Chapter 6 I Do
Chloe woke with a start, she reached over and felt the bed where Clark was supposed to be. When she realized he wasn't there, she sat up in bed and looked around. Jo wasn't in her bed and the bathroom door was open. Where did everyone go?
She climbed out of bed and padded into the bathroom. After using the bathroom she opened the door and walked into the living room, the house appeared to be empty. She knew it was the morning of the wedding, so why was everyone gone? She heard a car pull into to the driveway and rushed to the door yanking it open. Clark and Martha got out of the car, they were chatting happily. Clark had a box of doughnuts and what appeared to be coffee. Martha opened the back door and pulled out Jo's car seat. When they finally turned towards the house they froze. "We were hoping you'd sleep until we got back. I wanted to make sure you were rested for our big day." Clark said leaning in to kiss her.
"I just woke up, so you almost made it." Chloe said cheerily. She'd had a moment where she worried that it was all just a dream. Everything seemed way too good to be true.
"Go take a shower, I have a doughnut and a cup of tea ready for you." Clark said as they all walked into the house.
"Okay, but while I eat, I need to nurse Jo, I'm feeling a little heavy." Chloe said walking back towards the bedroom.
"She's ready for you, I'll keep her busy until you come back." Martha added. Chloe rushed into the bathroom, she made sure her makeup was packed and ready to go. They had to drive to Smallville before she could get ready. She turned the shower on and tested the water temperature. When it was nice and hot she stripped down and climbed in. She scrubbed her hair and conditioned it, as the soap ran down her body, she had flash backs. She remembered the time Clark made love to her in the shower while she was pregnant. She felt the familiar desire pool in her lower stomach. But she knew that there was no way she'd have time to get horizontal with Clark. She paused for a moment before leaning against the shower wall.
"Hopefully Clark isn't listening in." She said quietly to herself. She ran her fingers over her sensitive clit, picturing Clark running his hands over her body. Then she slowly slipped one finger in, moving it in a circular motion. Her body instantly heated up and she slipped another finger in moving them in and out a quick pace. She didn't have a lot of time to mess around in the shower. She used her other hand to rub her clit, working herself into a frenzy. She accidentally let slip a moan, and she bit her lip to stop it from happening again. She felt her stomach muscles tighten and moved faster and harder, bringing herself over the edge. She slid to the shower floor and took deep breaths to calm down.
"Chloe are you okay?" Clark called through the bathroom door.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be out in a second." She called back. She quickly stood up and finished showering.
Chloe walked into the kitchen freshly showered and ready to go. Clark made eye contact with her briefly, blushed and then looked away. Chloe knew then that he'd caught on to what she was doing in the shower. She smiled suggestively and sat down at the table where a doughnut, hot tea, and a blanket were waiting for her. Martha handed Jo to her and the went into the baby's room. "I'm going to pack her things for the day." She said on her way out.
"Did you forget that I can hear everything for miles?" Clark asked quietly across the table as Chloe got the baby settled and eating.
"No, I was hoping you weren't paying attention." Chloe replied.
"I can't help it, I'm always in tune with you." Clark said shifting uncomfortably in the chair he was now occupying.
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. I just kept thinking about you. One thing just kind of led to another." Chloe explained.
"I had to hide a hard on from my mom." Clark said his face now flushed.
"I didn't mean to get you worked up." Chloe said taking a bite of her doughnut.
"I'm going to find a spare moment before the wedding." He said lustfully.
"Good luck, but I really hope you do. I really, really, really want to get my hands on you again." Chloe said eyeing him like candy.
"You're driving me nuts." Clark said huskily. He was squirming in his chair again and Chloe knew she needed to distract him before Martha came back in the room.
"Your mom." Was all she said before Martha walked back into the kitchen.
"What are you two whispering about in here?" She asked distractedly, checking Chloe's milk supply in the freezer.
"Nothing." They both answered in unison. She eyed them suspiciously for a moment before shrugging and going to the cabinet to get bottles.
"Chloe, I think you're going to need to pump before we get on with things today." Martha said getting onto another subject. There were some things that she'd rather not know. Clark had angled himself in his chair so that he was slightly facing away from his mom. Chloe smirked at him and he just smiled as though things were completely normal.
"I'll be right back." Clark said getting up suddenly, walking into the bedroom and shut the door behind him. Chloe finished off her doughnut and sipped her tea, while Jo finished nursing.
"Is he okay?" Martha asked concerned.
"Yeah, I think he just went to the bathroom. Plus it's a big day, he might be having wedding day jitters." Chloe said to keep Martha from going to check on him.
"Do you think he needs a pep talk. Cause if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that this is definitely what he wants." Martha offered.
