By the time Jack had risen from her second exhaust cause sleep, she could tell that the ship had landed. Curious, and forgetful that she had been the one to ask them do to so for clothing, she walked out of the cabin and into an unfamiliar man. A reflex caused her to land a punch on his face.

"Ack! It's me!"

Riddicks voice called into the air, surprising Jack into giving a blank stare at the fallen man that was crouched down against the wall.

"Jeeze you have a strong arm." Riddick held the side of his head whilst attempting to stand.

"S-sorry, you scared me..what -are- you wearing?"

Riddick was cloaked in black, topped with a blond wig. In his new wardrobe, he seemed intimidating to Jack when he stood. Apparently all of the strange clothing just didn't seem to fit him, sending chills across Jacks body. Frightening since it seemed like an entirely different man.

"It's a disguise, I don't want anyone to recognize me when I go for your clothes. I have a lot of..'old friends' here."

"You're taking me with, right?"

Jacks face hardened into an impenetrable mask, frustrating Riddick, since he was so used to being able to tell what everybody around him was feeling. He didn't quite like having secrets kept, yet it did provide him with a challenge, and that was what made things interesting. Even if it was against his first decision, with nobody being able to distinguish him, it should be safe.

Riddick sighed, "Sure, though you don't exactly have anything to wear, expect..well.."

"I'm fine, anyways, I'll change when we get the first pair of clothes.."

A knot disappeared from Jacks stomach, releasing pressure almost is what it felt like.

Truly it had been a while since she actually shopped, and starting at one crowded mall was overwhelming. Jack clung to Riddick like she might be swept away by sudden waves of faceless people. She didn't care about the stares as much as she thought she would have, even if half the time Riddicks boxers were making their way down. At all times, at least one arm was wrapped around his. Strange how pictures were stirred at the scene, Riddick pulling her through an unfavorable situation. The situation being the people, and Riddick being her lifeline. She was utterly comfortable holding on to him in the midst of the ocean-like humans passing by.

Finally, Riddick paused by a store, looking down at Jack to see if she approved. Looking in, most of the products were black. Jack eagerly nodded her head, entering, and exiting with a bag full of items, and Riddick with only a fourth of his ballet.

"Didn't expect a shirt to cost over twenty dollars.." Riddick mumbled.

"Let's go to the bathroom, in need to change, I'm tired of holding these boxers up.." Jack growled, pulling Riddick in the direction that the bathroom was hopefully in. After about ten minutes of searching, Riddick found the much-desired restroom. The scowling, tentative Jack entered. A woman eyed Jack as she headed for a stall. Upon coming out, clad in the new clothing, Jack sighed in relief that she still wasn't there, she wasn't sure what to do in a situation such as that.

"'K, lets go.." Jack pulled on Riddicks arm, harder even when she caught a glimpse of the woman again. She didn't say anything, thinking it might anger Riddick, seeing that she was careless in letting someone on to him or her. Pulling Riddick through this time surprised him. Something must be wrong, even her face was proof of that.

"Excuse me, 'mam?" A hand reached out, grabbing Jacks arms. She whirled around, facing the woman that had followed her, "I think I should look through your bags.."

Riddick didn't even start at the strange person, yet Jack was obviously anxious, even her stature had changed in the last ten minutes. Jack looked up at Riddick, questioning on what she should do. Without waiting for any sign of an answer the woman grabbed the bag from her hands, scanning each of the tags, even twirling Jack around to test the clothing that adorned her.

"Sorry 'mam, just checking.." The woman left without another word, leaving Riddick with questions, and Jack one more knot aching in her stomach.

"Was that what you were so disturbed about?" Riddicks rough voice was edged with amusement. Jack glared up at him, obviously still worked up about it, and the small crowd around them that had begun to disperse. Riddick wrapped an arm about the upper part of her arm, pulling her towards him.

"As a matter of fact I was, nearly scared enough to run through the mall, thought it was those people that were following you.."

Riddicks blissful mood changed to a bit more serious as the comment brought him to the edge of paranoia again. Jack could feel his body tense as they walked along; frequently she peered up to see if she could read his face, yet the hard mask disallowed any such act.

Jack was a welcome distraction from the constant threat of being followed, and the suspicion for being followed. All the while of walking back to the ship, the pattern of: look around for danger, was changed to: look around for danger, enjoy being next to Jack. It was obviously a change for the good, yet he couldn't stand the thought of her being in danger. And she was obviously in danger when he was around. With little more thought they came upon the ship.

Jack brought the newly bought clothing, pulling it to her nose and enjoying the scent. "Ah, freshly bought clothes, nothing like it.."

Riddick couldn't help but grin when seeing her act so strangely. It -was- different from her usual hidden expressions, and far-off looks. It was nearly like just a small trip outside and changed her world.

"We'll be staying for a little over-night reappears and gas-up.." Riddick had begun the move towards the station that would be fixing the ship. It was little more than a two-minute move. Riddick hadn't seen Jack leave and was surprised when she appeared in totally different clothing.

"Heh, I guess it would be an obvious answer that you are indeed happy?" Riddick, stating more than questioning sat with a large grin on his face, yet was startled by the sudden draft of coldness rolling off of Jack like fog over a cemetery.

Happy was such a strong word to her. Happy was something that was totally out of reach. How could he think see that she was happy? Was it her smile? Did something so foolish as that give off an emotion that hadn't been attained in such a long time? Happy, there is no happiness here.

Yet just for pure amusement she went along with it, "Ya, sure." With that, Jack took her leave, retreating to the cabin that had apparently been hers since she stepped onto the spaceship.

Riddick didn't know what he had done, and was starting to get frustrated. What was he supposed to do? Something must be done, now.

Jack lay sprawled out on the bed, hugging a pillow in quiet contemplation. Completely bemused at why she had been so offended with such a simple comment. Might as well get used to it.

Startled may not be the word to best describe what she felt when Riddick stormed into the room, yet that was nothing compared to the sudden downpour of emotions that hit Jack when he forced his lips onto her own. It was as if opening a freezing room to a hot summer day spent on the 90'sF. Jacks eyes remained open in her bewildered state. By the time Riddick pulled away, she gasped for air.

"Wha-?" Jack searched his face for any sign of an answer, yet wasn't sufficed, and didn't care much when he did it again, this time with less pressure, and a softer touch. Jack ran her hand up the back of Riddicks skull, removing the wig in a swift swipe and returned to gentle caresses. If emotions could have been visible, Jack would have been radiating. Swirling streaks of color would have wrapped and unwrapped around the frail body, offering support. She would have rejected, taking such from the rock- like body of Riddick, who seemed to be becoming more and more soft, inviting. Bursts of bright, tiny lights erupted from each place Riddick touched, like tiny flames upon the cold ice, melting the year's display of cruelty. There would be no background, just swirls of light and color, providing the bed that they lay upon. Crimson streaks would be left behind, marking each area that been eased, warming the cold water and relaxing the spot to comfort, only to be jolted alive by bursts of pain and relieved with pleasure that soon followed. Breaths would come in pants of red and ripples of purple would run down, playfully, the bodies of both. Sparks of orange and yellow danced in a spicy ballad, flowing over the curves of the two. Dark shadows would be replaced with blue and shudders of pink would vibrate in the air, accompanied with many others, like the northern lights. Tranquil colors would then replace those that had dominated. Lavender light and midnight blue swirls would drift into play, slowly leading the two into the night's dreamy bliss.

Riddick was woken by the constant rapping on the metal door. He nearly refused to move, seeing that Jack was so comfortable on his arm that was wrapped around her waist. She didn't move when he did, the only noise she produced with a soft snore. A longer look was taken at her frail body, wrapped in a white shape as he slipped boxers on. He made a note to kill the man that disturbed him.

Something deep inside Riddick tingled, a feeling that something was strange as he pushed the button to open the large door. As it slowly moved downwards his eye caught on a darkened form off to the side, then shifted to the one that was positioned in front of him. It was the mechanic that had done the repairs. He had nearly forgotten, and didn't even realize it last night. He quickly signed the form and ushered him away, his eyes yet again catching the form, yet this time it moved, stealthily away. He automatically knew just what it was and headed to Jack. A nervous pang refused to leave his stomach as he turned into the room.

Jack was shaken awake. She grumbled, attempting to push Riddick away. Unfortunately she had no such luck and groggily sat up. Riddick new he should have signed under a different name. He new it would be a risk to have someone other than himself do the repairs, he new he should have left that night. He new he had made a mistake.

"Jack, listen, there's a problem.."

Jacks eyes shot open, his tone alone sent chills and butterflies through her stomach.

Riddick could barely hold back his usually well-chained emotions yet he could already tell this would be the last time he would see Jack in while. Even if he did escape, it would be too much of a risk to ever try to get back to her.

The sound of the jack being put upon the spaceship rang throughout it; Jack automatically knew what was happening. Her eyes bore into Riddicks, questions of how it happened chimed in her head.

Riddick put a hand upon Jacks cheek, allowing her tears to wet it. He bent down to become level with her face, a sympathetic smile crossing his face, yet all along his eyes showed just as much misery as Jacks. No words could escape either of them as the sounds of blowtorches brought down the heavy ships door. Sounds of the police's voice called through the ship, phrases such as 'they're in here!' reached the ears of the two, yet didn't register as they stared at each other. No acknowledgement was given as the police found their way through Riddicks ship, for in their minds they were drifting in obsidian space where nothing could reach them. Flowing in quiet serenity all along. Men dressed in armor and guns entered the room and pulled Riddicks hands away from Jacks face, he didn't struggle, yet attempted to grasp the last picture of Jack as they put him in cuffs. Jack reached out, a pathetic 'no' called resounded, yet she knew they wouldn't bring him back, to her. An officer looked down at Jack, asking her a question, yet she wasn't paying attention, a longing gaze followed Riddick as they pushed him away from her.

Riddick was forcefully taken off of the ship and into a cops shuttle just as Jack was escorted out and left on the streets. The last she saw was his blackened silhouette through the back of the cop shuttle, driving away into the morning sunrise, forever lost to Jack.

"For I am someone you'll never know, I am someone you'll never see, I am someone you'll never meet, Or perceive, I stand there in the shadows of your eyes, And I am content there." -Anonymous