A/N: This is my first Gravity Falls fanfiction, and yes, it will have pinecest. The rating may change from T to M later on in the future.

Chapter 1- Fireworks

I creeped my way towards the garage door all the while leaning my back against the wall. My breathing was light despite the fact that whatever I was gonna do might get me scowled for life. The entire house was quiet except for Uncle Stan who was currently giving a tour to the curious tourists.

They were all clueless to the fact that whatever our uncle did, he made them throw money at him but I guess it's what keeps us alive in this shack; which is also known as the Mystery Shack!

The Shack's filled with mystery's and ghosts, everyday is a new adventure filled with shock and terror! Sometimes, I think my little heart can't take it. Other times, I feel as if I want to do something even more extreme. Like what I'm about to do right now with my cute brother, Dipper!

"Hey Mabel, earth to Mabel! You hear me in there?"

I felt my head wobble as Dipper poked at my head and I fell out of my trance. Now was no time to fall asleep or get side tracked! For this was gonna be the best thing we've ever done together!

Dipper and I skidded from wall to wall, looking down the hallways for any sign of life. I looked left, and he looked right.

"Hey Dipper?" I said as I rapidly moved my eyes back and forth.


"Do you know what I feel like right now?"

Dipper just sighed, resisting the urge to face palm himself. "A spy right?"

I gasped loudly, "HOW DID YOU KNO-"

Dipper jumped towards me and covered my mouth with his hands. "Shhh, do you want us to get spotted!? You know that if Stan or Wendy finds out we are carrying a bag load of fireworks we're dead right!?"

I tried talking but all I was about to let out was a bunch of muffled words.

"No, I'm pretty sure Soos won't tell on us. We had to ask him for the fireworks anyway, remember?"

I nodded and tried putting his hand into my mouth. Dipper let out a face of disgust as he pulled away and continued to scan the hallways.

"Oh, and sis" -Dipper looked at me- "Don't lick my hand again, please?"

"I can't make any promises!" I replied.

All my brother could do was sigh and we continued our journey to the garage.

So far there was no signal of life but you could never be to careful. The garage was off limits to us and if Uncle Stan or Wendy were to even see us heading towards the garage, we would either get killed, or get killed... That pretty much sums up everything.

Eventually we got to the door of the garage with Dipper on one side, and me on the other. On the door there was a large sign that read, "Keep out Dipper and Mabel!"

Another read, "Golf Cart Off Limits to D and M!"

But the last one was my favorite, "If You Leave You Get Free Pie"

I stuck my tongue out to the thought of having one small slice of pie on my lips! Cherry pie, apple pie, oh oh, you can't forget about pumpkin pie!

My mouth started to drool at the thought and I moaned, "Piiieee..."

Dipper shook me, "Mabel -focus! We have to get these fireworks onto the cart before Stan finishes the tour!"

I shook my head awake and I nodded. Showing off my toothy grin with my braces.

Dipper tried opening the door and as we both predicted, it was locked.

"Mabel, did you bring the keys?"

I shook my head, "No I couldn't find them... But look what I got!"

I grinned again as I took out a small paper clip and even Dipper couldn't resist grinning from ear to ear as he took it from me.

"You're the best sis!" He whispered

I grinned and rubbed my hands together while Dipper continued to work on the lock. A few seconds later there was a small click and the door opened ajar.

"Jack pot..."

"More like IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME POT!" I yelled out loud.

I snatched the bag that Dipper was holding and rushed towards the golf cart.

"H-Hey! What're you doing!?" He yelled as he rushed towards me.

I took a roll of duct tape that was lying around on the concrete floor and started taping sticks of fireworks on the back of the golf cart. There wasn't a lot of light and it was gloomy but I continued to do my work with haste.

"Mabel," Dipper said in concern, "We never agreed to whatever you're doing! We just agreed that we'll take these fireworks to our secret camp site-"

"Oh come off it Dipper!" I whined as I continued to tape firework after firework, "There will be plenty left for the show-"

"I'm not worried about there being no fireworks! I'm worried that you'll make the cart explode! I know cause you and explosives are a BIG no, no! Remember that time when we were making a cake a few months ago!? Somehow you managed to blow up the kitchen with cake batter! Just how does that wo-"

I placed a finger on Dipper's lips, "Shhhh... Don't think... Just do..."

Dipper let out a loud, "Hmp!" and took my backpack.

Minutes passed and by the second I felt like the odds of getting spotted were getting higher. The loud sound of duct tape being ripped into strips echoed inside the garage. Sweat dripped against my brow and stung my eyes, at last I finished taping the last set of fireworks onto the cart.

"Dipper!" I called out tapping his shoulder, "It's done!"

Dipper looked up looking a little annoyed, "What is it Mabel? What did you do- oh my falls..."

I let out a small "tah dah" before Dipper could respond. All I could get out of him was a slight opened mouth. He looked so surprised, like I killed him! Get it? Cause he's surprised and he isn't moving!? Hahaha, I'm so funny!

"Mabel..." Dipper said still looking at the modified cart in awe.

"Yesss? You may now praise your cute sister for her awesome work!"

There was a loud rip as Dipper started to tear the strips of fireworks from the cart. I gasped before I ran towards him trying to restrain him.

"Dipper what are you doing!?" I yelled.

"I'm trying not get us killed! You know how crazy this is!?" He yelled back as he ripped another stack of fireworks, tossing them into the front seats.

"Dipper please, you have to trust me!"

"Trust you? How can I trust you when last night you said you won't scare me, yet you scared me!?"

I giggled, "I thought it'd be funny! It was hilarious when you farted out loud when you saw-"

"Enough Mabel!"

I froze for a second then I slumped my shoulders. I sat down on the seat of the cart and looked at Dipper letting my body sink lower and lower on the seat.

I pouted my lips and crossed my arms, "You're so mean Dipper..."

I started to bang the back of my head on the car seat repeatedly. Dipper just crushed my hopes and dreams that I made five minutes ago. It was my life goal and it was all over in less then a second.

Dipper sighed, "I know you Mabel. You'll just get over this whole firework thing tomorrow. So why don't we just enjoy watching them instead of using them to get blown up?"

I continued to bob my head back and forth, sulking.

"The whole guilt thing isn't gonna work you know..."

And thus the bobbing continued.

Dipper sighed, "Look sis," -Dipper moved into the drivers seat- "I'm just concerned for you that's all. If that thing explodes you'll get hurt and I don't want that. I promised mom and dad I would look after you at any cost. That also translates to no explosions, you know, after mom and dad..."

I looked at Dipper. His eyes were transfixed to the floor, memories and images playing through his mind. I stared into his eyes not only did I see myself, but I saw his memories. The pain, the suffering, the helplessness that he felt at the time when all he could do was watch.

I pulled him in a tight embrace, "I know Dipper... It was hard for the both of us, but especially harder for you..."

I placed my chin on Dippers shoulder and sighed.

The thought of our mother and father brought our whole world down below us. I was heavily effected at hearing about our parents death, but not as badly as Dipper. He witnessed it, he survived through the flames of hell but at a terrible cost. Sometimes at night I can hear him whimper and call out our parents names. He usually tosses and turns while he sleeps and whenever he has nightmares, he screams and yells. And when he wakes up, he cries. My big Dipper crying? That's absurd right!? Well even a big guy like him has a weak spot.

Dipper shook his head, shaking out of the trance. "So you see Mabel, that's why fireworks on a cart is a no, no! It's not only for my safety, but for yours as well. If I lost you like mom and dad, I would be-"

"You would be...?" I said pulling away from our hug.

His eyes darted back and forth as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "I would be-"


We both jumped from our embrace to see a furious Uncle Stan. His eyes were blood shot with steam billowing out of his ears. His chest rose and fell as it moved with every step he took; his rage increasing.


Dipper and I shivered in fear as we clung onto each other for dear life.

I swallowed hard, "W-We're sorry! We didn't mean to bring a bag of fireworks here to create a hyper speed golf cart in order to sneak off into the woods and spend the night there by ourselves and- Wait what?"

Uncle Stan quickly took more steps towards us, "You scared all my customers! Now they think this place is actually haunted and are asking me to show them ghosts All I ask from you two is to just keep it down, and what do you do!? You all SCREAM AND HOLLER LIKE THIS WHILE I'M TRYING TO WORK!"