"No, I'm sure he's fine. I can talk to him about it on the way to Smallville." Chloe said smiling sweetly. She really didn't want to talk to Martha about the sex life she had with her son. She was sure that Martha was aware of it, obviously or Jo wouldn't exist, but it wasn't something that needed to be discussed.
It was about nine thirty when they were finally ready to go. They loaded up Clark and Chloe's clothes and the baby with her bag and pack'n play. Martha was taking her own car and following them up, since she'd be staying in Smallville after the wedding. She hated to admit it, but she would be glad to have her own space again. Clark drove Chloe's car, which was a Ford fusion, they had to trade in the Yaris because of the lack of space. Chloe turned the radio on and stared out at the road as he drove. "Are you ready for this Clark? This is it, after today, it's me and you forever." Chloe could feel her nerves kicking in.
"I've never been more ready for anything in my life." Clark replied. Chloe smiled, that made her feel better.
"I feel the same way." Chloe said sincerely. The drive seemed a lot longer than usual and Jo slept the whole way there.
"Chloe if we went on a honeymoon, where would you want to go?" Clark asked curiously.
"I really don't know, I'd be happy anywhere as long as I'm with you." Chloe responded, going into deep thought about his question. Where would she want to go? She wasn't exactly the beach type, and she didn't care much for the cold. Maybe Rome or Paris or something. "I'll think about it and let you know." She finally said.
"It would be much later down the road, cause Jo is nursing, but I was just wondering." Clark explained.
They finally reached the farm, they drove down the long dirt driveway, stopping on the side of the house. Chloe and Clark looked at each other nervously. Clark kissed her passionately and they got out of the car. Martha was right behind them, she took Jo and her stuff and went into the house. Chloe and Clark had their clothes, they hugged briefly. "See you at the alter, handsome." Chloe said walking to the house.
"I love you." Clark said walking towards the barn. Oliver and Spencer were waiting for him when he walked in, they were already dressed.
"It's about time you showed up." Oliver commented.
"We had a busy morning, I'm going to go get dressed." Clark said walking up to the loft. Instead of speeding through getting dressed like usual, he took his time, making sure everything was perfect. He combed his hair and put on his favorite cologne. When he was satisfied with how he looked he went back downstairs, where Spencer and Oliver were.
"Do you want a beer Clark?" Oliver asked holding one out to him. He and Spencer were already working on one.
"Sure, why not, it's not like they have any effect on me." Clark said taking the beer from Oliver. They sat on some old bar stools that were stored in the barn.
"To Clark and Chloe, and finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with." Spencer toasted. They held up their drinks and then took a swig.
"So, Clark, how are you feeling?" Oliver asked smirking at him.
"Nervous, I'm worried I'll forget my vows, or that Chloe will start to wonder what she was thinking and change her mind." Clark said honestly. He was gulping his beer down, hoping against hope that it would somehow calm his nerves.
"Don't worry little brother. I don't really know Chloe that well, but I can tell you this, she loves you with all her heart. You can see how she feels about you in her eyes." Spencer reassured him.
Meanwhile, in the Kent house, Chloe was dressed and ready to go. She couldn't wait for Clark to see the dress she picked, it was definitely her favorite of all the dresses she'd looked at it. She smiled at herself in the mirror briefly before picking up her vows and reading over them one last time. Lana and Lois walked into the room, Lois carrying Chloe bouquet. It consisted of a large variety of wild flowers tied with an orange ribbon. Lana had her veil and walked around behind her to put it into her hair. "Okay cuz, this is it. Are you ready to marry Clark Kent?"
"Yes." Chloe grinned, and took the bouquet that Lois handed her. Lois then proceeded to pick up her vows and folded them neatly. She was keeping them with her just in case Chloe forgot. They made their way to what was actually the front door of the Kent house and waited.
Clark, Spencer, and Oliver walked around the house to the front. There were a lot more people than Clark pictured in his head. They all sat in dark brown chairs, decorated with red and orange flowers. They made their way to the front and stopped to stand just in front of the archway that was also decorated in flowers. Clark took a deep breath and cleared his throat. Spencer double checked to make sure he had the rings and Clark's vows. When they were finally ready to go, the door opened and Lana walked down the aisle first, followed by Lois. Clark held his breath, and when Chloe and her father stepped outside his heart jumped into his throat. She was so beautiful, that he wondered how he had lived so much of his life without her.
She made eye contact with him and smiled so radiantly that Clark though he was going to melt. He smiled back at her with all the confidence in the world. This was definitely what he wanted, no doubt about it. They reached the alter, Gabe kissed Chloe on the cheek and put her hand in Clark's. "Who gives this woman away to be married?" The preacher asked.
