This story is an original work of amateur fiction,

and is written purely for the private entertainment of PTL fans.

This story is no way affiliated with Trilogy, MGM Worldwide

Television or The Sci-Fi Channel. The characters are their property,

and this story is not meant to infringe upon the copyrights of MGM,

Trilogy, or any other organization that owns an interest in

"Poltergeist: The Legacy"

Nov.1, 2007, San Francisco House- Control room 12:36am

(Legacy Data Base)

"According to Legacy files one hundred years ago…there has not been a
union between two legacy members who have the gift of sight, and who have
created a child with extraordinary inherited sight since of that time period.
Their names: Richard and Lana Rayne of the Amsterdam House, March 1,

Alex couldn't believe what she was reading. One of Derek's ancestors was
married, and a member of the legacy. Of course that hadn't been the shocking
part. Richard and Lana both possessed the gift of sight, and they lovingly produced a son who surpassed them in the sight. The only
history on the son was his name. Devin Rayne later changed it to Ryan Peterson.
All other information on him had been erased, practically non-existent. Why had
the legacy hidden this part of their history? Did the entire Rayne family know
of this as well as Derek? And, why had it been so easy for her to stumble on
this news while researching simple background checks on old and new legacy members in the
database? So many questions…no fruitful answers.

Alex sighed tiredly, frustration evident on her smooth chocolate skin. She
rubbed her sleepy eyes, took her Burberry sweater off, poured some black coffee
in her favorite mug, and prepared herself for another long night of paperwork. Since both Rachel and Nick were out of
town the workload tripled for her. Derek tried to ease the burden, but he also
was bombarded with the Luna Foundation's "end of the year" financial projections. Alex sat down at the desk, and took a sip
of her coffee. "Seems like no one can get a break these days."

As she spoke those very words, Derek came behind her, and massaged her neck. He
bent down, and kissed her cheek softly. Alex turned her body around to face
him…she smiled wearily, and tugged the sleeve of his blue terry cloth robe.
"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

Derek pulled a chair next to hers, and placed his hands on her thighs. "I
felt guilty that you wouldn't be in bed at a decent hour. I know it's been
extremely difficult without the rest of the team here…I just wanted you to know
that we don't take you for granted in this house. Everything you do is greatly

Alex was more than deeply touched by Derek's admission. She covered her hands
over his, and leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips…

Ever since Derek sealed the portal, and barely escaped death their student/mentor
relationship grew more into lovers. They stopped denying their love for one
another, and allowed others to see them publicly displaying affection for each other. Nick, and Rachel hadn't seem to
mind because it didn't interfere with legacy business, but legacy codes
strictly forbids a precept getting involved with a member from his or her own house…so for the past seven years Derek, and Alex
kept their sexual feelings in check, and only indulged in kissing, and hand
holding. Perhaps the current circumstances will change after reopening the
Devin Rayne case.

Alex abruptly stopped the kiss, and looked at Derek seriously. "I have
something to tell you, and I'm not sure you're going to be pleased about

"Whatever it is, I'm fully confident that this house is equipped mentally,
and physically to endure, or withstand it."

Alex turned back around facing the keyboard, and typed a few words quickly.
Derek's attention now focused on the wide legacy screen receiving the input. As
he read to himself, he listened to Alex attentively.

"While, I was doing background checks for the legacy, I accidentally came
upon this piece of history concerning the legacy, and your family. Don't ask me
how, but it sort of popped up in a weird way."

"Alex, don't worry. I already knew about my relative Devin Rayne."

"Why didn't you tell any of us about this? I mean we know quite a lot about
your family, but aren't you upset that the legacy decided to erase, or destroy
everything about Devin including his parents Richard, and Lana?"

"Yes, I was angry at first, but then I reasoned that the legacy has its
own justifications for deleting any history that can be used against us from
the dark side. It's complicated, but necessary for our protection, and

"That's the problem, Derek. This is very complex because it's dealing with
the gift of sight. You, and I both have it, and we know from experience that
not everything is black, and white. The legacy was wrong to discard this like trash, and I believe they are hiding something. You
should reopen the case."

After a moment of intense silence, Derek spoke first. "You're right. First
thing in the morning I'll let London house know that you're reopening this
case, and a full investigation will ensue, prompting a hearing of your

"Wait a minute, Derek! I don't feel comfortable prying into your family
ancestry; I think you should handle this."

"Alex, I trust, and love you completely. I'm handling this case by giving
it to you. Any leads or new developments you'll keep me abreast of the
situation. This was bound to happen; if you had not witnessed it, I'm certain
Nick or Rachel would have."

"That's not entirely true. Nick is a field agent, and Rachel splits her
time between here, her practice, and visiting Kat at college. I'm the main data
researcher, so tell me Derek…why was it so easy for me to access this
information, and no one else?"

Before Derek could reply a powerful gust of wind engulfed the control room like
a tornado knocking down him, and Alex forcefully.

Alex hit the wooden floor hard with her head, and passed out in Derek arms. As
the wind continued to raged, Christina appeared in front of them…

With all your might

You must learn to fight

Heed my warning because

Your seed is forming

By your loving joining…

After Christina's poetic words the wind ceased and Derek picked up Alex, and
carried her upstairs to her room. He gently placed her on the four-poster
mahogany bed, and cradled her head. "My, god…maybe

investigating this case isn't such a wise choice anymore, especially since
Christina is warning us. I couldn't bear the thought or live with myself if
anything were to happen to you. I already live with too much guilt concerning Julia's death, but your death would mean my suicide.
I just wish I knew what the hell Christina was talking about. What seed is
forming, or should I say whose?"

To Be Continued...