Candy Time

Ketti:Look, it's me! XD This is a very silly addition. Not very cannon, though it's loosely tied into two of Jubalii's stories. I dunno how many more of these I'll do, this one just hit me from something I told JuJu in Skype.

(X_X) (._.) (*_*) (._.) (X_X)

Seras beamed as she skipped down the sub basement hallways, blue eyes gleaming with eagerness, a giggle escaping her lips to echo around her eerily. For once the Police Girl was not wearing her gold uniform, instead she was dressed up in a frilly blue dress with a headband pushing her bangs back from her face, nothing could be seen of her legs, encased as they were in her white stockings, and her gloves went nearly to her shoulders, topping it all off (or bottoming) with a pair of matching blue dance shoes. To some surprise, she had no neckwear to cover the two punctures from her Master's bite, and the careful observer could see a small silver scar that almost resembled a cross – her 'mark of honor' from Anderson's bayonet their first meeting – that served as its own macabre version of jewelry.

Peering around the corner, her lips spreading in an even wider grin, nearly ear to ear teeth as she observed the opened door and the gentle light flooding the dimly lit corridor from within. Her nose twitched as she inhaled and sighed blissfully at the smells coming from the room, taking note of the sharper tang of copper and mint that signaled her hostess was already there. "Nekette!" She called, traipsing into the tea room with its cheerful pastel coloring and welcoming light centering on the table with its decorative tea pot and cups garnished with a plate of blood-sugar cookies. The silver haired vampires gave her an almost vicious grin, the edges softened by her mirth as the two tone gaze took in her appearance, matching, yet opposite of the elder vampire clad in red and black; atop her head lay a cat ear headband that Seras couldn't help but giggle at. Nekette lifted her own cup – empty – and toasted the Draculina with a chuckle, "Just in time, Seras. Tea time, tea time everyone!" She called to the room, though they were the only occupants of the chamber, before setting out six settings and filling them with imaginary tea, and giving each saucer a cookie. (They'd eat the extras themselves later.)

Seras giggled as she sat down across from Nekette, snatching up a cookie and biting into it with a barely restrained moan. She loved these things, and wished she knew how to make them.

"Sooo…" Nekette drawled after a moment, silver brows arching over her mismatched gaze, "what's new, Ser-Bear?"

Seras made a bit of a face at the newest nickname, but swallowed the delicious cookie and took a sip of her empty cup, trying at nonchalance, "Oh, you know, the usual."

It was only the unspoken rules of the tea party that kept the vampiress from using her powers to loom over the fledgling and force the answers out of her, so instead she made a noncommittal noise and turned to the black kitty plush doll sitting on the table by its own plate. "So, Mr. Whiskers, what's new with you?" She nodded, as if hearing a response, "Really? Eight kittens? That's a lot! Any grandkittens yet? Mhm, mhm. Ah, ooh, how cute!"

Seras, by now accustomed to the questionable sanity of the elder woman just grinned and played along as she adjusted her gloves absently and nibbled more delicately at a second cookie.

"So, this is where you snuck off to?" Her Master's voice oozed from the walls and she jumped, "First I find you playing with your food, now a tea party, I'm beginning to feel like I'm raising a toddler, Police Girl."

Her shoulders hunched as she flushed in embarrassment, taking a bigger bite of the cookie to use the excuse of having her mouth full to delay the inevitable.

The sudden clang of the (salad) cookie tongs hitting the table jerked her attention back to the scowling Nekette as she stood and approached the red clad man, "This is a tea party, not a war room! You're not dressed right. Change at once or get out."

Mouth gaping at the mad woman's gall, Seras watched Nekette turn her nose up in a snit, crossing her arms over her chest while tapping her foot on the carpeted floor. Alucard tipped his head down to stare at the bold little vampiress over the rims of his glasses, and some silent war passed between the two – Seras could feel the tension building in the air – before he burst out laughing and began to shrink. The red bleached from his clothing and his hair grew until it reached his waist – or should she say her – and he gave a rather mocking courtesy as Nekette beamed, "Much better! See? Now you can join our tea party!" Grabbing the white clad Girlycard's arm and dragging the diminuitive, but still plenty menacing, ravenette to the table she sat the amused master vampire down in a seat between the other two females, knocking the dog plushie carelessly to the floor.

Seras fought to smother a giggle, and crammed another cookie into her mouth as she watched the red clad Nekette fuss with the place setting and firmly planting a cookie in the white gloved hand of the transformed Alucard before retaking her seat. Red and blue eyes turned expectantly to the girlified Alucard, and Nekette's smile turned vicious once more, "Well? Drink your tea!"

"This bring back memories…" (S)he snorted before picking up the cup and rolling crimson eyes before pretending to take a sip before setting it down with a clink and taking a delicate nibble of the cookie.

Seras giggled, she never would have thought her Master would join in on their tea parties!