Jade POV ( Jade look like Season 3 Jade )

My name is Jade West. Not Jadelyn , Anyways , I just got accepted to this new school called Hollywood Arts. Yea it for crazy talented people. But my dad didn't care. He hate me and I know it. But I don't care , I have myself and my scissors. I love scissors almost as much as coffee. God I would married coffee if I could.

I got dressed quickly in my dark attire blue linea long sleeve v neck cardigan and black short ruffles skirt with my kneehigh army boots.I walked downstairs and said " Hello Father."

" Hello Jadelyn." He said dully.

" My name is Jade." I snapped.

" Fine Jade , Guess who can't use their car this morning." He yelled.

" I'm using my car." I said dully walking out to my car.

I hopped in the car and drove to the school.I parked my car and went over to a food truck.

" Dude gimme me coffee." I demand.

" Can't you ask a little nicer ? " A teenager boy with an afro and glasses asked.

" Gimme my coffee or Die." I said taking out my scissors in my skirt,

" 1 coffee coming up." He chuckled nervously and went to make it.

He handed me my coffee and said " 2.45"

" I'm not paying ." I said then walked off.

I went to my first period class I think Siwotz . I looked around for a seat then decided to ditch. I turned around and bump into this dude and spilled my coffee on him.

" Dude , You ruin my coffee." I gasped

" Yea I igrone the fact you spilled coffee on my shirt ." He smiled.

I look at him. He is very attractive with his medium long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He 5'11 and I think just by looking at him , I can tell his personality . He very kind, rational, laid back, level-headed, and seems to get along with everyone. I hate him already.

" Do you have a name ? " He asked me.

" Of course" I replied and saw a seat by the window. A redhead was in the seat. Too bad She has to move.

" Red Head Move Now." I yelled.

She giggled and moved to the seat beside it.I sat down wishing I had my coffee.

" I'm Cat." The red head smiled.

" Jade." I sighed not looking at her.

" Wanna be my new BFF my old one boring ? " She asked , She kinda like a little kid...a strange little kid.

" Sure." I nodded.

She squealed then a girl yelled " Who the hell spilled coffee on my boyfriend ? "

I turned around and raised my hand ." I did ." I smiled.

The girl who had awesome cheek bones came up to me. " Apologize Now."

" Make Me." I said stepping closer to her.

The class oohed.

" Students Sit Down." This bare footed man said .

" See you later." I smiled. She moved and sat down.

" That was cool." Cat squealed.

" Cat Color the Tiger ." I said and handed her a coloring book.

" Kay Kay." She smiled and color the tiger.

" Today Class We are starting ABC Improv ." The man said. " Come up and introduce yourself new girl."

" No." I said Spinning my scissors around.

" Okay , Tori you pick the people." He smiled.

" Okay." She said then kissed Beck. She just doing it to make me mad. It not working.

" Tori kiss Beck on your own time." The man said.

" Oh I will Sikowitz." She smiled at me.

" I pick André , Robbie , Beck , Cat and New Girl." She smirked.

She have no idea what she getting into.

I saw Cat and I'm guessing Beck walked onstage. Then an african american boy with braids hopped onstage and that nerdy afro coffee dude With a puppet. And coffee.

I smiled and got onstage.

" Tori you start ." Sikowitz said.

" Asshole is what you are ." Tori pointed at me.

" Bitch Please." I smiled.

" Calm Down BFFs." Cat smiled.

" Don't fight." Beck said.

" Enough Guys " André said I'm assuming

" Fuck off ." I snapped.

" Get off stage." Tori said

" Tori don't be rude." Cat said .

" Cat You're out." Sikowitz said.

Cat pouted and stomped off stage,

" Help me Beck." The puppet boy said.

" I hate when people fight." Beck said pushing us apart.

" Just Please Act ." André said.

" kangaroo ran over you." I crossed my arms and snatched the coffee away from the puppet dude.

" Let the Robbie have his coffee back." Beck sternly.

" My Coffee." I said.

" You never paid ." Robbie said .

" Robbie you're out." Sikowitz said

" Crabs Nuts." He said And got off stage.

" Never eat rotten peanut butter." André smiled.

" Open for advice." Beck shrugged.

" Please go to hell." Tori mocked begged.

" Quess what coming for ya." I smirked.

" What !? " André said then He was out.

" Room getting dizzy." Beck said then fainted,

" Such a Bitch." Tori said?

" Tori Tori You got coffee in your hair." I said then use my scissors to poked a hole in the bottom of my cup and held it above Tori.

" You're gonna pay for this." She sneered And got off stage.

" Union get up." I shrugged.

" What !? " He asked confused.

" X marked the spot I wanna punch. " I smiled .

" You wanna hit me ? "

" Zebras wanna hit you." I sneered.

" A shirt that ruined by coffee. " He smirked

" Besides that fact you owe me coffee."

" Could a kiss paid for it ?" He smiled.

" definitely ." I said then pulled him by his shirt and kissed him.

I'm gonna love it here.

Author Notes

New story and I need a OC for Jade's older brother.




Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Height & Build:






What the gangs think about him.







Struggles and fears:
