitting and ran up to her friend. "Kira!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms tight against Kira's agile body. "You scared me."

"I won't do it again, I promise," Kira said, smiling.

Raf walked up nervously after Miko. "Hi, Kira," he said shyly. "Are you feeling better now?"

Kira smiled. "Yes, I feel much better now, Raf, thank you." And then she hugged him.

"I missed you so much," Raf murmured in her ear.

"I missed you too," Kira said softly.

After their embrace, Kira glanced up to see Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee all looking down at her with relief shining in their optics. Jack was also there, and he and Kira exchanged a slightly clumsy hug.

Then there was an awkward silence. Kira knew that her friends would be trying to think of something nice to say to her, but they didn't want to hurt her feelings. Kira turned to Bulkhead, hoping to break the tension.

"Hey Bulkhead, don't you think I kind of look like the Terminator?" she joked, trying to be light-hearted.

Bulkhead chuckled in spite of the situation. "Yeah, you do." Realizing that that might have sounded insensitive, he quickly added, "But in a good way."

"I know what you mean, Bulk," Kira said teasingly back at him.

The sound of heavy footfalls alerted Kira to another Autobot walking up to her. She glanced up to see the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime.

Guilt suddenly washed over Kira and she found it hard to meet the Autobot leader's gaze. It was Kira's fault that she had gotten captured and that Ratchet had almost gotten captured aboard the Decepticon vessel. She had also lied to the Autobots, and because of what she had done, Ratchet had to lie and somewhat betray the Autobots by siding with her father, Silas.

"Optimus," Kira acknowledged. "I'm really sorry for everything."

"It is all right," Optimus reassured her. "We have all made mistakes in the past. You are safe now, and that is all that matters."

Kira noticed Agent Fowler standing next to Optimus. She ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

Kira had never realized just how lucky she was to have this strange family. Surrounded by her best friends she suddenly decided that everything was going to be all right.

After everyone had left, Kira felt emotionally exhausted. Deciding that she wanted to be alone, she headed for her 'room', which was actually just the area that contained the couch and the TV.

Kira stepped into the space that she had become so familiar with, the place where she had lived for the past year. She sighed softly. It felt so good to be back where she knew that she was safe and had a good place to live.

A flash of reflected light caught Kira's eye. Surprised, Kira looked over to see the iPod that Agent Fowler had given her for her birthday sitting on the table.

Now I know that I didn't leave it there, Kira thought as she walked over and sat on the couch. Leaning forward, she plucked it off the table and turned it on.

To her surprise, the contacts page was open, and there was a new contact titled simply "Daddy." Hardly daring to breathe, Kira clicked on it. There was an email address under the name. Kira felt a deep joy building up inside of her. He wanted to keep in contact with Kira.

Turning off the iPod, Kira leaned back on the couch and smiled.

Yes, everything was going to be all right.

A/N: Well this is the end. I hope you all enjoyed this fanfiction. Thank you all so much for reading it; and thank you for every review and favorite. You guys are awesome!