Uncle Stan turned on his heel and headed for the garage door.

"U-Uncle Sta-"

"Just keep quiet and shut up!"

Stan slammed the door shut and we were left alone again. We both looked at each other and we both snickered, trying to stifle our laughter. Our joy of getting away with the golf cart was so hilarious! It looks like Uncle Stan really did love money more then his own rules!

The garage door burst open again instead with a even more pissed off Uncle Stan.

"Oh hey Uncle Stan!" -I waved from my seat- "Were we being loud again?"

"No, no, no sweet heart. You weren't being loud. You're just sort of INSIDE THE GARAGE!"

Dipper and I looked at each other, "Uh oh!"

The both of us screamed in unison as our uncle rushed towards us and lunged into the air. In my mind, I imagined him as a huge monkey man that was attempting to eat us alive. I believe Dipper had a similar picture as well.

"Floor it Dipper! FLOOR IT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Without a second thought, Dipper slammed his foot on the gas pedal and with a loud "Screech" we were outta there!

We rocketed forward, crashing through the garage door; leaving a large hole in the process. We could hear Uncle Stan shouting as he started chasing us, getting closer by the second despite the cart going at top speed.

"Can't this thing go any faster!?" I yelled trying my best NOT TO FREAK OUT LIKE I AM NOW!

"We're already going at top speed! At this rate we're all gonna be good as de-"


"Like I said- good as dead!"

Dipper continued to concentrate on the road as he swerved around broken tree trunks and bumpy hills.

I dared to look back and saw that Uncle Stan was just a few feet away from us. I screamed out loud shaking Dipper. The cart swerved right and left in great arcs, almost making our cart tip over.

When we got back driving straight we let out a sigh of relief. However that feeling quickly faded away after a loud "THUMP" was heard at the roof of our cart.

"Dipper..." I said swallowing loudly, "I think we're pretty much good as dead..."

A familiar red hat became visible and everything was silent for a few seconds...

"Hello kids..." Uncle Stan snickered.

"Hey um... Mabel?" Dipper said trembling.

I looked at him and shook with fear, "Y-Yeah?"

The air started to heat up as the roof of the cart started to melt. Uncle Stan burst into flames with his teeth suddenly becoming sharp, like he was the devil itself.

"I-I-I think it's time you LIGHT UP THE ROCKETS PLEASE!"

At that moment, my mind went haywire. Dipper... Asking me... To light up the lights!?

"ROAR!" Uncle Stan yelled as he extended his arm towards my brother.

"Hurry up Mabel! Do it, just do it!"

I took out a pack of matches from the cart's drawer and I lit one up. I watched as the flame grew slightly then watched it die down. I smiled at the thought, the feeling of going fast, the blurry colors, the joy of adventure!

Without a moments hesitation, I lit up the fuses that were tied together by duct tape, and watched as each individual fuse lit up. I watched them spread to each rocket as if it were a virus hitting the victims. The sparks shimmered in the air as the lit fuses disappeared into the rockets.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled, "Anytime now will be great! What's the hold up!?"

"Boom..." I whispered.

Dipper looked at me with confusion. Even Uncle Stan had to stare at me questionably.

"Um-" Was all Uncle Stan could say.

The cart flashed like a large rainbow cat; I raised my hands and faced the front of the cart. Uncle Stan screamed in fear as he was pushed back from the force and speed. After a few seconds he disappeared behind a flash of colors, screaming in pain as he trampled on the ground.

Everywhere around us, colors zoomed by like they were nothing but mixed paint. I squinted my eyes as wind cut through my vision. However Dipper didn't seem to mind at all, he was just shivering and screaming, no biggy.

A second later the dirt road was replaced with green as we zoomed off the path.

"Dipper, we're off the main road!" I yelled over the wind.

"I know!"

"You know what this means!? We're almost to the campsite!"

Dipper shook his head, "Mabel let me concentrate! I don't know how long the cart will hold-"


I pushed the wheel against Dipper's will and we just nearly avoided a head on collision with a large pine tree.

"Mabel, we're going to fast! We need to dismantle the fireworks, get to the back and rip them off!"

"But I want to drive Dipper!"

"Are we seriously going to have this argument right now!?"