"I do." Gabe replied and then went to sit down. The ceremony seemed to flash by, until it was time for vows, starting with Clark.
"Chloe Sullivan, I know that you might not know this. But the day in my barn, when we kissed for the first time, you stole my heart. We've been down a rough and rocky road together, enduring things that I don't think most people could. But even with all of that, you've stood by me as my best friend. I feel like the luckiest man in the world, to get to be your husband. I promise to protect you and our baby. And to be there for you when you need me and even when you don't. I promise to love you with all my heart and soul, no matter what happens next in our life journey." Clark took Chloe's hand and slipped her ring on her finger. "I love you."
"Clark Kent, I have loved you since the day that I met you. And while it took us a long time to realize that it was meant to be, I have no doubt that this was fate. I promise to keep you grounded, and remind you every day how special you are to me and the world. I promise to be the best mother I can be for our daughter. And I promise to love you forever, through thick and thin, and sleepless nights. You are my heart, Clark, and I couldn't imagine my life without you." Chloe could see the tears in Clark's eyes. She took his hand placed his ring on his finger.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you…man and wife!" The preacher said excitedly. "You may kiss the bride." Clark slipped an arm around her waist and a hand behind her head. He dipped her back slowly, and kissed her with all the love in his heart.
"Whooo!" Someone in the crowd called out.
"Go Clark!" That voice he recognized, but decided he could look later. After several cat calls and some whooping, he stood Chloe upright again. She was a dark shade of red when their lips separated, but she was grinning from ear to ear.
"I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kent." The preacher said as they made their way down the aisle.
Once inside the door they shared another quick kiss, before hurrying off to get changed for the reception. Out back Clark's mother was directing people, and getting the tables set up. Clark practically ran to the barn to change, but when he walked in he found himself face to face with none other than Pete Ross. "Congratulations, man." He said smiling.
"Pete, you made it!" Clark said excitedly pulling him in for a hug. "I was really hoping, you could stand up there with me today." Clark said as they made their way into the barn loft.
"I wanted to so badly. But I was back and forth on whether or not coming back to Smallville was a good idea. But then I decided that there was no way I'd miss my two best friends tying the knot." Pete turned his back as Clark change into a dark blue dress shirt, leaving his tux pants on. He picked up his silver tie and proceeded to put it on as Pete turned around and went to the couch and sat down.
"Well, for what it's worth, I'm really glad you showed and I'm sure Chloe will be too." Clark said turning around. "Does my tie look okay?" He asked. Pete smiled and nodded.
"You know, Clark. A marriage is a huge deal. To Chloe this day is like a dream come true. I really hope that you meant what you said out there." Pete said in all seriousness.
"Don't worry Pete, I meant every word. I promise I'll take good care of her." Clark replied. Pete looked at him for a moment and then they stood and went back out to join the reception. They met Chloe just inside the front door, and look of shock on Chloe's face was priceless. "Pete!" She jumped up and down and then wrapped her arms around him. "You're here."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Chloe." He replied as they pulled away. Martha walked up behind them.
"Okay, I'm opening the doors. Are you two ready?" She asked looking at Clark and Chloe.
"As ready as we'll ever be." Chloe responded for the two of them. Clark didn't tell Chloe but he had a little surprise for her.
When they walked out the door, they were met by a large group of people all wanting to congratulate them. They made their way around, making sure to talk to everyone. That took about an hour, then they finally sat down at the table set aside just for them. Oliver got up and approached the table to make a toast, they'd decided that Oliver should do it since he'd known them longer than Spencer.
Well, I wasn't around for their high school days or any of that stuff. I've known these two for about two years now though, and they are quiet a pair. They should have been a married couple ages ago. They fight like they are, and I can't even begin to tell you all the times I've seen them stealing kisses in the face of disaster. But all that aside, there is not a single couple I've met, who can power through the tough times like these two. They are amazing together, and their love appears to have made them even stronger. I wish you two all the happiness in the world. To Clark and Chloe!" Everyone raised their glasses and drank to the new couple.
Once the toast was over, they cut the cake and signed the wedding certificate. Then the band moved onto a stage Chloe hadn't even noticed before, and she realized then that Clark had disappeared. She was searching the crowd when someone on stage caught everyone's attention. She was in shock when she turned around and saw that it was Clark.
"Okay, so Chloe didn't know about this. But there's a song that I'd like to sing to my new wife." Clark said finding her in the crowd and making eye contact. He picked up the microphone and began to sing nervously.
Baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
To Chloe and Clark's surprise, Pete jumped on stage and grabbed a microphone. Clark was secretly grateful because rapping wasn't his strong point.