"Yes!" I said nodding my head, "Trust me Dipper! Remember that time when we took out that gnome army? You have to trust me on this!"

"Trust- Look Mabel, the last time you drove a golf cart you-"

"That was different! Please Dipper, trust me... Trust your sister!"

I looked at Dipper and he looked at me. Though the glance was brief his face went from annoyed, to a face of defeat. He just merely nodded and looked back at the road.

"Alright, take the wheel Mabel! I'm trusting you, and when this is all over, no more firework powered golf carts!"

I nodded as he jumped out of the seat and I took hold of the wheel. I focused on what was in front of me, and I barely dodged everything. I felt the cart slowing down bit by bit as Dipper crushed the fireworks and tossed them out of the cart.

Minutes passed but they felt like hours, with each passing moment I thought that I was gonna get both my brother and myself killed.

'This was such a stupid idea' I thought to myself.

"Mabel, there's only a few left!" -Dipper called out as he tossed out another firework- "Just keep it steady!"

I flinched as the cart hit a bump on the grassy road and I jumped out of my seat. I let go of the wheel and that proved to be the worst mistake in my entire life. We were still going pretty fast and the cart started to lose control. I tried grabbing the wheel but it was spinning wildly and before I can even try to press the breaks, my entire world went black...

I woke up with a splitting headache, my head feeling like jelly. My vision was blurry with stars spinning over my head. I sat up straight and placed a hand on my wobbling head for support.

When my vision came into focus I looked at my surroundings. I was at a small clearing surrounded by tall trees. A large lake laid out in full view with the reflection of the moon shining brightly on the surface of the rippling waters. Stars sparkled and shined brightly against the night sky like millions of glittering beads.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, "If this is what death is like, it's not that bad..."


I turned my head around to see Dipper frozen in place. A breeze whistled through the air, making the campfire flicker back and forth. The shadow's around us swayed and moved like waves in an ocean, the sight was ominous but relaxing.

"Hey Dipper," -I raised my hand weakly- "What's crashing?"

"What's crashing?" -He dropped his arm load of firewood- "WHAT'S CRASHING!?"

I watched as he made his way towards me, his eyes blood shot, his ears billowing with steam, and his chest rising and falling with every step he took.

"W-Wait Dipper, I can explain!"

"Explain? Don't make me laugh! I know what you did, you know what you did!? You CRASHED!"

I felt my lips quiver, "I tried Dipper! It's not easy to drive a cart filled with fire-"

"That's why I said it was a bad idea!"

"Can you stop yelling at me!? I'm sorry for wrecking the golf cart!"

Dipper towered over me, his arms at his sides and his eyes narrowing down on me. I shivered uncontrollably, my eyes threatening to shed tears. I didn't mean to make Dipper mad, I really didn't. I only thought I could help, and now I was helpless in front of Dipper.

He knew I was never good at driving in the first place and yet he gave me a chance. A chance that I'm never going to get ever again.

"You better be sorry Mabel..."

Dipper raised his hand high up in the air and I covered my face with my arm. I was gonna get struck down and I deserved it. I wrecked the golf cart and it was gonna take us hours to get back home, I almost get Dipper killed; and I threw away Dipper's trust. What other reasons does he need?

"Dipper!" I yelled.

I waited, and waited for his hand to strike down against my face. But I didn't feel anything, all I felt was the warm breeze of summer wind.

'Hit me already...' I thought to myself, 'Just hit me for God's sake Dipper, just do it!'

More time passed; with a minute passing by I opened my eyes slowly to see my brother kneeling down on his knees. What's more is that he wasn't in any position to strike me down, but he was... Crying?

I let down my arm and allowed my eyes to bask in the view. I couldn't see my brother's face that well because both of his hands were covering them, but I could hear uneven breathing and tears running down his cheeks. Dipper was never one to cry, even at tough situations like the time we lost our parents. But I'm just sitting here looking at my brother cry, but why? Was it because we couldn't get home easily? Is it because we didn't have the fireworks? Was it because if we went back home we would get in trouble?

"Y-Y-You friggen idiot Mabel!" Dipper yelled, still crying.

I sat there confused, "L-Look if it's about the whole golf cart thing I'm sorry Dipper... I'll never` drive it again and-"

"I'm not c-crying about the golf cart you dork!"

Dipper rubbed his eyes with his wet arm and lunged at me for a hug. I almost suffocated from this warm embrace but it felt so loving and nice.

I didn't want to pull away.

"I-I'm c-crying because you c-could've died!"

My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as Dipper pounded his fists weakly on my back.

"You idiot, you idiot, you idiot Mabel!" He yelled still sobbing, "You friggen idiot! W-what will I do i-if I lost you too? Have you ever thought about that!? What w-w-would I do if you weren't h-here! "

I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt my eyes start to water as well. I felt a single tear drop and stream down my face as Dipper continued to hug me tightly. This hug didn't seem awkward at all, it wasn't like our usual awkward sibling hug's we normally did. This one actually felt... Genuine... All this time Dipper was thinking about me, the golf cart, the fireworks, those were the least of his worries.

I felt my heart thump loudly, what was this feeling?

After a few more minutes of sobbing and hugging Dipper's breathing almost became even again. He let go of our embrace and looked at me, his eyes slightly red from the tears. He sniffed loudly and gave me half a smile.

I smiled back and looked into his eyes.

Again my heart thumped loudly, what was going on?

"You're such a dork you know that?" Dipper said playfully.

I just giggled, "Oh stop it Dipper, you know I'm silly sometimes."

"Sometimes? More like silly all the time, but that's what makes you, you. And that's what makes you special!"

I laughed again and I didn't know why. Was it because of the moment we were having?

"Yep that's lil o'l me! Silly Mabel, queen of the sillies!"

Dipper laughed, "You got that right sis! Oh, hey can you stay still for a moment?"

"Hmm? Why's that?"

Dipper grabbed the backpack that was next to me and rummaged inside it. He look out a roll of white bandages and smiled. "To replace your old bandages of course! You got burned in some places, especially your hands."

I raised an eyebrow and I looked at my hands. There were bandages alright, I couldn't believe I didn't see them sooner. Even though they couldn't have been more then a few hours old, they still looked dirty.

"I also need to change the bandages on your head. So just stay still will ya?"

I merely nodded as I gave Dipper my hands. I watched as he went to work slowly, being careful not to touch any sensitive skin.

I felt my heart speed up a bit and was I starting to sweat?

"Alright I took off the old ones and I'm applying the new ones. Are you alright Mabel?"

I nodded frantically, "Y-Yeah I am! Thanks for the bandages Dipper."

He smiled as he went back to wrapping them around my hands. I flinched and pulled away as the fresh new strips of bandages fell off. I held my hand close to my face and I looked at the back of it.

Despite my hand being a bit wrinkly, I noticed a small gash that seemed to be pretty deep.

I heard Dipper sigh, "Yeah I noticed that too... It'll probably be a scar but hopefully it'll fade away in a couple of months."

I allowed Dipper to take my hand once more and I watched as he finished re-doing my bandages.

"Thanks Dippy..."

Dipper looked up, "Wait, what'd you just call me?"

I covered my mouth with my hands and yelped, "N-N-Nothing! I didn't say anything, did you think I said something? No, no, no, I think you thought I said something so you're assuming I called you Dippy and-"

"Wow, wow calm down sis. That crash must've made your brain spin a bit. Now let me re-do the bandages on your head."

I just nodded frantically as Dipper came in closer

I felt him touch my forehead and I blushed... WHY AM I BLUSHING!?

He leaned in a bit closer to my face and I felt my head getting hotter, and my heart beat pounding louder. His features were so gentle and cute, his face being round, his eyes sparkling against the night sky, his hair looking cool with that pine hat of his...

"And there! You'll be good as new in no time!"

I patted my head and smiled. My heart felt so warm and happy this time, just what was this feeling inside me!?

"Hey Mabel?"

"YES!?" I screamed.

I covered my mouth again and gave him a nervous smile.

"Thanks for being alright..."

"No problem Dipper, anytime- I mean thank you for being- I mean err-"

Dipper chuckled, "Alright, no problem."