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
What up Clark, alright
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
Pete was a pretty decent rapper. He stopped and Clark took over again.
Yeah, when I first saw that bikini top on her
She's poppin' right out of the Central Kansas water
Thought, "Oh, good Lord, she had them long tanned legs."
Couldn't help myself so I walked up and said,
Baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
Down a back road blowin' stop signs through the middle
Every little farm town with you
And this brand new Chevy with a lift kit
Would look a hell a lot better with you up in it (come on)
So, baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
At this point people were dancing and cheering, and Chloe was in shock. She couldn't believe how great Clark's singing voice was, she'd never actually heard it before.
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
Yeah, she was sippin' on Southern and singin' Marshall Tucker
We were falling in love in the sweet heart of summer
She hopped right up into the cab of my truck
And said, "Fire it up! Let's go get this thing stuck!"
Baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
Down a back road blowin' stop signs through the middle
Every little farm town with you
And this brand new Chevy with a lift kit
Would look a hell a lot better with you up in it (come on)
So, baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
Clark was actually dancing now and Chloe couldn't take her eyes off of him. Pete took over again, together Clark and Pete could have started a country band if they'd wanted to.
My windows down, my seats back,
My music up, and we ride.
Her legs up on my dashboard,
And it's just the way I like.
Hey, country girl, this country boy
Like everything about you.
Don't change a thing, no way.
You stay the same, I got you.
I like saw that, all that,
Head to toe you all that.
Tell ol' boy he call back,
Send a text say, "Fall back" 'cause
I can see you got a thing for the fast life.
So come on, shawty, let me show you what the fast like.
Whipping 'cross the border, Florida into Georgia.
'Cause, baby, you a song
And you make me wanna roll my, roll my, roll my, r-r-r-roll...
The rest they sang in unison, and Chloe felt as though she walking in a dream world, was this day really happening?
Baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
Down a back road blowing stop signs through the middle
Every little farm town with you
And this brand new Chevy with a lift kit
Would look a hell a lot better with you up in it (come on)!
Baby, you a song
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
Get those windows down and cruise,
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
Get those windows down and cruise,
I got my windows down and the radio up, get your radio up
When the song came to an end the whole crowd cheered loudly, and Chloe couldn't wait to have Clark in her arms. When the cheering died down, Clark came over the microphone again, "I love you Chloe Sullivan!" He exclaimed happily and climbed off the stage. Chloe ran into his arms and the band started playing Wanted by Hunter Hayes. He took her hand and place his other hand on her waist, pulling her close.
They swayed gently to the music as everyone watched, this was the song they'd picked for their first dance. About a minute into the song their family and friends joined them on the dance floor. Chloe didn't notice the crowd around them though, she was listening to Clark's steady heart beat, feeling safe and calm. The rest of the night flew by and suddenly it was all coming to an end. Their friends started saying goodbye and Lois and Lucy had retired to a bedroom in the house. Spencer and Lana started the drive back to Metropolis, and Martha was now inside with a sleepy Jo, who Chloe was definitely ready to nurse. Martha had hired a clean up crew to come out and clean the yard. They were already getting started since it was about nine at night. Clark took Chloe by the hand and they walked off into the moonlight. Clark looked at Chloe and smiled, life didn't get any better than this.
Chloe was cooking dinner and Jo Anne was running through the house in a tutu. "Mama, I'm a princess!" She exclaimed as she ran through the kitchen.
"Slow down Jo, you're going to break something!" Chloe called after her. Just then the phone rang, Chloe took off her oven mitts and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" She answered distractedly.
"Hey baby, how's your day been?" Clark asked on the other end of the phone.
"Busy, I took Jo to the park, and we sang the abc's like ten times, then she ate lunch and crashed for an hour while I cleaned. Right now though she's hyper as can be and running through the house. Jo slow down!" Chloe called again as Jo ran through the kitchen again. Clark held the phone away from his ear when she yelled. "Hold on, let me catch her so you can talk to her." Chloe said following Jo into her bedroom, Jo was jumping up and down on her pink bed.
"Hey, Chlo, don't forget that Lana and Spencer's wedding is this weekend." Clark reminded her for the fourth time in a week."
"I remembered this time. Jo, daddy is on the phone." Jo climbed off the bed causing her wand to slip under the bed.
"Okay mama, just let me get my wand." She leaned down, attempted to lift the comforter out of the way. Chloe froze and all went silent for a moment.
"Clark. Get. Home. Now. Jo just lifted her bed off the floor." Chloe said very calmly. Clark just laughed on the other end of the line. And so began another amazing story.
The End
A/N- This is the first time I've ever completed a fanfic, please please let me know what you think! Thank you and goodnight.