For a few minutes we laid down on the grass and stared into the night sky. Stars gazed down on us as we stared back at them. I lost myself in my own mind, battling against my feelings. This was just to weird, I've never felt like this before. Sure I've met some guys and, regrettably, dated a gnome but... Why was I feeling so warm when I'm near Dipper? I don't mean like having a family warm feeling, but you know, something else. I felt nervous, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to act. What was I supposed to do!?

You know what, I think I'm just going to look at the stars! Yeah, that's a good idea. That'll keep my mind off things for a bit!

I looked straight into the sky but still I fought with my mind. Slowly instead of looking at the stars, I felt my gaze trail down to Dipper. I was lost in his eyes and our shoulders were touching. I felt my face get warm and all I could do was think about him. The way his eyes sparkled against the night sky, the way his hair waved with the mid-night breeze. He pointed at the sky and started talking but my heart drowned out the words in my ears.

"And that's the big dipper." Dipper said, pointing towards the sky.

I looked up and followed his fingers as he trailed them in my field of vision. Sure enough, I saw an outline of the big dipper.

"Did you know that the big dipper has seven stars. Plus the largest and brightest star in it is the Ursa Major."

"Wow..." I said in awe, "You're really smart!"

"Really?" Dipper said turning his head, "That's the first time I've ever heard you say that to me."

"Just don't take that into heart Dipper, sometimes you're silly too."

"Yeah well... Huh, you got a point there- Oh look!"

Dipper pointed towards the sky again and started tracing his finger towards the stars, "That one's Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Looks like she's making u fall for everyone-"

"LOVE!? I'm not in love, who says that I'm in love!"

Dipper laughed again and stood up, "Stay here, I'll be right back!"

I watched as Dipper went to the other side of the camp and watched him disappear behind a tent.

I looked back up towards the stars and sighed.

What was wrong with me? Why am I suddenly acting so weird around Dipper? Was it because I bumped my head when I crashed the cart? Every time I looked at Dipper my heart started to race and beat at a thousand beats per minute. Just the thought about him made me blush!

"Hey sis!"

I yelped and I sat straight up, I turned my head to face Dipper who was carrying two sticks which were loaded with marshmallows.

"Were you asleep? Cause you look out of it, are you tired?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I'm feeling alright. And oh, are those for me!?"

"You bet!"

Dipper handed me a stick of marshmallows and I started chewing on them greedily. Dipper got up and rummaged inside the bag again. He took something out and placed them in front of us and he smiled.

"Hey Mabel."

I looked up from my marshmallow frenzy and stared blankly at the objects that were stuck in the ground.

"So remember when I ripped out some of your fireworks in the golf cart when you were taping them on? Well I have some of them in my backpack..."

Dipper laughed nervously and he rubbed the back of his head with his hand, "I-If you're still up for it, would you like to light up these fireworks with me?"

I sat quietly for a second; then I answered, "Sure Dipping saucing, anything for you!"

Dipper grinned and lit two sticks a blaze. He handed me one and we both laid our sticks at the ready.

"You ready Mabel?"

I leaned in closer to Dipper and pressed my finger against his nose, "Boop!"

Dipper smiled, "Alright, on the count of three... One, two, three!"

We hovered our lit sticks against the fuzes and watched them sizzle and burn away. A few seconds later, the shrieking sounds of rocketing fireworks shot up into the air. Exploding into a dazzling sight of red, green, purple, and blue.

Dipper's eyes were fixed to the fireworks but once again, I felt my eyes trail back towards him. I couldn't help but smile as he grinned sheepishly like a little boy who was getting a new toy for Christmas.

I scooted over a little to be arm to arm with Dipper, and I laid my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, so I closed my eyes.

Though today I almost got killed by crashing a firework powered golf cart, it was a pretty good day. These feelings that my heart is telling me, I don't know if it's ever going to go away. Every time I looked at Dipper my heart skipped a beat.

As the fireworks started to die down, so did my consciousness. My eyelids started to feel heavy, and I soon felt myself going into deep sleep.

It was going to be a dangerous journey, but I was determined to do everything I can to set things right. To set my feelings right, I'm still a developing 12-year-old and what ever this feeling in my heart is I'm going to find out. Maybe I'm just sick or, maybe I'm just really tired, or maybe I'm in love with...

You know what? Lets just sit here and enjoy the fireworks.